- Recordatori de Jan Ladislav Dussek -
En el dia de la celebració del seu 258è aniversari de naixement
Parlem de Pintura...
Henri-Pierre Danloux (Paris, 24 de febrer de 1753 - Paris, 3 de gener de 1809) va ser un pintor francès. Criat amb el seu oncle, va ser alumne de Lépicié i després de Vien, amb qui es va unir en el seu viatge a Roma del 1775. El 1783 va tornar a França on va estar al servei del baró Mégret de Sérilly d'Etigny qui al seu torn va procurar nombrosos encàrrecs pel jove pintor. El 1792, i a causa de la Revolució Francesa, va emigrar a Londres. Allà va rebre nous encàrrecs, especialment retrats i va exhibir les seves obres a la Royal Academy. El 1801 va tornar a París on va contactar amb antics amics i clients no obstant la seva estada a Anglaterra va ser decisiva en el seu estil mostrant una clara influència d'autors com Thomas Lawrence, John Hoppner i George Romney. Danloux va morir a París el gener de 1809.
Parlem de Música...
Jan Ladislav [Johann Ladislaus (Ludwig)] Dussek [Dusík] (Čáslav, 12 de febrer de 1760 - Saint Germain-en-Laye, 20 de març de 1812) va ser un pianista i compositor bohemi. Fill de l'organista Jan Josef Dussek, i germà del compositor Franz Benedikt Dussek i de la compositora i cantant Veronika Rosalia Dussek, es va formar inicialment amb el seu pare. Més tard, va entrar com a cantant d'un cor d'una església franciscana a Iglau des d'on es va traslladar a Kutná Hora. El 1776 va viatjar a Praga on va entrar al Gymnasium i el 1778 a la Universitat de Praga. El 1779 i després de rebre el patrocini del comte Männer va viatjar a Malines, ciutat on va començar a donar classes de piano i on va realitzar els seus primers recitals públics. Posteriorment, va visitar diverses ciutats europees abans d'establir-se, el 1782, a Hamburg. Allà va fer amistat amb C.P.E. Bach i va realitzar diversos concerts. El 1783 va viatjar a St Petersburg on va participar en recitals i concerts a la cort de Caterina II, si bé algunes desavinences amb la mateixa emperadriu van motivar la seva fugida a Lituània on va ser nomenat Kapellmeister del príncep Karl Radziwił. El 1784 va iniciar una gira concertant per Alemanya on hi va romandre fins a finals del 1786. A partir d'aleshores es va instal·lar a París on va assolir notable èxit com a pianista. Allà hi va viure com a intèrpret, professor i compositor fins el 1789. Durant la Revolució Francesa es va traslladar a Londres on hi va viure fins el 1800. Allà es va reunir amb Haydn i va participar en desenes de concerts i recitals. Precisament a Anglaterra, el 31 d'agost de 1792 es va casar amb Sophia Corri, famosa cantant, arpista i pianista, i es va associar amb el seu sogre per a la creació de l'editora Corri, Dussek & Co. si bé l'empresa va fer fallida i va haver de fugir a Hamburg. A Hamburg va seguir participant com a músic, ja fos com a solista o com acompanyant de Ludwig Spohr, de Giovanni Punto o de Václav Jan Křtitel Tomášek, entre molts altres. Entre els anys 1804 i 1806 va treballar com a Kapellmeister del príncep i compositor Louis Ferdinand de Prussia, amb qui fins i tot va viatjar a la Batalla de Saalfeld, en la qual el príncep hi va morir. El 1807 va tornar a París on es va dedicar principalment a la composició i a la docència. Els darrers anys, i fruit del seu alcoholisme, va patir greus malalties que finalment li van provocar la mort el març de 1812.
