Obra de Wladyslaw Slewinski (1856-1918), pintor polonès (1)
- Recordatori de César Antonovich Cui -
En el dia de la commemoració del seu 100è aniversari de decés
Parlem de Pintura...
Władysław Ślewiński (Nowy Białynin, 1 de juny de 1856 - Paris, 24 de març de 1918) va ser un pintor polonès. Es va formar inicialment amb el seu cosí i pintor Józef Chełmoński entrant, poc després, al taller de Wojciech Gerson. El 1886 i després de rebre una herència va viure de forma despreocupada provocant, ben aviat, la seva ruïna economica en un fet que el va obligar a fugir ben lluny de la seva Polònia natal. Instal·lat a París, va iniciar la seva carrera de pintor estudiant, entre els anys 1888 i 1890, a les acadèmies de Colarossi i Julian. El 1889 va fer amistat amb Paul Gauguin amb qui va compartir espai a Le Pouldu. El 1895 i el 1896 va exhibir en el Salon des Indépendants. El 1905 va tornar a Polònia on va treballar breument com a professor de l'Acadèmia de Belles Arts de Varsòvia obrint també, i de forma paral·lela, el seu propi taller. El 1910 va tornar a França on ja hi va romandre la resta de la seva vida morint a París el març de 1918.
Parlem de Música...
César [Tsezar'] Antonovich Cui [Kyui] [Це́зарь Анто́нович Кюи́] (Vilnus, 18 de gener de 1835 - Sant Petersburg, 13 de març de 1918) va ser un compositor lituà. Fill d'una dona noble lituana i d'un oficial francès, es va formar en notació musical i piano de forma autodidacta. A partir del 1849 va rebre lliçons d'harmonia i contrapunt del compositor polonès Stanisław Moniuszko, en aquell temps resident a Vílnius. El 1850 va viatjar a Sant Petersburg on va ingressar a l'Escola d'Enginyeria. Més tard, va assistir a l'Acadèmia d'Enginyeria Militar i es va graduar el 1857, arribant a ser topògraf i un expert en fortificacions militars. En aquest sentit, va treballar com a enginyer arribant a ser Tinent General d'Enginyers. El 1878 va ser nomenat professor a l'Escola d'Enginyeria i per un temps va ser el tutor privat del tsar Nicolau II. El 1864 va començar a escriure crítiques musicals per als diaris i es va fer conegut en els cercles musicals per la seva oposició a la música occidental, especialment a la de Max Reger i a la de Richard Strauss. A tal efect, es va associar amb el petit grup de compositors russos que intentava crear un estil musical genuïnament rus basat en les idees nacionalistes de Glinka. Conegut com el Grup dels Cinc, van intentar establir un idioma musical nacional. Com a compositor va mostrar la influència de Balákirev i d'altres autors russos i va mostrar més talent per les petites obres de cambra o de piano que per les grans obres orquestrals. César Cui va morir a Sant Petersburg el març de 1918.
autograph scores of works first performed at St Petersburg, Mariinsky Theatre, in RUS-SPtob
Zamok Neygauzen [Neuhausen Castle] (V.A. Krïlov, after A.A. Bestuzhev-Marlinsky), c1856 [only sketched]
Kavkazskiy plennik [The Captive in the Caucasus; A Prisoner in the Caucasus] (op, 3, Krïlov, after A.S. Pushkin), 1857–8 [Acts 1, 3], 1881–2 [Act 2], St Petersburg, Mariinsky, 4/16 Feb 1883, vs (St Petersburg, 1882); rev. Fr. version [Act 2 expanded], Liège, 1 Jan 1886, vs (Paris, 1885; fs (St Petersburg, n.d.) [Russ., Fr.]
