diumenge, 10 de novembre del 2024

ZOMB, František Xaver (1779-1823) - Missa brevis ex D (1812)

Jakob Alt (1789-1872) - Košice Cathedral (1839)

František Xaver Zomb (1779-1823) - Missa brevis ex D (1812)
Performers: Livia Aghová (soprano); Marta Beňačková (alto); Ludovit Ludha (tenor); Peter Mikulás (bass); Spevácky zbor mesta Bratislavy; Statna filharmónia Kosice; Richard Zimmer (conductor)
Further info: Zomb - Choral Works


Moravian composer and teacher. Almost nothing is known about his life. He was mainly active as a regens chori, teacher and composer in his hometown. In 1819 he was appointed as choirmaster in the Košice Cathedral in a post he held the rest of his life. He was also documented as music critic to the 'Allgmeine musikalische Zeitung' in Leipzig and Vienna. As a composer, he mainly focused on sacred music, among them, a collection of ten masses from 1812 and a set of Vespers.

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