- Recordatori de Stanisław Moniuszko -
En el dia de la commemoració del seu 145è aniversari de decés
Parlem de Pintura...
Antoni Kozakiewicz (Kraków, 13 de juny de 1841 - Kraków, 3 de gener de 1929) va ser un pintor polonès. El 1857 va començar els seus estudis a l'Acadèmia de Belles Arts de Cracòvia amb Władysław Łuszczkiewicz, entre altres, graduant-se el 1866. Poc després es va traslladar a Viena on va seguir la seva formació a l'Acadèmia de Belles Arts rebent una beca el 1871 amb la qual va viatjar a Munich, on va seguir estudiant a l'Acadèmia d'Arts de la ciutat. Allà va compartir estudi-taller amb Franz Streitt i Aleksander Kotsis amb qui també va realitzar diverses expedicions per explorar els entorns i els paisatges de muntanya. El seu èxit que ràpidament va assolir el van consagrar a Alemanya romanent en aquesta geografia la quasi totalitat de la seva vida. I si bé va tornar a Polònia el 1900 per tal de provar fortuna, el seu escàs ressò el van desmotivar per tal d'establir-se a Varsòvia. La seva obra va ser de temàtica històrica, de gènere i paisatgística sent el seu estil profundament realista. El seu germà Piotr Kozakiewicz va ser escultor. Antoni va morir a Cracòvia el gener de 1929.
Font: En català: No disponible - En castellano: No disponible - In english: Antoni Kozakiewicz (1841-1929) - Altres: Antoni Kozakiewicz (1841-1929)
Parlem de Música...
Stanisław Moniuszko (Ubiel, 5 de maig de 1819 - Warszawa, 4 de juny de 1872) va ser un compositor i director d'orquestra polonès, autor de cançons, òperes i ballets farcits de patriotisme i de temes folklòrics polonesos així com d'una interessant i abundant obra religiosa. Va néixer en una família szlachta el 1819, a l'extrem est de la Polònia dividida i va mostrar, des de petit, un gran interès per la música. El 1837 va començar a estudiar composició a Berlín amb Karl Rungenhagen, qui també el va instruir en la direcció coral. Després de la seva estada a Berlín, va obtenir un càrrec com a organista a Wilno. Durant aquesta època, va establir amistat amb el novel·lista Jozef Ignacy Kraszewski i el dramaturg i satirista Aleksander Fredro, que van estimular l'interès de Moniuszko en la música dramàtica. Al voltant de 1840, va començar a compondre de manera intensiva, produint les seves primeres òperes i altres obres per a l'escena, així com cantates sacres i profanes i nombroses misses. Al llarg de la seva vida, Moniuszko va viatjar sovint a Sant Petersburg, on la seva música va gaudir d'una bona acollida. Allà, Mikhaïl Glinka i Aleksandr Dargomijski van fer palesa la seva admiració pel talent de Moniuszko. També va conèixer a Mili Balakirev i Modest Mússorgski, i el seu estil va ser apreciat per Hans von Bülow. Va ser mentor, entre altres, de César Cui. Va morir a Varsòvia el juny de 1872.
(selective list)
Vocal secular:
Operas and operettas:
Biuraliści [The Bureaucrats] (operetta, 1, I.F. Skarbeck), 1834, unperf.
Nocleg w Apeninach [A Night in the Apennines] (operetta, 1, A. Fredro), Vilnius, 1839
Cudowna woda [The Water of Life] (operetta, 2), comp. c1840, lost except ov.
Ideał, czyli Nowa Preciosa [Perfection, or The New Preciosa] (operetta, 2, O. Milewski), Vilnius, 1840
Karmaniol, czyli Francuzi lubią żartować [Carmagnole, or The French Like Joking] (operetta, Milewski, after Théaulon de Forges and E. Jaime), 1841, unperf.