Sïn mandarina [The Mandarin’s Son] (comic op, 1, Krïlov), 1859, St Petersburg, Artists’ Club, 7/19 Dec 1878, vs (St Petersburg, 1859)
Vil'yam Ratklif [William Ratcliff] (op, 3, Cui, with addns by Krïlov, after A.N. Pleshcheyev’s trans. of H. Heine’s play), 1861–8, St Petersburg, Mariinsky, 14/26 Feb 1869, vs (Leipzig, 1869)
Andzhelo [Angelo] (op, 4, V.P. Burenin, after V. Hugo), 1871–5, St Petersburg, Mariinsky, 1/13 Feb 1876, vs (St Petersburg, 1876)
Mlada (opera-ballet, 4, Krïlov), 1872, Act 1 only, concert perf., Petrograd, Feb 1917 (St Petersburg, 1911); other acts by Rimsky-Korsakov, Borodin and Musorgsky, incid ballet music by Minkus
Le flibustier (comédie lyrique, 3, J. Richepin after his play), 1888–9, Paris, OC (Favart), 22 Jan 1894, vs (Paris, 1893); Russ. version, ‘U moria’ [By the Sea], Moscow Conservatory, 1908, vs (Moscow, 1912)
Pir vo vremya chumï [A Feast in Time of Plague] (dramatic scenes, 1, Pushkin’s ‘little tragedy’), c1889–1890, 1900, Moscow, Novyi Theatre, 11/24 Nov 1901 (Leipzig, 1901)
Saratsin [The Saracen] (op, 4, after A. Dumas père: Charles VII chez ses grands vassaux), 1896–8, St Petersburg, Mariinsky, 2/14 Nov 1899, vs (Moscow, 1899)
Undina [Undine] (op, M.I. Tchaikovsky, after V.A. Zhukovsky), c1900–04 [only sketched]
Mademuazel' Fifi [Mademoiselle Fifi] (op, 1, Cui, after G. de Maupassant and O. Méténier), 1902–3, Moscow, Hermitage, 4/17 Nov 1903 (Moscow, 1903)
Snezhnïy bogatïr' [The Snow Hero] (children’s opera-fairy tale, 2 scenes, M. Pol'), 1905, Yalta, 15/28 May 1906, vs (Moscow, 1906)
Mateo Fal'kone [Mateo Falcone] (Dramatic scene, after P. Mérimée, trans. Zhukovsky), 1906–7, Moscow, Bol'shoy, 14/27 Dec 1907 (Moscow, 1907)
Kapitanskaya dochka [The Captain’s Daughter] (op, 4, after Pushkin), 1907–9, St Petersburg, Mariinsky, 14/27 Feb 1911, vs (Moscow, 1910)
Krasnaya shapochka [Little Red Riding-Hood] (children’s opera-fairy tale, 2 scenes, Pol', after C. Perrault), 1911, Yalta, 1911, vs (Moscow, 1912 [in magazine Svetlyachok])
Kot v sapogakh [Puss in Boots] (children’s opera-fairy tale, 3, Pol' and N. Dolomanova, after Perrault), 1913, Rome, ?Feb 1915 (with marionettes), Tbilisi, State, 30 Dec 1915/12 Jan 1916, vs (St Petersburg, 1913 [in Svetlyachok])
Ivanushka-durachok [Ivan the Little Fool] (children’s opera-fairy tale, 3 scenes, Dolomanova), 1913, vs (Leipzig, 1914)
Completions of Dargomïzhsky: The Stone Guest, 1870 [with Rimsky-Korsakov]; Musorgsky: The Fair at Sorochintsï, 1915–16
unaccompanied unless otherwise stated
4 Two Choruses, mixed vv, orch, 1860
6 Misticheskiy khor [Mystical Chorus], female vv, pf/orch, 1871
28 Seven Choruses, mixed vv, 1885
34 Ave Maria, 1v/2vv, female vv, pf/hmn, 1886
— Les oiseaux d’Argenteau, children’s vv, 1887
46 Five Choruses, mixed vv, 1893
53 Six Choruses, mixed vv, 1895
101 [Seven] Little Duet-Choruses, female/children’s vv, 1899, unpubd
58 Zwei Lieder, male vv, 1901
63 Six Choruses, mixed vv, 1903
77 Seven Choruses (Belousov), 1908
80 Three Psalms, mixed vv, 1910
85 Thirteen Choruses, female and children’s vv, pf, 1911
— Marsh russkikh sokolov [March of the Russian Falcons], mixed vv, pf, 1912
89 Cantata for the 300th anniversary of the Romanov dynasty, mixed vv, orch, 1913
93 Pesn' presvyatïya bogoroditsï [Song of the Most Holy Theotokos, i.e. Magnificat], S, mixed vv, 1914
96 Tvoy stikh [Your Poetic Art] (cant. in memory of Lermontov), mixed vv, orch, 1914
— Idut [They’re Marching], male vv, 1914
for solo voice and piano unless otherwise stated
3 Three Romances, 1856–7