The Captive of Spilberg (musical drama, Prince Hoare), London, Drury Lane, 14 Nov 1798, selections (1798)
Ov. to M. Kelly: Feudal Times, London, Drury Lane, 19 Jan 1799 (1799)
Ov. and characteristic pieces to M. Kelly: Pizarro, London, Drury Lane, 24 May 1799, arr. pf (1799)
6 Canons, 3–4vv (1807)
Solemn Mass, solo vv, 4vv, orch, 1811, I-Fc
Il escorcismo della podagra, canon, 4vv, F-Pc
for piano and orchestra unless otherwise stated
B , 1779, lost
3 in C, E , G (before 1783)
E (1787)
E , hp/pf, orch, 1789; 1st movt autograph frag. formerly in private collection of Mrs W.M. Dussek, Guildford, Surrey; as op.15 (1791), also as op.26 and without op. no.
F (?1791)
F, pf/hp, orch (c1792), last movt also arr. as Duetto c102
B (1793), 2nd movt also pubd with movts fromc104 as op.66; 3rd movt also as Rondo, pf solo, OD vi
F (1794), 1st, 3rd movts also pubd with movt from c97 as op.66
C (1795); MS copy in B-Bc, mentioned in EitnerQ as op.20
C, pf/hp, orch (1795)
B , ‘Military’ (1798)
The Favourite Concerto, F, pf/hp, orch (?1798)
g (1801), also as op.50
B , for 2 pf, orch, 1805–6, F-Pc (1807), ed. in The Symphony 1720–1840, ser.B, xi (New York, 1983)
E (1810)
B , for harp, orch, lost; arr. (5) S. Dussek Moralt for harp solo (1813)
Accompanied sonatas:
for piano and violin unless otherwise stated
B , G, C (1782)
3 for pf, vn, vc (1786), lost
C, F, c (c1786)
C, F, B , C, D, G (c1786), OD iv, also as op.46
G, D, C for pf, fl/vn (c1786), OD x, also as op.51
C, B , F (1787)
C, B , e for pf, vn, vc (1787)
3 for pf, vn, vc (1787), lost
F, E , f (1787)
G, B , A (1788), no.3 for pf
C, F, A (c1789), with vc as op.20/21; pf, vn in OD vi
B , C, D (c1789), also arr. as pf sonatas
A, g, E (c1789), also arr. as pf sonatas
F, B , C (1790), OD xii
B , D, G (1790)
C, G, F (1791), also arr. as pf sonatas
C, F, G (1791), also as opp.17 and 18
B , a, E (c1792), no.2 for pf, also as op.19
6 Sonatinas, G, C, F, A, C, E , pf, fl/vn (1793), also as op.20, also arr. pf; ed. L. Salter (London, 1984), 1 movt of no.3 ed. pf, vn in MAB, xi (1953)
B (1793), also as opp.23 and 27 [arr. from pf sonata]
C, F, B , D, g, E (1795), OD iv
F, D, G for pf, vn/fl (1795), no.2 for pf, OD x
B , D, C for pf, vn/fl, vc (c1795), no.2 for pf, also as op.61
F, D, B for pf, vn, vc (1796), also as opp.24 and 29
C (1798)
Favourite Sonata, E , pf, vn, vc (1799)
B , G, D (1811), no.3 for pf, also as op.72; nos.1–2 ed. in MAB, xli (1959)
E , B for pf, vn, db (1812), no.2 completed by S. Neukomm
Sonatas unless otherwise stated:
C, G, E for pf, fl (1789)
Duo, F, pf/hp, pf (c1789), also as op.26, 2 movts arr. in c102
C, for pf, fl, vc (1793)
Duetto, F, pf/hp, pf (1794) [movts 1–2 fromc63, movt 3 arr. from pf conc. c78], ed. for 2 pf, M. Madden and O. Rees (London, 1957) and in LPS, xx (1986)
E , B , for hp, vn, vc (1797)
The Naval Battle and Total Defeat of the Dutch Fleet by Admiral Duncan, 11 Oct 1797, pf, vn, vc, perc (1797)
