dimecres, 28 de febrer del 2018

KERKER, Gustave Adolph (1857-1923) - Die oberen Zehntausend (1909)

Norman Rockwell - Which One (Undecided, Man in Voting Booth) (1944)
Obra de Norman Percevel Rockwell (1894-1978), pintor nord-americà (1)

- Recordatori de Gustave Adolph Kerker -
En el dia de la celebració del seu 161è aniversari de naixement

Parlem de Pintura...

Norman Percevel Rockwell (Nova York, 3 de febrer de 1894 - Stockbridge, 8 de novembre de 1978) va ser un il·lustrador, fotògraf i pintor nord-americà cèlebre per les seves obres plenes d'ironia i humor. Considerat, per altra banda, com el més famós il·lustrador popular d'Amèrica del Nord, va estudiar a l'escola d'art de Mamaroneck (c.1908) i a l'Acadèmia Nacional de Disseny (1909). Va ser il·lustrador de diaris i revistes importants, com St. Nicholas, Colliers, Life, Judge, Look, i Saturday Evening Post (1916-63). Va produir els calendaris per Brown and Bigelow (1924-1976), va crear els anuncis i va il·lustrar obres clàssiques com Tom Sawyer i Huckleberry Finn de Mark Twain. Com a pintor, va representar la cara amable de la societat nord-americana, la de l'artista que va encarnar la imatge del seu país i la que els seus ciutadans tenien de si mateixos com a cultura exemplar i terra de promissió. Va utilitzar olis i una tècnica realista impecable, va idealitzar la petita ciutat Amèrica i va expressar una visió personal que es va basar en el sentimentalisme, com en l'obra Breaking Home Ties (1954) i el seu famós Triple Self Portrait (1960). Un pintor la perfecció i el conservadorisme del qual va despertar l'absolut menyspreu de les avantguardes del seu temps. Va morir a Stockbridge el novembre de 1978.

Parlem de Música...

Gustave Adolphe Kerker (Herford, 28 de febrer de 1857 - New York, 29 de juny de 1923) va ser un compositor nord-americà d'ascendència alemanya. Es va formar des de ben petit en violoncel abans que els seus pares decidissin emigrar, el 1867, als Estats Units. Allà es van instal·lar a Louisville ciutat on Gustave va començar a realitzar les seves primeres aparicions públiques. A partir del 1879 va començar a compondre obres de teatre les quals van ser rebudes amb entusiasme. El 1880 va viatjar a Nova York on va treballar com a conductor de la companyia d'òpera de H.V.B. Mann. El 1883 va treballar com a director del Thalia Theatre, el 1884 de la Bijou Opera House i finalment va assolir el càrrec de director musical del Casino Theatre. Com a compositor, va ser autor principalment d'operetes, danses, marxes i cançons. La seva obra més popular, The Belle of New York (1897), va ser estrenada amb escàs ressò a Nova York però no així a Londres on es va representar en centenars d'ocasions. Gustave Adolphe Kerker, i després d'una vida confortable i de gran èxit, va morir a Nova York el juny de 1923.

H.F. Walling - New York City and Environs (1860)
H.F. Walling - New York City and Environs (1860) (2)

all operettas; dates are those of first New York performance, Casino Theatre unless otherwise stated; some MSS in US-MAu

The Cadets, 1879;
The Pearl of Pekin (C.A. Byrne, after A.C. Lecocq: La fleur de thé), Bijou, 1888;
Castles in the Air (Byrne, after J. Offenbach: Les bavards), Broadway, 5 May 1890;
Prince Kam, or A Trip to Venus (Byrne and L. Harrison), 29 Jan 1894;
Kismet (R.F. Carroll), Herald Square, 8 Dec 1895;
The Lady Slavey (H. Morton), 3 Feb 1896;
An American Beauty (Morton), 28 Dec 1896;
The Whirl of the Town (Morton), 25 May 1897;
The Belle of New York (Morton), 28 Sept 1897;
The Telephone Girl (Morton), 27 Dec 1897
The Girl from up There (Morton), Herald Square, 7 Jan 1901;
A Chinese Honeymoon (G. Dance), 2 June 1902;
The Billionaire (H.B. Smith), Daly’s, 29 Dec 1902;
The Blonde in Black (Smith), Knickerbocker, 8 June, 1903;
Winsome Winnie (F. Ranken), 1 Dec 1903;
The Social Whirl (J.W. Herbert), 7 April 1906;
The Tourists (R.H. Burnside), Daly’s, 25 Aug 1906;
The White Hen, or The Girl from Vienna (P. West), 16 Feb 1907;
Fascinating Flora (Burnside, Herbert), 20 May 1907;
The Lady from Lane’s (G. Broadhurst), Lyric, 19 Aug 1907;
Two Little Brides (A. Anderson and H. Atteridge), 23 April 1912

Informació addicional... 