— Ya pomnyu vecher [I Remember the Evening], 1857; known mistakenly as op.13 no.7
— [Unidentified song], e , c1857, ded. G.G. Myasoedov, ?unpubd; not same as op.5 no.2
5 Six Romances, 1857–61
— Iz slyoz moikh [From my Tears], 1858
— V zhizni ty vstretish' [In Life you will Meet], c1858, unpubd
7 Six Romances, 1867–9
9 Six Romances, 1870–74
10 Six Romances, 1870–76
11 Six Romances, 1877
13 Six Romances, 1878
15 Thirteen Musical Pictures (Vignettes musicales), 1877–8
16 Six Romances, 1879
17 Bolero, 1v, pf/orch, 1881
19 Seven Romances and Duets, 1881
23 Six mélodies, 1884
27 Six Romances, 1884
— Septain, 1885
32 Sept mélodies, 1886
33 Seven Poems (by Pushkin and Lermontov), 1885–6
37 Drei Lieder, 1886
— Les adieux de Guyot-Dessaigne (Lamento), 1889
42 Les deux ménétriers, ballade, 1v, pf/orch, 1890
44 Vingt poèmes de Jean Richepin, 1890
47 Four Romances, 1892, ?unpubd
48 Cztery sonety [Four Sonnets] (A. Mickiewicz), 1892
49 Seven Romances, ?1889–92
54 Cinq mélodies, c1890 or ?1895
55 Eight Romances, c1890
— Es blasen die blauen Husaren/Golubïye gusarï [The Blue Hussars], 1894 (later as op.86, no.4)
57 Twenty-Five Poems by Pushkin, 1899
59 Seven Vocal Quartets, 4 solo/?mixed vv, 1901
62 Twenty-One Poems by Nekrasov, 1902
— Szesc pieśni [Six Polish Songs], 1902
— Polonskiy o Nekrasove [Polonskiy writing about Nekrasov], 7 solo vv, 1903; pubd as appx to op.62
66 Otzvuki voynï 1904–1905 [Echoes of War], 10 romances, 1904–5
67 Eighteen Poems by A.K. Tolstoy, 1904
— Milomu Kerzinskomu domu privet! [Greetings to the Dear Kerzin Household!], unacc. vv, 1904 (letter of 9 March)
— Zmey [The Serpent], fable, c1904; intended for op.66
— Muzïkal'nïye shutki i ėksprompty [Musical Jokes and Experiments], 1904–16, unpubd
— In Memory of Admiral Makarov, 1v, orch, 1905; ?op.66 no.6
— Vesenyaya pesnya [Spring Song], 1905
— Lamento, c1905
— Trois mélodies, 1906
— Zhelaniye [A Wish], duet, 2 S, 1906
71 Six Poems by Mickiewicz, ?1906/7
72 Neuf mélodies, c1906–10
73 Seventeen Children’s Songs, ?1906/7
75 Seven Poems by Armenian Poets, 1907
— Gimn Stasovu [Hymn to Stasov], 1907
76 Six Poems by Polonsky, 1908
— Khrista radi [For Christ’s Sake], 1908
78 Seventeen More Children’s Songs, 1909–10
— Net, ne tebya [No, not You], romance, c1910
— Ochnuvshiysya oryol [An Eagle Regaining Consciousness], 1912
— Politicheskomu poėtu [To the Political Poet], 1912
86 Twenty-Four Poems (Lieder und Romanzen), ?1913
87 Muzïkal'nïye miniatyurï, yumoreski, pis'ma [Musical Miniatures, Humoresques, Letters], ?1913
88 Nine Vocal Quartets, 4 male vv, unacc., 1911–12
90 Four Fables by I. Krïlov, 1913
— Beyte tevtona [Strike the Teuton], romance, 1914
97 Last Seventeen Children’s Songs, ?1914–15
98 Trzech Budrysów/Budrïs i yego sïnov'ya [Budrïs and his Sons], ballad, 1v, pf/orch, 1915
99 Pesni zapadnïkh slavyan [Songs of the Western Slavs], 1v, pf/orch, 1915
— Baben', 1915
— Mnogaya vam leta [Many Years to You], (1v, pf)/chorus, 1915 (in letter of 29 July)
— Ne tsvetok-li [No Flower], 1915
— Spiski smerti [Lists of Death], 1915
— Utro zhizni [Morning of Life], c1916, unpubd
— Gimn futurizmu [Hymn to Futurism], 1917
— La bataille
Opp.102–3 unknown, op.105 lost (see Neef, 1992)
— Overture, c1856, unpubd
1 Scherzo, F, 1857 [orch of pf work]
2 Scherzo, g, 1857 [orch of pf work]
12 Tarantella, g, 1858
— Symphonic allegro, E , 1862; unfinished, some material used in William Ratcliff, unpubd
18 Marche solonnelle, E , 1881
20 Suite miniature no.1, 1882 [orch of 12 Miniatures, pf, nos.10, 4, 5, 6, 8, 12]
24 Deux morceaux, vn, orch/pf, 1884
25 Suite concertante, vn, orch/pf, 1884