Duet, E , pf/hp, pf, 2–3 hn ad lib (1799), also as op.36
Qnt, f, pf, vn, va, vc, db, 1799 (1803), also as op.47; ed. (Munich, 1992)
2 Duettinos, C, F, pf/harp, pf (c1802)
Pf Qt, E (1804), also as op.53 and without op. no.; 1st movt pf part as op.46, 1803, in F-Pc
3 str qts, G, B , E (1807), nos.2–3, 1806, Pc
Trio, F, pf, fl, vc, 1807, Pc(1807)
Notturno concertante, E , pf, vn, hn ad lib (1809), also as op.69
B , hp, pf (1810), also as op.74, also arr. pf 4 hands
E , hp, pf (1811), also as op.72 [arr. from pf 4 hands]
F, hp, pf (1811), also as op.73, also arr. pf 4 hands
6 duos, 2 vn (1811), lost
Serenade, E , 2 vn, 2 ob/cl, 2 hn, va, vc, db, by (3) F.B. Dussek
Piano sonatas:
for piano solo unless otherwise stated
G, pf/hpd (1788), ed. F. Marvin (Vienna, 1989)
A (1788), ed. in MAB, lxiii (1963), ed. F. Marvin (Vienna, 1989) [nos.1–2 for pf, vn]
B , C, D [arr. from acc. sonatas], OD i, ed. in MAB, xlvi (1960)
A, g, E [arr. from acc. sonatas], OD i, ed. in MAB, xlvi (1960)
C, G, F [arr. from acc. sonatas]
a (c1792), also as op.19 no.2, ed. in MAB, xlvi (1960) and in LPS, vi (1985) [nos.1, 3 for vn, pf]
B (1793), also as opp.23 and 27, also arr. pf, vn, OD viii, ed. in MAB, liii (1961) and in LPS, vi (1985)
D (1795), OD x, ed. in MAB, liii (1961) [nos.1, 3 for pf, vn/fl]
D (c1795), ed. in MAB, liii (1961) [nos.1, 3 for pf, vn/fl, vc]
Sonata (Grande Overture), C, pf 4 hands (1796), also as opp.32 and 33, OD vii, SP i, ed. in LPS, xix (1986)
B , G, c (1797), OD ii, ed. in MAB, liii (1961), nos.2–3 ed. in LPS, vi (1985)
G, C, B (1799), OD viii, ed. in MAB, liii (1961), nos.1 and 3 ed. in LPS, vi (1985)
A (1800), OD ii, ed. in MAB, lix (1962) and in LPS, vi (1985)
E , ‘The Farewell’ (1800), OD v, ed. in MAB, lix (1962) and in LPS, vi (1985)
B , G, D, 1800 (1802), OD v, ed. in MAB, lix (1962)
B , microchordon/pf (c1800)
D, G (1801), OD viii, ed. in MAB, lix (1962) and in LPS, vi (1985)
C, pf 4 hands (c1801), OD vii
Sonata (Sonatina), C, pf 4 hands (1806)
f , ‘Elégie harmonique sur la mort du Prince Louis Ferdinand de Prusse’, 1806–7, 1st movt D-WRtl*, complete (1807), ed. in MAB, xx (1954), lxiii (1963)
A , ‘Le retour à Paris’, ‘Plus ultra’ (1807), also as opp.70, 71 and 77, OD xi, ed. in MAB, lxiii (1963)
C, F, B , pf 4 hands (1809), also as op.67, OD iv
B , pf 4 hands (1811) [arr. from hp, pf], OD vii
E , pf 4 hands (1810), also arr. hp, pf, OD ix
D (1811), also as op.72/3, ed. in MAB, lxiii (1963) [nos.1–2 for pf, vn]
F, pf 4 hands (1813) [arr. from hp, pf], SP i
E (1811), OD xi, ed. in MAB, lxiii (1963)
f, ‘L’invocation’ (1812), ed. in MAB, lxiii (1963)
Other keyboard and harp:
General Suwarrow’s Original Military March, pf, E , 1783 (c1795)
[6] Airs variés, E , F, A, d, g, g, pf (1788), OD iii
6 Sonatinas, pf, also as op.20 [arr. from Sonatinas, pf, fl/vn]
The Sufferings of the Queen of France, pf (1793), also as op.44 and without op. no., ed. in LPS, vi (1985)
