diumenge, 25 d’agost del 2024

BORGHI, Giovanni Battista (1738-1796) - Letanie a 8 concertato

Israël Silvestre (1621-1691) - Gezicht op Loreto met rechts op de voorgrond twee zittende figuren (1642)

Giovanni Battista Borghi (1738-1796) - Letanie a 8 concertato
Performers: Judit Janzen (soprano); Regine Röttger (alto); Rainer van Husen (1944-2012, tenor); Michael Flöth (bass); Der Domchor Münster; Santini Kammerorchester; Heinz-Gert Freimuth (1939-2009, conductor)


Italian composer and organist. He received his earliest training under Girolamo Abos at the Conservatorio della Pietà dei Turchini in Naples beginning in 1757. By 1759 he was appointed as maestro di cappella at Orvieto Cathedral, during which time he also traveled throughout Italy and may have gone as far afield as Vienna. In 1778 he took over the maestro di cappella post at the Santa Causa Church in Loreto, in a post he held the rest of his life. As a composer, he was best known for his operas written in a mid-century Neapolitan style. His output include 24 operas (split evenly between buffa and seria), 20 oratorios, 11 Masses, 35 introits, 27 graduals, 67 offertories, 14 Psalms, 25 Marian antiphons, six litanies, a violin concerto, and six violin duets. Despite some sources often confuse him with the violinist Luigi Borghi and the harpsichordist Giovanni Borghi, he was not related with them.

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