Nowy Don Kiszot, czyli Sto szaleństw [The New Don Quixote, or 100 Follies] (operetta, 3, Fredro, after M. de Cervantes), 1841, Lwów, 1849, vs (1927)
Żółta szlafmyca [The Yellow Nightcap] (operetta, F. Zabłocki), comp. 1841, 1 song (1863)
Pobór rekrutów [Conscription] (operetta, W. Marcinkiewicz), comp. 1842, 1 song in Śpiewnik domowy, viii (1908)
Loteria [The Lottery] (operetta, 1, Milewski), Minsk, 1843 (1908)
Halka, 1846–7 (op, 2, W. Wolski, after K. Wójcicki: Stary gawędy i obrazy [Legends and pictures]), concert perf., Vilnius, 1848, vs (Vilnius, 1850); staged Vilnius, 18 Feb 1854; rev. (4, Wolski), 1857, Warsaw, Wielki, 1 Jan 1858, vs (1858), fs (1861)
Sielanka [Idyll] (op, 2, Marcinkiewicz), comp. ?1848, lost
Cyganie [The Gypsies] (operetta, F.D. Kniaźnin), 1850, Vilnius, 20 May 1852; rev. as Jawnuta, Warsaw, 5 June 1860
Bettly (comic op, 2, E. Scribe and Mélesville [A.-H.-J. Duveyrier]), Vilnius, 20 May 1852
Flis [The Raftsman] (op, 1, W. Bogusławski), Warsaw, Wielki, 24 Sept 1858, excerpts, vs (1858), ov., fs (1898), vs (1902)
Rokiczana (op, 3, J. Korzeniowski), 1858–9, inc., concert perf. (excerpts), 16 Dec 1860, 1 ballad (1913)
Hrabina [The Countess] (op, 4, Wolski, after J. Dierzowski), 1859, Warsaw, Wielki, 7 Feb 1860, excerpts, vs (1860), ov. and ballet music, fs (1899), vs (1901)
Paria (op, prol, 3, J. Chęciński, after C. Delavigne), 1859–69, Warsaw, Wielki, 11 Dec 1869, ov. (1901), vs (1913)
Verbum nobile (op, 1, Chęciński), 1860, Warsaw, Wielki, 1 Jan 1861, vs (1861), fs (1953)
Straszny dwór [The Haunted Manor] (op, 4, Chęciński, after Wójcicki: Stary gawędy i obrazy), 1861–4, Warsaw, Wielki, 28 Sept 1865, excerpts, vs (1892), vs (1898), fs (1937)
Beata (operetta, 1, Chęciński), 1870–71, Warsaw, Wielki, 2 Feb 1872, 4 songs (1872)
Trea (op, 2, J. Jasiński, after Flem. legend), comp. 1872, inc.
Walka muzyków [The Musician's Struggle] (operetta, Marcinkiewicz);
Nowy dziedzic [The New Landlord] (operetta, M. Radziszewski);
Sen wieszcza [The Seer's Dream] (W. Syrokomla, after J.B. Rosier and A. de Leuven: Le songe d'une nuit d'été), 1 song in Śpiewnik domowy, vii (1877)
Incid music:
Kupiec wenecki [The Merchant of Venice] (W. Shakespeare), perf. 1870–71;
Zbójcy [The Robbers] (F. von Schiller), 1870–71;
Hamlet (Shakespeare), Warsaw, 24 March 1871;
music to 11 other plays
Monte Christo (after A. Dumas (i)), Warsaw, 27 Aug 1866;
Na kwaterze [In the Quarters], Warsaw, 6 Sept 1868;
Figle szatana [The Devil's Jokes], Warsaw, 1 Dec 1870, collab. A. Münchheimer
Milda (cant., after J.I. Kraszewski: Witolorauda), solo vv, chorus, orch, Vilnius, 18 Dec 1848 (1909)
Nijoła (cant., after Kraszewski: Witolorauda), Vilnius, 8 March 1852
Madonna (Petrarch: Sonnets), B solo, chorus, orch, St Petersburg, 20 March 1856 (Kraków, 1961)
Ballada o Florianie Szarym [Ballad of Florian the Grey] (J. Korzeniowski), Bar, chorus, orch, 1858–9 (1913) [from op Rokiczana]
Widma [Phantoms] (cant., after A. Mickiewicz: Dziady), solo vv, chorus, orch, before 1859, Warsaw, 1865 (1900)
Sonety krymskie [Crimean Sonnets] (cant., Mickiewicz), solo vv, chorus, orch, 1867, Warsaw, 16 Feb 1868 (1901)
Pani Twardowska (ballad, Mickiewicz), solo vv, chorus, orch, Warsaw, 8 Dec 1869
Krumine (cant.), Vilnius, date unknown
4 other cants.