36 Deux morceaux, vc, orch/pf, 1886
— Orchestral March, c1886, not orchd, unpubd
38 Suite no.2, E, 1887
40 Suite no.4, 1887 [orch by Glazunov of A Argenteau, pf, nos.1, 5, 4, 8 and 9]
— Fanfari [Fanfares], wind, perc, 1889, ?unpubd [with Glazunov, in honour of M.P. Belyayev]
43 In modo populari [Suite no.3], g, small orch, 1890
65 Valse, 1904
82 Three Scherzos, C, F, c, 1910
— Slava, march, military band, 1916
— Andante and Allegro, str qt, c1858, ?unpubd
84 Sonata, D, vn, pf, c1860–70, pubd 1911
14 Petite suite, vn, pf, 1879; no.3 (Scherzino) also for solo pf
20 Douze miniatures, (vn, pf), solo pf, 1882; nos.5 and 8 also for vn, orch
24 Deux morceaux, vn, pf/orch, 1884
25 Suite concertante, vn, pf/orch, 1884
36 Deux morceaux, vc, pf/orch, 1886
39 Sept miniatures, (vn, pf), solo pf, 1886
45 String Quartet no.1, c, 1890
50 Kaleidoscope, 24 morceaux, vn, pf, 1893 [no.17 orig. Petit prélude no.1, pf, 1888]
— Tarantelle, c, vn, pf, 1893
51 Six Bagatelles, vn, pf, ?1893–5
— Quasi mazurka, vn, pf, 1894, unpubd
56 Cinq petits duos, fl, vn, pf, 1897
68 String Quartet no.2, D, 1907
81 Barcarolle, vc, pf, 1910
91 String Quartet no.3, E , 1913
— Scherzetto, D, fl, pf, ?1916
piano solo unless otherwise stated
— Mazurka, g, c1849, ?unpubd
— Uvertyura, ili nechto v ėtom rode [Overture, or Something in that Vein], ?pf, c1849–56, ?unpubd
— March, c1856, ?unpubd
— Overture with Orchestral Indications, pf 4 hands, c1856, ?unpubd
1 Scherzo no.1, on themes B–A–B–E–G and C–C, F, pf 4 hands, 1857; orchd
2 Scherzo no.2, à la Schumann, g , pf 4 hands, 1857; orchd
— Entr’acte, pf 4 hands, 1857, unpubd
— Scherzo, ? f or A, c1857, ?unpubd
— Polka, ?pf, c1858, ded. Mme Nebol'sina, ?unpubd
— Polonaise, c1858, ?unpubd
— Scherzo, C, 1862, ?unpubd
— Scherzo, g , 1862, ?unpubd
8 Trois morceaux, 1877
— Paraphrases (5 variations with Finale, and Valse), 1878; other pieces by Borodin, Lyadov, Rimsky-Korsakov, Shcherbachev, Liszt
— Pyatiklavishnaya peska [Piece for 5 Piano Keys], G , pf 4 hands, ?1881 (pubd in journal Sem'ya i shkola)
20 Douze miniatures, 1882; also arr. vn, pf; nos.10, 4, 5, 6, 8, 12 orchd
21 Suite, 1883
22 Quatre morceaux, 1883
26 Valse caprice, A ?1883/4
29 Deux bluettes, 1886
30 Deux polonaises, 1886
31 Trois valses, 1886
35 Trois impromptus, 1886
39 Six miniatures, [plus a seventh] 1886; also arr. vn, pf
40 A Argenteau, 9 pièces caractéristiques, 1887; nos.1, 5, 4, 8, 9 orchd Glazunov
— Petit prélude no.1, E, 1888; later arr. vn, pf as op.50 no.17
41 Trois mouvements de valse, ?1888
— Pièce enfantine, pf 4 hands, ?1889
— Petit prélude no.2, b , 1889–90
— Tema dlya variatsii [Theme for Variation], ?1890 [pubd in autograph facs.]
52 Cinq morceaux, ?1895
— Impromptu-caprice, ?1896
— Kolïbel'naya [Lullaby], 1900, unpubd
60 Quatre morceaux, 1901
61 Thème et variations, D, 1901
64 Vingt-cinq préludes, 1903
74 Dix pièces pour cinq touches, pf 4 hands, by 1906
69 Trois morceaux, 2 pf 4 hands, 1907
70 Deux mazurkas, 1907
79 Three Mazurkas, 1909
— Prelude, g, org/hmn, 1913
— Prelude, A , org/hmn, 1913
83 Cinq morceaux, 1911
92 Trois esquisses mélodiques, ?1913, MS in St Louis, Art Publication Society
94 Trois mouvements de danse, 1914
95 Cinq morceaux, 1914
— V ozhidanii [In Expectation], ?1914
100 Eighteen Variations, 1916, unpubd
104 Thème et variations-préludes (?), 1916, unpubd
106 Petite-sonatine, 1916, unpubd
— Three pieces, ‘from the last years’, ed. (Moscow, 1952)
La musique en Russie (Paris, 1880/R) [collected articles from RGMP, 1878–80; incl. C. Bellaigue: ‘Notice biographique’]