12 Progressive Lessons, pf (c1794), also as opp.16, 32 and 30, ed. in MAB, xxi (1954)
3 preludes, B , D, C, pf (c1795) [to precede sonatas c132–4], nos.2–3 ed. in MAB, xx (1954)
La chasse, F, pf, 1796 (1797), also as op.22, OD vi
A Complete … Delineation of the Ceremony from St James’s to St Paul’s … 19 Dec 1797, pf (1798)
Sonata with The Lass of Richmond Hill, F, hp (c1800)
Duet polonoise, E , pf 3 hands (?1802)
Fantasia and Fugue, f, pf (1804), also as opp.50 and 55, OD xi, SP ii, ed. in LPS, vi (1985)
La consolation, B , pf (1807), also as op.61
3 fugues à la camera, D g, F, pf 4 hands (1808), OD ix
(bk i) Recueil d’[3]airs connus variés, B , F, C, pf (1810), OD iii, SP ii
(bk ii) Recueil d’[3]airs connus variés, G, c, B , pf (1811), OD iii, SP ii
Fantaisie, F, pf (1811), OD xii, SP ii; 4th movt ed. in MAB, xvii (1954) and in MVH, v (1961)
Partant pour la Syrie, with variations, E , pf (1811), OD i
3 sonatas, B , G, c, hp (1797), by (5) S. Dussek
6 Sonatinas, C, F, G, B , F, E , hp (1799), ed. in MAB, xxii (1956), by (5) S. Dussek
Instructions on the Art of Playing the Piano Forte or Harpsichord (London, 1796, and many later edns; Fr. edn as Méthode pour le piano forte, Paris, 1799/R, c285; Ger. edn as Pianoforte-Schule, Leipzig, 1802, 4/?1815, c287)
The Captive of Spilberg (musical drama, Prince Hoare), London, Drury Lane, 14 Nov 1798, selections (1798)
Ov. to M. Kelly: Feudal Times, London, Drury Lane, 19 Jan 1799 (1799)
Ov. and characteristic pieces to M. Kelly: Pizarro, London, Drury Lane, 24 May 1799, arr. pf (1799)
6 Canons, 3–4vv (1807)
Solemn Mass, solo vv, 4vv, orch, 1811, I-Fc
Il escorcismo della podagra, canon, 4vv, F-Pc
for piano and orchestra unless otherwise stated
B , 1779, lost
3 in C, E , G (before 1783)
E (1787)
E , hp/pf, orch, 1789; 1st movt autograph frag. formerly in private collection of Mrs W.M. Dussek, Guildford, Surrey; as op.15 (1791), also as op.26 and without op. no.
F (?1791)
F, pf/hp, orch (c1792), last movt also arr. as Duetto c102
B (1793), 2nd movt also pubd with movts fromc104 as op.66; 3rd movt also as Rondo, pf solo, OD vi
F (1794), 1st, 3rd movts also pubd with movt from c97 as op.66
C (1795); MS copy in B-Bc, mentioned in EitnerQ as op.20
C, pf/hp, orch (1795)
B , ‘Military’ (1798)
The Favourite Concerto, F, pf/hp, orch (?1798)
g (1801), also as op.50
B , for 2 pf, orch, 1805–6, F-Pc (1807), ed. in The Symphony 1720–1840, ser.B, xi (New York, 1983)
E (1810)
B , for harp, orch, lost; arr. (5) S. Dussek Moralt for harp solo (1813)
Accompanied sonatas:
for piano and violin unless otherwise stated
B , G, C (1782)
3 for pf, vn, vc (1786), lost
C, F, c (c1786)
C, F, B , C, D, G (c1786), OD iv, also as op.46
G, D, C for pf, fl/vn (c1786), OD x, also as op.51
C, B , F (1787)
C, B , e for pf, vn, vc (1787)
3 for pf, vn, vc (1787), lost
F, E , f (1787)
