dilluns, 14 d’octubre del 2024

GIULIANO, Giuseppe (c.1720-c.1776) - Concerto per mandolino

Gaspar Burla (18th Century) - The bay of Naples with the British fleet at anchor, 1 August 1718

Giuseppe Giuliano (c.1720-c.1776) - Concerto in Sol maggiore per mandolino
Performers: Francesco Mammola (mandoline); Ciurlionis Quartet


Italian composer and mandolin player. Almost nothing is known about him, although he appears to have been a native of Naples, city where he was active as a violinist and mandolin player between 1764 and 1776. As a composer, his works include several symphonies, two concertos for mandolins and two mandolin sonatas. His style is reminiscent of Empfindsamkeit, with a penchant for Neapolitan lyricism.

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