‘Kol'tso Nibelungov’, trilogiya Rikharda Wagnera: musïkal'no-kriticheskiy ocherk [The Ring of the Nibelung, Wagner’s trilogy: a critical study] (St Petersburg, 1889, 2/1909) [orig. pubd as articles in Sanktpeterburgskiye vedomosti, 1876]; see also review in RMG (31 Jan 1910)
‘“Flibustier” v Parizhe (pis'mo k redaktoru)’ [Flibustier in Paris (letter to the editor)], Knizhki nedeli (1894), April, 180–98
‘Ocherk razvitiya russkogo romansa’ [Sketch of the development of Russian art song], RMG, ii (1895), no.4, pp.252–63; nos.5–6, pp.362–7 (lecture)
Russkiy romans: ocherk yego razvitiya [The Russian art song: a study of its development] (St Petersburg, 1896); Eng. trans. in J.R. Walker: Classical Essays on the Development of Russian Art Songs (Northfield, MN, 1993)
‘A Historical Sketch of Music in Russia’, The Century Library of Music, ed. I.J. Paderewski, vii (New York, 1901), 197–219
Ts. Kyui: Vospominaniya [Reminiscences] (MS, 1917, St Petersburg, archive of the Military-Historical Museum of Artillery and Engineering Forces)
Musïkal'no-kriticheskiye stat'i [Critical articles on music], i (Petrograd, 1918) [articles for 1864–5; no more vols. pubd]
ed. Yu.A. Kremlyov: Ts.A. Kyui: Izbrannïye stat'i [Selected articles] (Leningrad, 1952) [incl. nearly complete list of pubd articles on music]
Izbrannïye stat'i ob ispolnitelyakh [Selected articles on performers] (Moscow, 1957)
autograph scores of works first performed at St Petersburg, Mariinsky Theatre, in RUS-SPtob
Zamok Neygauzen [Neuhausen Castle] (V.A. Krïlov, after A.A. Bestuzhev-Marlinsky), c1856 [only sketched]
Kavkazskiy plennik [The Captive in the Caucasus; A Prisoner in the Caucasus] (op, 3, Krïlov, after A.S. Pushkin), 1857–8 [Acts 1, 3], 1881–2 [Act 2], St Petersburg, Mariinsky, 4/16 Feb 1883, vs (St Petersburg, 1882); rev. Fr. version [Act 2 expanded], Liège, 1 Jan 1886, vs (Paris, 1885; fs (St Petersburg, n.d.) [Russ., Fr.]
Sïn mandarina [The Mandarin’s Son] (comic op, 1, Krïlov), 1859, St Petersburg, Artists’ Club, 7/19 Dec 1878, vs (St Petersburg, 1859)
Vil'yam Ratklif [William Ratcliff] (op, 3, Cui, with addns by Krïlov, after A.N. Pleshcheyev’s trans. of H. Heine’s play), 1861–8, St Petersburg, Mariinsky, 14/26 Feb 1869, vs (Leipzig, 1869)
Andzhelo [Angelo] (op, 4, V.P. Burenin, after V. Hugo), 1871–5, St Petersburg, Mariinsky, 1/13 Feb 1876, vs (St Petersburg, 1876)
Mlada (opera-ballet, 4, Krïlov), 1872, Act 1 only, concert perf., Petrograd, Feb 1917 (St Petersburg, 1911); other acts by Rimsky-Korsakov, Borodin and Musorgsky, incid ballet music by Minkus
Le flibustier (comédie lyrique, 3, J. Richepin after his play), 1888–9, Paris, OC (Favart), 22 Jan 1894, vs (Paris, 1893); Russ. version, ‘U moria’ [By the Sea], Moscow Conservatory, 1908, vs (Moscow, 1912)
Pir vo vremya chumï [A Feast in Time of Plague] (dramatic scenes, 1, Pushkin’s ‘little tragedy’), c1889–1890, 1900, Moscow, Novyi Theatre, 11/24 Nov 1901 (Leipzig, 1901)
Saratsin [The Saracen] (op, 4, after A. Dumas père: Charles VII chez ses grands vassaux), 1896–8, St Petersburg, Mariinsky, 2/14 Nov 1899, vs (Moscow, 1899)
Undina [Undine] (op, M.I. Tchaikovsky, after V.A. Zhukovsky), c1900–04 [only sketched]
Mademuazel' Fifi [Mademoiselle Fifi] (op, 1, Cui, after G. de Maupassant and O. Méténier), 1902–3, Moscow, Hermitage, 4/17 Nov 1903 (Moscow, 1903)
Snezhnïy bogatïr' [The Snow Hero] (children’s opera-fairy tale, 2 scenes, M. Pol'), 1905, Yalta, 15/28 May 1906, vs (Moscow, 1906)
Mateo Fal'kone [Mateo Falcone] (Dramatic scene, after P. Mérimée, trans. Zhukovsky), 1906–7, Moscow, Bol'shoy, 14/27 Dec 1907 (Moscow, 1907)
