dilluns, 22 de febrer del 2016

EGGERT, Joachim Georg Nicolas (1779-1813) - String Quartet, Op.3

Rembrandt Peale - Rubens Peale with a Geranium (1801)
Obra de Rembrandt Peale (1778-1860), pintor nord-americà (1)

- Recordatori de Joachim Georg Nicolas Eggert -
En el dia de la celebració del seu 237è aniversari de naixement

Parlem de Pintura...

Rembrandt Peale (Bucks County, 22 de febrer de 1778 - Philadelphia, 3 d'octubre de 1860) va ser un pintor nord-americà. Fill del pintor Charles Willson Peale, es va formar, com van fer els seus germans Rubens Peale, Raphaelle Peale i Titian Peale, amb el seu pare. El 1795 va realitzar la primera obra, un retrat de George Washington. Poc després va viatjar a Europa per ampliar la seva formació, establint-se a París, on va estudiar les obres dels antics mestres. El 1812 va tornar als EUA on va fundar el Peale Museum a Baltimore amb la idea de promocionar els estudis en Art. No obstant i degut a nombrosos deutes, va cedir la direcció del museu al seu germà Rubens i va marxar a Nova York on va tenir millors oportunitats per tal d'exhibir les seves pintures. El 1826 va viatjar a Boston on va rebre la influència de l'obra de Washington Allston. Poc després va tornar a Europa, concretament a Itàlia, on va fer còpies de pintures del renaixement i barroc. Va tornar als EUA amb la idea d'obrir una galeria d'art amb obres italianes no obstant no va rebre el suport esperat i va desistir d'aquest propòsit. El 1831 es va instal·lar a Philadelphia, ciutat on va viure la resta de la seva vida fins el 1860, l'any de la seva mort.

Font: En català: No disponible En castellano: No disponible In english: Rembrandt Peale (1778-1860) - Altres: Rembrandt Peale (1778-1860)

Parlem de Música...

Joachim Georg Nicolas Eggert (Gingst, 22 de febrer de 1779 - Thomestorp, 14 d'abril de 1813) va ser un director i compositor alemany, actiu principalment a Suècia. Es va formar inicialment amb un mestre local abans de viatjar, el 1794, a Stralsund on va estudiar amb Friedrich Gregor Kahlow i Ferdinand Fischer. El 1802 va ser nomenat kapellmeister del teatre de la cort de Mecklenburg-Schwerin no obstant va renunciar al lloc pocs mesos després per motius contractuals. El 1803 va rebre una oferta de violinista de la hovkapell de Stockholm, càrrec que va acceptar, i entre el 1808 i 1812 va ser nomenat kapellmästare, també a Stockholm. En aquell temps, i com a director d'orquestra, va exportar al país nòrdic les òperes de Mozart i les simfonies de Beethoven. Va treballar activament com a professor tenint molts alumnes, entre altres, Erik Drake, Edmund Passy i Johan Martin de Ron. A partir del 1811 es va dedicar a l'estudi i recopilació de cançons tradicionals sueques amb l'objectiu de potenciar la música nacional, tanmateix i prematurament, la tuberculosis va posar fi a la seva vida l'abril de 1813.


Vocal secular:

Morerna i Spanien, eller Barndomens välde [The Moors in Spain, or Childhood’s Choices] (drama with song, 3, R.C.G. de Pixérécourt, trans. M. Altén), Stockholm, Dramatiska, 6 May 1809
Svant Sture och Märta Lejonhufvud (historical drama with singing, 5, P.A. Granberg), Stockholm, Dramatiska, 31 Oct 1812

Cants. for the celebration of peace between Sweden and Russia, 1809, and Prince Karl Johan’s arrival in Stockholm, 1810;
3 other cants., occasional pieces for ens, songs


5 syms.: C, g, E , c (1812), d (inc.);
Funeral music for Duke Adolf Fredrik of Östergötland;
Coronation music for King Carl XIII;
Mozart wind serenade arr. 2 bn, orch (lost);
other works

Sextet, f/F, cl, hn/basset-hn, vn, va, vc, db, 1807 (1818);
3 str qts [op.1], C, f, F (1807);
Trio, 3 bn, 1807;
Trio, E , hp, hn, bn, 1810;
Sextet, f/F, 2 vn, 2 va, vc, db, 1811;
Pf Qt, g, op.3 (1811);
3 str qts [op.2], B , g, d (1812);
Str Qt, E , S-L;
4 other str qts;
other works

Font: En català: No disponible En castellano: Joachim Georg Nicolas Eggert (1779-1813) In english: Joachim Georg Nicolas Eggert (1779-1813) - Altres: Joachim Georg Nicolas Eggert (1779-1813)

Parlem en veu pròpia o en veu d'altri...

Eggert’s musical style is bold and original, with striking orchestration (particularly in the five symphonies, often using massive percussion and brass forces), considerable dynamic shadings and advanced harmonic language. His string quartets display exceptional knowledge of counterpoint and part-writing, in a style that is close to that of late Haydn and Beethoven. Many of his instrumental works were published by Breitkopf & Härtel during his lifetime.