INTERPRETS: Elke Kottmair (soprano); Nadja Stefanoff (soprano); Gerd Wiemer (bariton); NDR Radiophilharmonie; Howard Griffiths
JPC: Gustave Kerker: Die oberen Zehntausend
CPDL: No disponible
SPOTIFY: Gustave Kerker: Die oberen Zehntausend

Tant si us ha agradat, com si no, opineu, és lliure i fàcil!

dimarts, 27 de febrer del 2018

WILLIAMS, William (1675-1701) - Triosonaten

Karel Du Jardin - Italianate Landscape with Herders and Animals resting by a River under a Bridge
Obra de Karel Dujardin (1622-1678), pintor holandès (1)

Parlem de Pintura...

Karel du Jardin (Amsterdam, c.1622 - Venezia, 20 de novembre de 1678) va ser un pintor holandès. Houbraken va documentar que l'artista va estudiar amb Claes Berchem realitzant la seva primera obra l'any 1646. El 1650 va viatjar des d'Amsterdam fins a París com a comerciant i està documentat que va contraure matrimoni amb Suzanne van Royen a Lió. A l'entorn del 1650 es creu va fer un primer viatge a Itàlia tornant, el 1652, a Amsterdam. Tres anys més tard es va establir a l'Haia, on es va inscriure com a membre del Gremi de Sant Lluc. El 1659 va tornar a Amsterdam, on hi ha documents que testifiquen la seva presència entre els anys 1670 i 1674. El 1653 va publicar una sèrie de gravats i va continuar pintant aiguaforts durant tota la dècada del 1650. Durant la dècada de 1660, va començar a pintar obres de tema religiós i històric amb grans figures. El maig de 1672 van sol·licitar a Du Jardin, juntament amb altres artistes de la ciutat d'Amsterdam, que taxessin les pintures italianes de la Col·lecció Reynst. Com a pintor, va ser un artista versàtil que va pintar quadres religiosos, escenes d'història, escenes de gènere, llenços d'animals i retrats així com paisatges clàssics. Karel du Kardin va morir a Venècia el novembre de 1678. 

Parlem de Música...

William Williams (London?, bap. 1 d'agost de 1675 - bur. London, 20 de gener de 1701) va ser un compositor anglès. Es va formar a la Westminster Abbey com a cantant del cor. El 30 de març de 1695 va entrar com a membre d'una banda reial en la qual va començar a rebre un salari a partir del novembre de 1697. Va ser en aquell temps que va començar a compondre música publicant principalment música instrumental a l'entorn del 1700. No obstant, el gener de 1701 va morir a Londres prematurament fet que va tenir un notable ressò en la premsa del seu temps fins el punt que l'abril d'aquell mateix any es va realitzar un concert "by the best Masters for the Benefit of Mr William Williams (late Master of Musick) his widow, and three small Children".


Air, F, vn, b, in J. Lenton, The Gentleman's Diversion (London, 1693)
6 pieces, 2 rec, 16956
Haste, haste ye Britains, song, for the Peace of Ryswick (London, 1697) [taken from his lost musical entertainment for the occasion]
Must I a girl forever be, song, 2vv, b, in The Island Princess (play, P.A. Motteux), 1699, Lbl (facs. in MLE, C2, 1985), 16995
6 Sonatas in 3 Parts, d, C, A, a, c, F, 2 vn/2 rec, b vn/viol, bc (org/hpd/archlute) (London, 1700, 2/1703); ed. G. Beechey (London, 1993); I. Payne (Hereford, 1998)
A Sonata for a Single Flute, d, rec, bc (London, 1700); ed. in HM, ccviii (1971)
Sonata, F, 2 rec, 40 airs anglois, ii (Amsterdam, 1702/R); ed. H. Ruf, Zwei Duos alter englischer Meister (Mainz, 1971)
Untitled theatre suite, 2 vn, va, b, (inc.), GB-Och 351–2
4 songs, 16969, Wit and Mirth, iv (London, 1706)
Catch, The Pleasant Musical Companion, ii (London, 1707)

Informació addicional... 

INTERPRETS: Musica Poetica
AMAZON: Triosonaten
CPDL: No disponible
SPOTIFY: Triosonaten

Tant si us ha agradat, com si no, opineu, és lliure i fàcil!

dilluns, 26 de febrer del 2018

TARTINI, Giuseppe (1692-1770) - I concerti per flauto

Jean Barbault - La Frascatane
Obra de Jean Barbault (1718-1762), pintor francès (1)

- Recordatori de Giuseppe Tartini -
En el dia de la commemoració del seu 248è aniversari de decés

Parlem de Pintura...

Jean Barbault (Viarmes, 1 d'agost de 1718 - Roma, 28 de maig de 1762) va ser un pintor francès actiu a Itàlia. Es desconeix la seva formació sent la primera referència de 1750, any que va entrar com a membre de l'Acadèmia Francesa de Roma. Allà va desenvolupar la seva carrera com a pintor realitzant principalment obres de petit format de temàtica singular amb figures individuals sovint caracteritzades amb vestits orientals. També va realitzar paisatges i escenes de gènere si bé com a artista va ser en general bastant desconegut. Jean Barbault va morir a Roma el maig de 1762.