Kapitanskaya dochka [The Captain’s Daughter] (op, 4, after Pushkin), 1907–9, St Petersburg, Mariinsky, 14/27 Feb 1911, vs (Moscow, 1910)
Krasnaya shapochka [Little Red Riding-Hood] (children’s opera-fairy tale, 2 scenes, Pol', after C. Perrault), 1911, Yalta, 1911, vs (Moscow, 1912 [in magazine Svetlyachok])
Kot v sapogakh [Puss in Boots] (children’s opera-fairy tale, 3, Pol' and N. Dolomanova, after Perrault), 1913, Rome, ?Feb 1915 (with marionettes), Tbilisi, State, 30 Dec 1915/12 Jan 1916, vs (St Petersburg, 1913 [in Svetlyachok])
Ivanushka-durachok [Ivan the Little Fool] (children’s opera-fairy tale, 3 scenes, Dolomanova), 1913, vs (Leipzig, 1914)
Completions of Dargomïzhsky: The Stone Guest, 1870 [with Rimsky-Korsakov]; Musorgsky: The Fair at Sorochintsï, 1915–16
unaccompanied unless otherwise stated
4 Two Choruses, mixed vv, orch, 1860
6 Misticheskiy khor [Mystical Chorus], female vv, pf/orch, 1871
28 Seven Choruses, mixed vv, 1885
34 Ave Maria, 1v/2vv, female vv, pf/hmn, 1886
— Les oiseaux d’Argenteau, children’s vv, 1887
46 Five Choruses, mixed vv, 1893
53 Six Choruses, mixed vv, 1895
101 [Seven] Little Duet-Choruses, female/children’s vv, 1899, unpubd
58 Zwei Lieder, male vv, 1901
63 Six Choruses, mixed vv, 1903
77 Seven Choruses (Belousov), 1908
80 Three Psalms, mixed vv, 1910
85 Thirteen Choruses, female and children’s vv, pf, 1911
— Marsh russkikh sokolov [March of the Russian Falcons], mixed vv, pf, 1912
89 Cantata for the 300th anniversary of the Romanov dynasty, mixed vv, orch, 1913
93 Pesn' presvyatïya bogoroditsï [Song of the Most Holy Theotokos, i.e. Magnificat], S, mixed vv, 1914
96 Tvoy stikh [Your Poetic Art] (cant. in memory of Lermontov), mixed vv, orch, 1914
— Idut [They’re Marching], male vv, 1914
for solo voice and piano unless otherwise stated
3 Three Romances, 1856–7
— Ya pomnyu vecher [I Remember the Evening], 1857; known mistakenly as op.13 no.7
— [Unidentified song], e , c1857, ded. G.G. Myasoedov, ?unpubd; not same as op.5 no.2
5 Six Romances, 1857–61
— Iz slyoz moikh [From my Tears], 1858
— V zhizni ty vstretish' [In Life you will Meet], c1858, unpubd
7 Six Romances, 1867–9
9 Six Romances, 1870–74
10 Six Romances, 1870–76
11 Six Romances, 1877
13 Six Romances, 1878
15 Thirteen Musical Pictures (Vignettes musicales), 1877–8
16 Six Romances, 1879
17 Bolero, 1v, pf/orch, 1881
19 Seven Romances and Duets, 1881
23 Six mélodies, 1884
27 Six Romances, 1884
— Septain, 1885
32 Sept mélodies, 1886
33 Seven Poems (by Pushkin and Lermontov), 1885–6
37 Drei Lieder, 1886
— Les adieux de Guyot-Dessaigne (Lamento), 1889
42 Les deux ménétriers, ballade, 1v, pf/orch, 1890
44 Vingt poèmes de Jean Richepin, 1890
47 Four Romances, 1892, ?unpubd
48 Cztery sonety [Four Sonnets] (A. Mickiewicz), 1892
49 Seven Romances, ?1889–92
54 Cinq mélodies, c1890 or ?1895
55 Eight Romances, c1890
— Es blasen die blauen Husaren/Golubïye gusarï [The Blue Hussars], 1894 (later as op.86, no.4)
57 Twenty-Five Poems by Pushkin, 1899
59 Seven Vocal Quartets, 4 solo/?mixed vv, 1901
62 Twenty-One Poems by Nekrasov, 1902
— Szesc pieśni [Six Polish Songs], 1902
— Polonskiy o Nekrasove [Polonskiy writing about Nekrasov], 7 solo vv, 1903; pubd as appx to op.62
66 Otzvuki voynï 1904–1905 [Echoes of War], 10 romances, 1904–5
67 Eighteen Poems by A.K. Tolstoy, 1904
— Milomu Kerzinskomu domu privet! [Greetings to the Dear Kerzin Household!], unacc. vv, 1904 (letter of 9 March)
— Zmey [The Serpent], fable, c1904; intended for op.66