GROVE MUSIC ONLINE (source/font: aquí)


A long-neglected pioneer, he was most important in establishing classical instrumental music in Sweden. Eggert was born in Gingst on the Swedish island of Ruegen (now part of Germany). A sickly but musically gifted youth, he began playing violin at age 11. Following a period of illness - possibly the first signs of the tuberculosis that would doom him to a short life - he pursued his education in Northern Germany (1794 to 1802) and got acquainted with the latest musical trends. His first professional appointment (1802), as music director of the Court Theater in Mecklenburg-Schwerin, lasted six months before he quit over creative differences. He considered seeking employment in St. Petersburg, Russia before setting out for a position in Pomerania in 1803. His route brought him to Stockholm, where he was introduced to Royal Kapellmeister Johann Christian Friedrich Haeffner. Deeply impressed with his talents, Haeffner persuaded Eggert to remain in Stockholm, hired him as a violinist with the Royal Court Orchestra, and helped his career in other ways. Soon he was receiving commissions for ceremonial pieces and his "Funeral Music for Duke Frederik Adolf" (1804) won him accolades from the nobility. In April 1805 Haeffner conducted the private premiere of Eggert's Symphony No. 1 in C major before the Swedish Royal Court; the response was favorable enough to merit a public performance of the work two weeks later. The Symphony No. 2 in G minor was premiered in February 1807. Eggert had the misfortune of living in an arid period of Swedish history. 

Stockholm had been a thriving center of the arts under "enlightened despot" Gustav III, the founder of the Royal Swedish Opera and the Royal Academy of Music, and the great patron of composer Joseph Martin Kraus. His assassination at the opera house in 1792, when Eggert was 13, brought on a quarter-century of political instability and cultural regression - "an age of lead succeeding an age of gold" as one historian put it. His son and successor Gustav IV had little interest in music. In 1806 he condescended to see an opera dedicated to his wife the Queen Consort, having apparently never set foot in the theatre before. The sight of people frivolously enjoying themselves in the place where his father was murdered so infuriated the monarch that he shut down the Royal Opera and fired all the singers; somehow he was dissuaded from having the building demolished. The Royal Court Orchestra, which had also played at the Opera, was the only large-scale instrumental ensemble in Sweden, and now they were restricted to presenting one public concert a week. Haeffner resigned in protest and Eggert was named the new Kapellmeister; as an additional incentive he was elected to the Royal Academy of Music in 1807. He wasted no time in using his new clout. On May 14, 1807, he debuted in Stockholm as a conductor with a big concert of his own music, including the Symphonies Nos. 3 and 4 and the finale of the Symphony No. 1. With programming space at a premium he dared to present new and challenging repertory from Austria and Germany, introducing Beethoven's music to Stockholm audiences in 1808 and giving the Swedish premiere of Haydn's oratorio "The Seasons" in 1810. 

He also made field trips to collect Swedish folk songs and folk instruments. When Gustav IV was deposed in 1809, Eggert rushed to stage his unperformed opera "The Moors in Spain" (1809), though the Royal Opera would not become fully functional again for another three years under the direction of Anders Skjoldebrand. Eggert celebrated the grand reopening by leading the first-ever Swedish performance of a Mozart opera, "The Magic Flute" (March 30, 1812). His last major work was the historical opera "Svante Sture" (1812). There are signs Eggert was frustrated in Stockholm. His conducting debut was advertised as a farewell concert because he "intended to leave Sweden". This may have been a ploy to sell more tickets (or used as a bargaining chip with Gustav), but in 1812 he was again discussing a European tour "for further study". It's quite possible he wanted a higher-profile position elsewhere; he was ambitious and his music was starting to get published by a top German firm (Breitkopf & Härtel in Leipzig). As Royal Kapellmeister he had certainly gotten as far as a musician of international calibre could in Sweden. But at that point his health began to fail and by the end of year he had resigned from the orchestra. His final months were spent in Ostergotland, where he was cared for by his students until his death at 34. 

Left among his papers were some sketches for a Fifth Symphony. He never married. It has been argued that had Eggert worked in any other European capital he would not have subsequently slipped through the cracks of history. Stockholm in his time had no publishers or journals to promote music, and most of his compositions gathered dust in manuscript. Concertgoers embraced his Viennese Classical programs, an important step; but the native symphonism he pioneered would not take hold in Sweden until Franz Berwald was recognized in the 1860s, by which time Eggert was forgotten. Only in the beginning of the 21st Century was interest in his music revived. It shows an imagination that looked forward to the Romantic era and a readiness to experiment with form and color. He incorporated folk elements into his Symphony No. 1, while his Symphony No. 3 in E-flat Major (1807) introduced a trombone section into symphonic writing before Beethoven more famously did in his Fifth and Sixth Symphonies (both premiered in December 1808). Other compositions include the "Coronation Music for Carl XIII" (1809), Largo for Orchestra in F Minor, 10 string quartets, the Piano Quartet in G Minor, Wind sextet in F Minor, cantatas, dance music and songs. To date the Symphonies 3 and 4 and the Quartet in C Minor (Op. 3) have been recorded. 

Bobb Edwards (source/font: aquí)

Gaudiu i compartiu! 

Informació addicional... 

INTERPRETS: Salomonkvartetten
CPDL: No disponible
SPOTIFY: String Quartets

Tant si us ha agradat, com si no, opineu, és lliure i fàcil!

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