dilluns, 20 de maig del 2024

SCHEIFFELHUT, Jacob (1647-1709) - Suite IV in a-moll (1685)

Michiel van Musscher (1645-1705) - The Sinfonia (Family Portrait) (1671)

Jacob Scheiffelhut (1647-1709) - Suite IV in a-moll aus
'Lieblicher Frühlings-Anfang oder Musikalischer Seyten-Klang' (1685)
Performers: Ensemble Fаmа
    Further info: Augsburger Weihnacht


German composer and instrumentalist. He received his musical education from Tobias Kriegsdorfer at the choir school of St Anna, Augsburg. He received further lessons in “playing an instrument” from a local piper. He was for many years a member of the Augsburg guild of Stadtpfeifer and played at weddings and other festivities. Since 1673 he was appointed instrumental teacher as well as wind and string player in the St Anna choir school. In 1694 he became the second 'choir regent' under cantor Georg Schmezer, and after Schmezer’s death in 1697 he applied unsuccessfully to succeed him. From that year until his death in 1709 he was 'choir regent' at the Barfüsserkirche. As a composer, he wrote both sacred and instrumental music but he was mainly praised by his instrumental works, among them, his collections 'Musikalischer Gemüths-Ergötzungen erstes Werck … [56] Sonaten, Allemanden, Couranten, Balletten, Sarabanden und Giquen, 2 vn, vle, bc' (1681) and 'Lieblicher Frühlings-Anfang oder Musicalischer Sayten-Klang … [48] Praeludien, Allemanden, Couranten, Ballo, Sarabanden, Arien und Giquen, 2 vn, va, vle, bc' (1685).

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