360 songs, R A/i–vi, 267 orig. pubd in Śpiewnik domowy, i–vi (Vilnius, 1843–59), vii–xii (Warsaw, 1877–1910) [full list in Nowaczyk]
Vocal religiosa:
7 masses:
Requiem, d, 1850 (1862);
e, 1855 (1860);
E , 1865 (1874);
a (1870);
B, Warsaw, 19 May 1872 (1873);
Requiem, g (1873);
D (1874)
Other works:
Requiem aeternam, solo vv, chorus, orch (1890)
mass frags., smaller choral and solo works
[4] Litanie Ostrobramskie [Ostra Brama Litanies to the BVM], solo vv, chorus, orch, 1843, 1849, before 1854, 1855; R D/vi/30
Bajka [The Fairy Tale], ov., Vilnius, 1 May 1848 (Kraków, 1949);
Kain, ov., St Petersburg, March 1856;
Polonaise de concert, arr. pf (1866);
Uwertura wojenna [Military Ov.], Vilnius, 19 March 1857
2 str qts, no.1, d, 1839, no.2, f, before 1840: R E/ii/33;
works for solo pf and pf 4 hands, R E/iii/34, incl. 4 Mazurkas;
Song without Words;
Fraszki [Epigrams];
6 Polonaises (transcrs. of Ogiński);
Polkas (‘Daniel’ and ‘Gabriela’);
Aniol Pański w wiejskim kościólku [Prayers in a Village Church];
7 Waltzes;
Introduction, 5 Waltzes and Finale;
Co mówia obłocki o ksiezycu w pogodna noc wiosenna? [What do the Clouds Tell the Moon and the Earth on Spring Nights?];
numerous transcrs. from Kurpiński and Moniuszko
Pedagogical works:
Pamiętnik do nauki harmonii [Textbook on harmony] (1871)
Szkola na fortepian [Piano method], unpubd
Font: En català: Stanisław Moniuszko (1819-1872) - En castellano: Stanisław Moniuszko (1819-1872) - In english: Stanisław Moniuszko (1819-1872) - Altres: Stanisław Moniuszko (1819-1872)
(selective list)
Vocal secular:
Operas and operettas:
Biuraliści [The Bureaucrats] (operetta, 1, I.F. Skarbeck), 1834, unperf.
Nocleg w Apeninach [A Night in the Apennines] (operetta, 1, A. Fredro), Vilnius, 1839
Cudowna woda [The Water of Life] (operetta, 2), comp. c1840, lost except ov.
Ideał, czyli Nowa Preciosa [Perfection, or The New Preciosa] (operetta, 2, O. Milewski), Vilnius, 1840
Karmaniol, czyli Francuzi lubią żartować [Carmagnole, or The French Like Joking] (operetta, Milewski, after Théaulon de Forges and E. Jaime), 1841, unperf.
Nowy Don Kiszot, czyli Sto szaleństw [The New Don Quixote, or 100 Follies] (operetta, 3, Fredro, after M. de Cervantes), 1841, Lwów, 1849, vs (1927)
Żółta szlafmyca [The Yellow Nightcap] (operetta, F. Zabłocki), comp. 1841, 1 song (1863)
Pobór rekrutów [Conscription] (operetta, W. Marcinkiewicz), comp. 1842, 1 song in Śpiewnik domowy, viii (1908)
Loteria [The Lottery] (operetta, 1, Milewski), Minsk, 1843 (1908)
Halka, 1846–7 (op, 2, W. Wolski, after K. Wójcicki: Stary gawędy i obrazy [Legends and pictures]), concert perf., Vilnius, 1848, vs (Vilnius, 1850); staged Vilnius, 18 Feb 1854; rev. (4, Wolski), 1857, Warsaw, Wielki, 1 Jan 1858, vs (1858), fs (1861)
Sielanka [Idyll] (op, 2, Marcinkiewicz), comp. ?1848, lost
Cyganie [The Gypsies] (operetta, F.D. Kniaźnin), 1850, Vilnius, 20 May 1852; rev. as Jawnuta, Warsaw, 5 June 1860
Bettly (comic op, 2, E. Scribe and Mélesville [A.-H.-J. Duveyrier]), Vilnius, 20 May 1852
Flis [The Raftsman] (op, 1, W. Bogusławski), Warsaw, Wielki, 24 Sept 1858, excerpts, vs (1858), ov., fs (1898), vs (1902)
Rokiczana (op, 3, J. Korzeniowski), 1858–9, inc., concert perf. (excerpts), 16 Dec 1860, 1 ballad (1913)
Hrabina [The Countess] (op, 4, Wolski, after J. Dierzowski), 1859, Warsaw, Wielki, 7 Feb 1860, excerpts, vs (1860), ov. and ballet music, fs (1899), vs (1901)
Paria (op, prol, 3, J. Chęciński, after C. Delavigne), 1859–69, Warsaw, Wielki, 11 Dec 1869, ov. (1901), vs (1913)
Verbum nobile (op, 1, Chęciński), 1860, Warsaw, Wielki, 1 Jan 1861, vs (1861), fs (1953)
Straszny dwór [The Haunted Manor] (op, 4, Chęciński, after Wójcicki: Stary gawędy i obrazy), 1861–4, Warsaw, Wielki, 28 Sept 1865, excerpts, vs (1892), vs (1898), fs (1937)
Beata (operetta, 1, Chęciński), 1870–71, Warsaw, Wielki, 2 Feb 1872, 4 songs (1872)
Trea (op, 2, J. Jasiński, after Flem. legend), comp. 1872, inc.
