dimecres, 29 de maig del 2024

ISTVANFFY, Benedek (1733-1778) - Veni Sancte Spiritus

Charles Le Brun (1619-1690) - Allégorie à la gloire de Louis XIV

Benedek Istvánffy (1733-1778) - Offertorio („Veni Sancte Spiritus…”) Per la Domenica Di Pentecoste a 2 Soprani. Alto Tenore Basso. 2 Violini Alto Viola 2 Trombe Tympani Violone Con Organo
Performers: Czabán Angelika (soprano); Huszár Anita (mezzosoprano);
Sol Oriеns Choir and Orchestra; Deményi Sаrοlta (conductor)


Hungarian composer. Son of József Istvánffy (1703-1771), organist and teacher of figural music at the Benedictine monastery of Szentmárton, he received the first instruction in music from his father. He soon obtaining the post of organist in the castle of Count Antal Széchényi, in a post he held at least until 1761. It was during that period when he got married to Katalin Kőmíves and later born his only daugther Franziska Istvánffy (1756-1816). In 1766 he became succentor at the cathedral in Győr and from 1773 to 1775 he was also responsible for leading the choir of the Jesuit church there, in a posts he held until his death. As a composer, he mainly wrote sacred works, among them, the 'Missa sanctificabis annum quinquagesimum vel Sanctae Dorotheae' (1774) and the 'Messa dedicata al patriarcha Santo Benedetto'. His music style was close to the composers which he was in touch during his lifespan, among them, Gregor Joseph Werner, Franz Josef Aumann, Joseph Krottendorfer and Christoph Sonnleithner. 

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