divendres, 12 de gener del 2024

LATILLA, Gaetano (1711-1788) - Sinfonia a quattro

Pietro Longhi (1702-1785) - The Ridotto (c.1760)

Gaetano Latilla (1711-1788) - Sinfonia (in Sol maggiore) a quattro
Performers: Europa Gаlаnte; Fabio Bіοndі (conductor)
Further info: Il Diario Di Chiara


Italian composer. His earliest education was as a chorister at the San Sabino Church in Bari, but by 1725 he was enrolled as a student in the Conservatorio di Sant’Onofrio a Porta Capuana in Naples. In 1732 he made his debut at the Teatro dei Fiorentini with a comic opera, Li mariti a forza. He continued to compose popular works for this theatre until 1738, when he premiered another opera at the Teatro Argentina in Rome. Thereafter followed commissions from throughout Italy, but he preferred to remain in Rome as the assistant maestro di cappella at the church of Santa Maria maggiore. In 1741, however, a dispute caused him to begin an itinerant life, eventually winding up in Venice in 1751, where he was appointed chorusmaster at the Ospedale della Pietà. Although this led to an appointment as assistant maestro di cappella at St. Mark’s in 1762, he decided to abandon Venice and return to Naples in 1768. As a prominent and wellrespected member of the Neapolitan school of opera composition, he wrote in a style of colleagues such as Antonio Sacchini and Niccolò Piccinni. His music includes 49 operas, several oratorios, masses, motets, and instrumental music.

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