dilluns, 13 de maig del 2024

HOFFMEISTER, Franz Anton (1754-1812) - Concerto pour le pianoforté

Christian Ludwig Seehas (1753-1802) - Franz Anton Hoffmeister (1784)

Franz Anton Hoffmeister (1754-1812) - Concerto (D-Dur) pour le clavecin, ou pianoforté, avec deux violons, deux hautbois, deux cors, alto et basse ... œuvre 24 (1789)
Performers: Wilhelm Neuhaus (piano); Cologne Chamber Orchestra; Helmut Muller-Bruhl (1933-2012, conductor)


German composer and music publisher. He attended the University of Vienna in law beginning in 1768, but shortly thereafter he decided to pursue a career in music. In 1783 he began to publish his own music, and by 1785 he had established a firm in Vienna to compete with Artaria. Well educated, erudite, and congenial, he was a welcomed guest in intellectual circles in the Austrian capital for the next several decades, while his publishing business thrived with a branch in Linz and collaborations with others such as Bösseler in Speyer. After 1790 he began to devote himself more to his music, and in 1799 he undertook a concert tour as a keyboardist to Germany and France. In Leipzig he formed a partnership with Ambrosius Kühnel, which became one of the early progenitors of the firm of C. F. Peters. The international success of particularly his Singspiel Der Königssohn aus Ithaka made it possible for him to divest himself from his businesses by 1805. As a composer, he concentrated mostly upon instrumental works, since these were the most publishable and salable music. He was extraordinarily prolific and many of his Viennese works were also popular in foreign cities: by 1803 his most successful opera, 'Der Königssohn aus Ithaka' (Vienna, 1795), had been performed in Budapest, Hamburg, Prague, Temesvár (now Timişoara), Warsaw and Weimar; his numerous chamber works were published in Amsterdam, London, Paris and Venice, as well as throughout German-speaking regions. Although his symphonies were admired for their flowing melodies and his pedagogical works for being both pleasant and instructive, his style is generally lacking in originality and depth. His works include nine Singspiels, two cantatas/oratorios, an offertory, 66 symphonies, 11 serenades, 54 sets of dances, 59 concertos (25 for fortepiano, 14 for flute, and 20 for other instruments, including five sinfonia concertantes), 30 quintets (string, flute, and other), 57 string quartets, 46 flute quartets, nine piano quartets, 18 string trios, 12 flute trios, 76 string duets, 130 flute duets, 50 violin sonatas, five flute and viola sonatas, 26 piano sonatas, and numerous other pieces for winds and keyboard. 

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