Walka muzyków [The Musician's Struggle] (operetta, Marcinkiewicz);
Nowy dziedzic [The New Landlord] (operetta, M. Radziszewski);
Sen wieszcza [The Seer's Dream] (W. Syrokomla, after J.B. Rosier and A. de Leuven: Le songe d'une nuit d'été), 1 song in Śpiewnik domowy, vii (1877)
Incid music:
Kupiec wenecki [The Merchant of Venice] (W. Shakespeare), perf. 1870–71;
Zbójcy [The Robbers] (F. von Schiller), 1870–71;
Hamlet (Shakespeare), Warsaw, 24 March 1871;
music to 11 other plays
Monte Christo (after A. Dumas (i)), Warsaw, 27 Aug 1866;
Na kwaterze [In the Quarters], Warsaw, 6 Sept 1868;
Figle szatana [The Devil's Jokes], Warsaw, 1 Dec 1870, collab. A. Münchheimer
Milda (cant., after J.I. Kraszewski: Witolorauda), solo vv, chorus, orch, Vilnius, 18 Dec 1848 (1909)
Nijoła (cant., after Kraszewski: Witolorauda), Vilnius, 8 March 1852
Madonna (Petrarch: Sonnets), B solo, chorus, orch, St Petersburg, 20 March 1856 (Kraków, 1961)
Ballada o Florianie Szarym [Ballad of Florian the Grey] (J. Korzeniowski), Bar, chorus, orch, 1858–9 (1913) [from op Rokiczana]
Widma [Phantoms] (cant., after A. Mickiewicz: Dziady), solo vv, chorus, orch, before 1859, Warsaw, 1865 (1900)
Sonety krymskie [Crimean Sonnets] (cant., Mickiewicz), solo vv, chorus, orch, 1867, Warsaw, 16 Feb 1868 (1901)
Pani Twardowska (ballad, Mickiewicz), solo vv, chorus, orch, Warsaw, 8 Dec 1869
Krumine (cant.), Vilnius, date unknown
4 other cants.
360 songs, R A/i–vi, 267 orig. pubd in Śpiewnik domowy, i–vi (Vilnius, 1843–59), vii–xii (Warsaw, 1877–1910) [full list in Nowaczyk]
Vocal religiosa:
7 masses:
Requiem, d, 1850 (1862);
e, 1855 (1860);
E , 1865 (1874);
a (1870);
B, Warsaw, 19 May 1872 (1873);
Requiem, g (1873);
D (1874)
Other works:
Requiem aeternam, solo vv, chorus, orch (1890)
mass frags., smaller choral and solo works
[4] Litanie Ostrobramskie [Ostra Brama Litanies to the BVM], solo vv, chorus, orch, 1843, 1849, before 1854, 1855; R D/vi/30
Bajka [The Fairy Tale], ov., Vilnius, 1 May 1848 (Kraków, 1949);
Kain, ov., St Petersburg, March 1856;
Polonaise de concert, arr. pf (1866);
Uwertura wojenna [Military Ov.], Vilnius, 19 March 1857
2 str qts, no.1, d, 1839, no.2, f, before 1840: R E/ii/33;
works for solo pf and pf 4 hands, R E/iii/34, incl. 4 Mazurkas;
Song without Words;
Fraszki [Epigrams];
6 Polonaises (transcrs. of Ogiński);
Polkas (‘Daniel’ and ‘Gabriela’);
Aniol Pański w wiejskim kościólku [Prayers in a Village Church];
7 Waltzes;
Introduction, 5 Waltzes and Finale;
Co mówia obłocki o ksiezycu w pogodna noc wiosenna? [What do the Clouds Tell the Moon and the Earth on Spring Nights?];
numerous transcrs. from Kurpiński and Moniuszko
Pedagogical works:
Pamiętnik do nauki harmonii [Textbook on harmony] (1871)
Szkola na fortepian [Piano method], unpubd
Font: En català: Stanisław Moniuszko (1819-1872) - En castellano: Stanisław Moniuszko (1819-1872) - In english: Stanisław Moniuszko (1819-1872) - Altres: Stanisław Moniuszko (1819-1872)
Informació addicional...
RECICLASSICAT: MONIUSKO, Stanisław (1819-1872)
AMAZON: Moniuzsko - Polish sacred music
IMSLP: Stanisław Moniuszko (1819-1872)
SPOTIFY: Moniuzsko - Polish sacred music

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