G, B , A (1788), no.3 for pf
C, F, A (c1789), with vc as op.20/21; pf, vn in OD vi
B , C, D (c1789), also arr. as pf sonatas
A, g, E (c1789), also arr. as pf sonatas
F, B , C (1790), OD xii
B , D, G (1790)
C, G, F (1791), also arr. as pf sonatas
C, F, G (1791), also as opp.17 and 18
B , a, E (c1792), no.2 for pf, also as op.19
6 Sonatinas, G, C, F, A, C, E , pf, fl/vn (1793), also as op.20, also arr. pf; ed. L. Salter (London, 1984), 1 movt of no.3 ed. pf, vn in MAB, xi (1953)
B (1793), also as opp.23 and 27 [arr. from pf sonata]
C, F, B , D, g, E (1795), OD iv
F, D, G for pf, vn/fl (1795), no.2 for pf, OD x
B , D, C for pf, vn/fl, vc (c1795), no.2 for pf, also as op.61
F, D, B for pf, vn, vc (1796), also as opp.24 and 29
C (1798)
Favourite Sonata, E , pf, vn, vc (1799)
B , G, D (1811), no.3 for pf, also as op.72; nos.1–2 ed. in MAB, xli (1959)
E , B for pf, vn, db (1812), no.2 completed by S. Neukomm
Sonatas unless otherwise stated:
C, G, E for pf, fl (1789)
Duo, F, pf/hp, pf (c1789), also as op.26, 2 movts arr. in c102
C, for pf, fl, vc (1793)
Duetto, F, pf/hp, pf (1794) [movts 1–2 fromc63, movt 3 arr. from pf conc. c78], ed. for 2 pf, M. Madden and O. Rees (London, 1957) and in LPS, xx (1986)
E , B , for hp, vn, vc (1797)
The Naval Battle and Total Defeat of the Dutch Fleet by Admiral Duncan, 11 Oct 1797, pf, vn, vc, perc (1797)
Duet, E , pf/hp, pf, 2–3 hn ad lib (1799), also as op.36
Qnt, f, pf, vn, va, vc, db, 1799 (1803), also as op.47; ed. (Munich, 1992)
2 Duettinos, C, F, pf/harp, pf (c1802)
Pf Qt, E (1804), also as op.53 and without op. no.; 1st movt pf part as op.46, 1803, in F-Pc
3 str qts, G, B , E (1807), nos.2–3, 1806, Pc
Trio, F, pf, fl, vc, 1807, Pc(1807)
Notturno concertante, E , pf, vn, hn ad lib (1809), also as op.69
B , hp, pf (1810), also as op.74, also arr. pf 4 hands
E , hp, pf (1811), also as op.72 [arr. from pf 4 hands]
F, hp, pf (1811), also as op.73, also arr. pf 4 hands
6 duos, 2 vn (1811), lost
Serenade, E , 2 vn, 2 ob/cl, 2 hn, va, vc, db, by (3) F.B. Dussek
Piano sonatas:
for piano solo unless otherwise stated
G, pf/hpd (1788), ed. F. Marvin (Vienna, 1989)
A (1788), ed. in MAB, lxiii (1963), ed. F. Marvin (Vienna, 1989) [nos.1–2 for pf, vn]
B , C, D [arr. from acc. sonatas], OD i, ed. in MAB, xlvi (1960)
A, g, E [arr. from acc. sonatas], OD i, ed. in MAB, xlvi (1960)
C, G, F [arr. from acc. sonatas]
a (c1792), also as op.19 no.2, ed. in MAB, xlvi (1960) and in LPS, vi (1985) [nos.1, 3 for vn, pf]
B (1793), also as opp.23 and 27, also arr. pf, vn, OD viii, ed. in MAB, liii (1961) and in LPS, vi (1985)
D (1795), OD x, ed. in MAB, liii (1961) [nos.1, 3 for pf, vn/fl]
D (c1795), ed. in MAB, liii (1961) [nos.1, 3 for pf, vn/fl, vc]
Sonata (Grande Overture), C, pf 4 hands (1796), also as opp.32 and 33, OD vii, SP i, ed. in LPS, xix (1986)
B , G, c (1797), OD ii, ed. in MAB, liii (1961), nos.2–3 ed. in LPS, vi (1985)