— Muzïkal'nïye shutki i ėksprompty [Musical Jokes and Experiments], 1904–16, unpubd
— In Memory of Admiral Makarov, 1v, orch, 1905; ?op.66 no.6
— Vesenyaya pesnya [Spring Song], 1905
— Lamento, c1905
— Trois mélodies, 1906
— Zhelaniye [A Wish], duet, 2 S, 1906
71 Six Poems by Mickiewicz, ?1906/7
72 Neuf mélodies, c1906–10
73 Seventeen Children’s Songs, ?1906/7
75 Seven Poems by Armenian Poets, 1907
— Gimn Stasovu [Hymn to Stasov], 1907
76 Six Poems by Polonsky, 1908
— Khrista radi [For Christ’s Sake], 1908
78 Seventeen More Children’s Songs, 1909–10
— Net, ne tebya [No, not You], romance, c1910
— Ochnuvshiysya oryol [An Eagle Regaining Consciousness], 1912
— Politicheskomu poėtu [To the Political Poet], 1912
86 Twenty-Four Poems (Lieder und Romanzen), ?1913
87 Muzïkal'nïye miniatyurï, yumoreski, pis'ma [Musical Miniatures, Humoresques, Letters], ?1913
88 Nine Vocal Quartets, 4 male vv, unacc., 1911–12
90 Four Fables by I. Krïlov, 1913
— Beyte tevtona [Strike the Teuton], romance, 1914
97 Last Seventeen Children’s Songs, ?1914–15
98 Trzech Budrysów/Budrïs i yego sïnov'ya [Budrïs and his Sons], ballad, 1v, pf/orch, 1915
99 Pesni zapadnïkh slavyan [Songs of the Western Slavs], 1v, pf/orch, 1915
— Baben', 1915
— Mnogaya vam leta [Many Years to You], (1v, pf)/chorus, 1915 (in letter of 29 July)
— Ne tsvetok-li [No Flower], 1915
— Spiski smerti [Lists of Death], 1915
— Utro zhizni [Morning of Life], c1916, unpubd
— Gimn futurizmu [Hymn to Futurism], 1917
— La bataille
Opp.102–3 unknown, op.105 lost (see Neef, 1992)
— Overture, c1856, unpubd
1 Scherzo, F, 1857 [orch of pf work]
2 Scherzo, g, 1857 [orch of pf work]
12 Tarantella, g, 1858
— Symphonic allegro, E , 1862; unfinished, some material used in William Ratcliff, unpubd
18 Marche solonnelle, E , 1881
20 Suite miniature no.1, 1882 [orch of 12 Miniatures, pf, nos.10, 4, 5, 6, 8, 12]
24 Deux morceaux, vn, orch/pf, 1884
25 Suite concertante, vn, orch/pf, 1884
36 Deux morceaux, vc, orch/pf, 1886
— Orchestral March, c1886, not orchd, unpubd
38 Suite no.2, E, 1887
40 Suite no.4, 1887 [orch by Glazunov of A Argenteau, pf, nos.1, 5, 4, 8 and 9]
— Fanfari [Fanfares], wind, perc, 1889, ?unpubd [with Glazunov, in honour of M.P. Belyayev]
43 In modo populari [Suite no.3], g, small orch, 1890
65 Valse, 1904
82 Three Scherzos, C, F, c, 1910
— Slava, march, military band, 1916
— Andante and Allegro, str qt, c1858, ?unpubd
84 Sonata, D, vn, pf, c1860–70, pubd 1911
14 Petite suite, vn, pf, 1879; no.3 (Scherzino) also for solo pf
20 Douze miniatures, (vn, pf), solo pf, 1882; nos.5 and 8 also for vn, orch
24 Deux morceaux, vn, pf/orch, 1884
25 Suite concertante, vn, pf/orch, 1884
36 Deux morceaux, vc, pf/orch, 1886
39 Sept miniatures, (vn, pf), solo pf, 1886
45 String Quartet no.1, c, 1890
50 Kaleidoscope, 24 morceaux, vn, pf, 1893 [no.17 orig. Petit prélude no.1, pf, 1888]
— Tarantelle, c, vn, pf, 1893
51 Six Bagatelles, vn, pf, ?1893–5
— Quasi mazurka, vn, pf, 1894, unpubd
56 Cinq petits duos, fl, vn, pf, 1897
68 String Quartet no.2, D, 1907
81 Barcarolle, vc, pf, 1910
91 String Quartet no.3, E , 1913
— Scherzetto, D, fl, pf, ?1916
piano solo unless otherwise stated
— Mazurka, g, c1849, ?unpubd
— Uvertyura, ili nechto v ėtom rode [Overture, or Something in that Vein], ?pf, c1849–56, ?unpubd
— March, c1856, ?unpubd
— Overture with Orchestral Indications, pf 4 hands, c1856, ?unpubd
1 Scherzo no.1, on themes B–A–B–E–G and C–C, F, pf 4 hands, 1857; orchd
2 Scherzo no.2, à la Schumann, g , pf 4 hands, 1857; orchd
— Entr’acte, pf 4 hands, 1857, unpubd
