dilluns, 7 d’octubre del 2024

MAGI, Fortunato (1839-1882) - Sinfonia a piena orchestra e banda

Cincinnati & New York Strobridge Litho. Co. - In old Kentucky (c.1894)

Fortunato Magi (1839-1882) - Sinfonia a piena orchestra e banda
Performers: Teatro del Giglio di Lucca Symphony Orchestra; Giuliano Carella (conductor)


Italian composer, uncle and teacher of the famous composer Giacomo Puccini. In 1849 he enrolled at the music school in Lucca where he studied singing, organ, piano and violin lessons as well as composition and counterpoint. In 1852 he became a pupil of Michele Puccini and in 1857 he graduated in composition. That year he was appointed as teacher of harmony and organ as well as organist in different music schools in Lucca. In 1863 he became an honorary member of the Società del quartetto di Lucca. When Michele Puccini died in 1864, he replaced him as professor of composition and counterpoint as well as chapel master and organist at the Cathedral of Lucca. His musical role in the city became then very prominent and was often awarded. He was also appointed as teacher of the prestigious Accademia di S. Cecilia in Rome. In 1875 he was addmited as a member of the Bologna Philharmonic Academy and in 1877 he took over a professor position at the Liceo Musicale Benedetto Marcello in Venice in a post he held the rest of his life. As a composer, he mainly wrote sacred music among them several masses, vespers, hymns and motets most of them with double choir and large orchestra. He also left several symphonies and chamber works. 

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