divendres, 19 de novembre del 2021

ZAPPA, Francesco (1717-1803) - Sinfonia (Es-Dur) Nr.1 (c.1770)

Gerke Jans de Jager (c.1748-1822) - Allegorie der Musik mit einer Violine, einer Drehleier, einer Rahmentrommel, Noten, Blumen und Früchten auf einer steinernen Plinthe

Francesco Zappa (1717-1803) - Sinfonia (Es-Dur) Nr.1 (c.1770)
Performers: Atalanta Fugiens
Further info: Zappa: Six Simphonies


Italian cellist and composer. The dedication of his six trios for two violins and bass (London, 1765) shows that he had given the Duke of York, the dedicatee, music lessons in Italy (the duke had been in Italy from late November 1763 to mid-1764). By 1767, the year of the duke’s death, he had entered his service as maestro di musica, as shown by the title-page of his trio sonatas op.2. He then apparently took up residence in The Hague as a music master. He was still there in 1788, according to the place and date of a manuscript Quartetto concertante (in D-Bsb). He had a reputation among his contemporaries as a virtuoso and he toured Germany in 1771, playing in Danzig and, on 22 September, in Frankfurt. According to Mendel, he made another concert tour of Germany in 1781 (though this may be an error for 1771). Zappa’s writing is lyrical, but tends towards a seriousness of manner in which the galant elements are tempered by a Classical dignity. His works with obbligato cello demonstrate an easy familiarity with thumb position fingerings, slurred staccato bowings and idiomatic string crossing patterns.

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