diumenge, 18 d’agost del 2024

HORN, Johann Caspar (1636-1722) - Es begab sich aberzu der Zeit (c.1681)

Gerard Hoet (1648-1733) - Groot offerfeest voor de god Bacchus

Johann Caspar Horn (1636-1722) - Es begab sich aber p | à | C. A. T. B: | 2. Clarin | 2. Violin | 2. Bracc. | Violon | 4. in Riepieno. | Con | Organo | ad Festum nativitatis Christi. (c.1681)
Performers: Simone Schwаrk (soprano); Johanna Krеll (alto); Florian Crаmer (tenor); Markus Flаig (bass); Kammerchor der Erlöserkirche Bad Homburg; Johann Rosenmüller Ensemble; Susanne Rοhn (conductor)


Austrian physician and composer. Son of Johann Caspar Horn (1606-1671), he practised as a physician, having completed his studies in Freiburg about 1651. He later studied law in Leipzig, where he spent most of his adult life. For at least nine years from 1663 he belonged to a fraternity of musical amateurs led by Sebastian Knüpfer, Kantor of the Thomaskirche. In 1680 he stayed briefly in Dresden. As a composer, he wrote, among other, six monumental volumes of instrumental music entitled 'Parergon musicum, oder musicalisches Neben-Werck (1663-1676)', the collection 'Scherzende Musenlust, in allerhand Arien, Madrigale, Canzonetten' (1673) and the cantata cycle 'Geistliche Harmonien über die gewöhnlichen Evangelia' (c.1681). The Geistliche Harmonien, in the style of the sacred concerto, was one of the last to be based entirely on biblical texts and one of the first to require instruments in addition to the continuo. 

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