— Scherzo, ? f or A, c1857, ?unpubd
— Polka, ?pf, c1858, ded. Mme Nebol'sina, ?unpubd
— Polonaise, c1858, ?unpubd
— Scherzo, C, 1862, ?unpubd
— Scherzo, g , 1862, ?unpubd
8 Trois morceaux, 1877
— Paraphrases (5 variations with Finale, and Valse), 1878; other pieces by Borodin, Lyadov, Rimsky-Korsakov, Shcherbachev, Liszt
— Pyatiklavishnaya peska [Piece for 5 Piano Keys], G , pf 4 hands, ?1881 (pubd in journal Sem'ya i shkola)
20 Douze miniatures, 1882; also arr. vn, pf; nos.10, 4, 5, 6, 8, 12 orchd
21 Suite, 1883
22 Quatre morceaux, 1883
26 Valse caprice, A ?1883/4
29 Deux bluettes, 1886
30 Deux polonaises, 1886
31 Trois valses, 1886
35 Trois impromptus, 1886
39 Six miniatures, [plus a seventh] 1886; also arr. vn, pf
40 A Argenteau, 9 pièces caractéristiques, 1887; nos.1, 5, 4, 8, 9 orchd Glazunov
— Petit prélude no.1, E, 1888; later arr. vn, pf as op.50 no.17
41 Trois mouvements de valse, ?1888
— Pièce enfantine, pf 4 hands, ?1889
— Petit prélude no.2, b , 1889–90
— Tema dlya variatsii [Theme for Variation], ?1890 [pubd in autograph facs.]
52 Cinq morceaux, ?1895
— Impromptu-caprice, ?1896
— Kolïbel'naya [Lullaby], 1900, unpubd
60 Quatre morceaux, 1901
61 Thème et variations, D, 1901
64 Vingt-cinq préludes, 1903
74 Dix pièces pour cinq touches, pf 4 hands, by 1906
69 Trois morceaux, 2 pf 4 hands, 1907
70 Deux mazurkas, 1907
79 Three Mazurkas, 1909
— Prelude, g, org/hmn, 1913
— Prelude, A , org/hmn, 1913
83 Cinq morceaux, 1911
92 Trois esquisses mélodiques, ?1913, MS in St Louis, Art Publication Society
94 Trois mouvements de danse, 1914
95 Cinq morceaux, 1914
— V ozhidanii [In Expectation], ?1914
100 Eighteen Variations, 1916, unpubd
104 Thème et variations-préludes (?), 1916, unpubd
106 Petite-sonatine, 1916, unpubd
— Three pieces, ‘from the last years’, ed. (Moscow, 1952)
La musique en Russie (Paris, 1880/R) [collected articles from RGMP, 1878–80; incl. C. Bellaigue: ‘Notice biographique’]
‘Kol'tso Nibelungov’, trilogiya Rikharda Wagnera: musïkal'no-kriticheskiy ocherk [The Ring of the Nibelung, Wagner’s trilogy: a critical study] (St Petersburg, 1889, 2/1909) [orig. pubd as articles in Sanktpeterburgskiye vedomosti, 1876]; see also review in RMG (31 Jan 1910)
‘“Flibustier” v Parizhe (pis'mo k redaktoru)’ [Flibustier in Paris (letter to the editor)], Knizhki nedeli (1894), April, 180–98
‘Ocherk razvitiya russkogo romansa’ [Sketch of the development of Russian art song], RMG, ii (1895), no.4, pp.252–63; nos.5–6, pp.362–7 (lecture)
Russkiy romans: ocherk yego razvitiya [The Russian art song: a study of its development] (St Petersburg, 1896); Eng. trans. in J.R. Walker: Classical Essays on the Development of Russian Art Songs (Northfield, MN, 1993)
‘A Historical Sketch of Music in Russia’, The Century Library of Music, ed. I.J. Paderewski, vii (New York, 1901), 197–219
Ts. Kyui: Vospominaniya [Reminiscences] (MS, 1917, St Petersburg, archive of the Military-Historical Museum of Artillery and Engineering Forces)
Musïkal'no-kriticheskiye stat'i [Critical articles on music], i (Petrograd, 1918) [articles for 1864–5; no more vols. pubd]
ed. Yu.A. Kremlyov: Ts.A. Kyui: Izbrannïye stat'i [Selected articles] (Leningrad, 1952) [incl. nearly complete list of pubd articles on music]
Izbrannïye stat'i ob ispolnitelyakh [Selected articles on performers] (Moscow, 1957)
Informació addicional...
AMAZON: CUI, C. - Kaleidoscope, Op. 50, Sonate, Op. 84 & Valse mélancolique
SPOTIFY: CUI, C. - Kaleidoscope, Op. 50, Sonate, Op. 84 & Valse mélancolique

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