G, C, B (1799), OD viii, ed. in MAB, liii (1961), nos.1 and 3 ed. in LPS, vi (1985)
A (1800), OD ii, ed. in MAB, lix (1962) and in LPS, vi (1985)
E , ‘The Farewell’ (1800), OD v, ed. in MAB, lix (1962) and in LPS, vi (1985)
B , G, D, 1800 (1802), OD v, ed. in MAB, lix (1962)
B , microchordon/pf (c1800)
D, G (1801), OD viii, ed. in MAB, lix (1962) and in LPS, vi (1985)
C, pf 4 hands (c1801), OD vii
Sonata (Sonatina), C, pf 4 hands (1806)
f , ‘Elégie harmonique sur la mort du Prince Louis Ferdinand de Prusse’, 1806–7, 1st movt D-WRtl*, complete (1807), ed. in MAB, xx (1954), lxiii (1963)
A , ‘Le retour à Paris’, ‘Plus ultra’ (1807), also as opp.70, 71 and 77, OD xi, ed. in MAB, lxiii (1963)
C, F, B , pf 4 hands (1809), also as op.67, OD iv
B , pf 4 hands (1811) [arr. from hp, pf], OD vii
E , pf 4 hands (1810), also arr. hp, pf, OD ix
D (1811), also as op.72/3, ed. in MAB, lxiii (1963) [nos.1–2 for pf, vn]
F, pf 4 hands (1813) [arr. from hp, pf], SP i
E (1811), OD xi, ed. in MAB, lxiii (1963)
f, ‘L’invocation’ (1812), ed. in MAB, lxiii (1963)
Other keyboard and harp:
General Suwarrow’s Original Military March, pf, E , 1783 (c1795)
[6] Airs variés, E , F, A, d, g, g, pf (1788), OD iii
6 Sonatinas, pf, also as op.20 [arr. from Sonatinas, pf, fl/vn]
The Sufferings of the Queen of France, pf (1793), also as op.44 and without op. no., ed. in LPS, vi (1985)
12 Progressive Lessons, pf (c1794), also as opp.16, 32 and 30, ed. in MAB, xxi (1954)
3 preludes, B , D, C, pf (c1795) [to precede sonatas c132–4], nos.2–3 ed. in MAB, xx (1954)
La chasse, F, pf, 1796 (1797), also as op.22, OD vi
A Complete … Delineation of the Ceremony from St James’s to St Paul’s … 19 Dec 1797, pf (1798)
Sonata with The Lass of Richmond Hill, F, hp (c1800)
Duet polonoise, E , pf 3 hands (?1802)
Fantasia and Fugue, f, pf (1804), also as opp.50 and 55, OD xi, SP ii, ed. in LPS, vi (1985)
La consolation, B , pf (1807), also as op.61
3 fugues à la camera, D g, F, pf 4 hands (1808), OD ix
(bk i) Recueil d’[3]airs connus variés, B , F, C, pf (1810), OD iii, SP ii
(bk ii) Recueil d’[3]airs connus variés, G, c, B , pf (1811), OD iii, SP ii
Fantaisie, F, pf (1811), OD xii, SP ii; 4th movt ed. in MAB, xvii (1954) and in MVH, v (1961)
Partant pour la Syrie, with variations, E , pf (1811), OD i
3 sonatas, B , G, c, hp (1797), by (5) S. Dussek
6 Sonatinas, C, F, G, B , F, E , hp (1799), ed. in MAB, xxii (1956), by (5) S. Dussek
Instructions on the Art of Playing the Piano Forte or Harpsichord (London, 1796, and many later edns; Fr. edn as Méthode pour le piano forte, Paris, 1799/R, c285; Ger. edn as Pianoforte-Schule, Leipzig, 1802, 4/?1815, c287)
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AMAZON: DUSSEK, J.L. - Piano Concertos, Opp. 17, 40
CPDL: No disponible
SPOTIFY: DUSSEK, J.L. - Piano Concertos, Opp. 17, 40

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