divendres, 5 de juliol del 2024

RADEKER, Henricus (1708-1774) - Sonate [c] voor Orgel en Clavicimbel

Pieter Hermanus Luitjes van der Meulen (1780-1858) - Gezicht op Haarlem vanuit Overveen

Henricus Radeker (1708-1774) - Sonate [c] voor Orgel en Clavicimbel
Performers: Gert Oost (1942-2009, organ); Jaap Spigt (1923-1999, harpsichord)


Dutch organist and composer. Son of Jannes Radeker and Fennigien Radekers, he went to live at Leeuwarden in 1724 and was appointed organist at the Lutheran church there. In 1729 he was made organist of the Grotekerk (St Michael) in Zwolle, and in 1734 of the Grotekerk (St Bavo) in Haarlem, where he was the first to play the large organ completed by Christian Müller in 1738. He was in demand as an inspector of organs in the Netherlands, and he also directed the collegium musicum in Haarlem. He remained there for the rest of his life, where he got married twice, in 1741 with Anna Catharina Schats with whom had a son, the organist and composer Jan Radeker (1738-1799), and in 1753 with Hendrina Reynders. As a composer, Henricus Radeker published in Amsterdam a capriccio, a concerto for keyboard and two sonatas for harpsichord with obbligato violin as well as a 'Psalm Boek voor Orgel en Clavicimbel en andre instrumenten'.

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