Parlem de Música...

Giuseppe Tartini (Pirano, 8 d'abril de 1692 - Padova, 26 de febrer de 1770) va ser un violinista, teòric i compositor italià. Es va formar en lleis i teologia a Pàdua en una època en què va assolir notable reputació en esgrima. Abans de celebrar els 20 anys es va casar, en secret, amb una noia sota tutela de l'arquebisbe de Pàdua fet que va motivar el seu empresonament. Disfressat de monjo va fugir de Pàdua establint-se a Assis. Allà va començar a tocar el violí amb destresa i va ser enviat a Venècia per ampliar formació. Al seu retorn a Pàdua, i ja alliberat dels seus càrrecs, va ser nomenat violinista de l'església de San Antonio. Més tard, entre els anys 1723 i 1726 va ser director de l'orquestra del conseller de Bohèmia a Praga. El 1728, i després de tornar novament a Pàdua, va fundar una escola de violí i composició on va tenir nombrosos alumnes entre ells Domenico Ferrari, Pasquale Bini, Filippo Manfredi, André-Noël Pagin i Friedrich Wilhelm Rust. A partir del 1740, i establert com un dels més importants violinistes del seu temps, va iniciar una extensa gira concertant per Itàlia. Com a compositor, va ser autor d'un centenar de concerts per a violí i d'abundant obra de cambra així com de diversa música religiosa. Com a teòric va ser autor d'alguns tractats com Trattato di musica (1754) o Dissertazione dei principi dell’armonia musicale (1767). Tartini va morir a Padova el febrer de 1770.

Jean-Baptiste Nolin - Le Cours Du Po (c.1700)
Jean-Baptiste Nolin (c.1657-1708) - Le Cours Du Po (c.1700) (2)


Vocal religiosa:

Canzoncine sacre, 1–3vv (some in more than one version):
Alma contrita;
Alma pentita;
Amare lacrime;
Caro Signor amato;
Chi cerca un'innocenza;
Crocifisso mio Signor;
Dio ti salvi regina;
Dolce mio Dio;
E m'ami ancor;
Iddio ti salvi;
Infrangiti mio cor;
Mio Gesù con tutto il cuore;
No, che terreno fallo;
O peccator che sai;
Rimira, o peccatore;
Ti voglio amar Gesù;
Vedi, Signor, ch'io piango;
Vergine bella del ciel regina;
Vergine bella e pietosa;
Voglio amar Gesù anch'io: all I-Pca; 5 ed. in Musica sacra, lxxxiii (1959), suppl.

Stabat mater, 3vv, copy, 1769;
Pange lingua, 3vv;
2 Tantum ergo, 3vv;
3 Miserere, 3vv, 4vv, 5vv, copy, 1770 (additional copies, F-Pc, GB-Ob);
Salve regina, 4vv, copy, 1773 (‘ultima composizione del … Tartini’): all I-Pca


1 lib.1. Sei concerti a 5: d85, 55, 60, 15, 58, 89 (g, e, F, D, F, A) (Amsterdam, 1728)
1 lib.3. Sei concerti a 5 del … Tartini a G. Visconti:d Anh.III–VI (B , D, F, a), 2 others unlisted (Amsterdam, c1728); none definitely attributable (Dounias); date derived from Le Cène's publishing numbers
1 lib.2. Sei concerti a 5: d111, 91, 59, 71, 88, 18 (a, A, F, G, A, D) (Amsterdam, 1730); date derived from Le Cène's publishing numbers
1 VI sonate vn, b: b B 7, a9, b5, g9, A3, B 8 (Amsterdam, 1732)

1 (12) Sonate e una pastorale: b A14, F9, C11, G17, e6, D12, D6, c2, A15, g10, E5, F4, A16 (Amsterdam, 1734); nos.1–6 church sonatas, nos.7–12 chamber sonatas; A16, ‘Pastorale’, uses scordatura; the nickname of g10, ‘Didone abbandonata’, is of 19th-century origin; ed. in FS, vii–viii, xii
2 VI concerti a 8: d73, 2, 124, 62, 3, 46 (G, C, b, F, C, E) (Amsterdam, c1734)
VI concerti … d'alcuni famosi maestri, lib.2 (no.5): d1 (C) (Amsterdam, c1740)
2 VI Sonate, vn, bc: b g4, A5, d4, e7, F5, E6 (Amsterdam, 1743)
2 (12) Sonate, vn, bc: b D13, G18, A17, b6, a10, C12, g11, D14, B 9, F8, e8, G19 (Rome, 1745); pubd as op.3 (Paris, c1747)
Nouvelle étude … par Mr. Pétronio Pinelli: b F11 (17 variations on Gavotte from Corelli's op.5 no.10) (Paris, c1747); see L'arte del arco
4 (6) Sonates: b E3, G20, B 10, A3, D, c5 (Paris, 1747); no.6 probably by Mauro D'Alay
5 (6) Sonates: B, a11, B 11, A18, G21, F10, B 12 (Paris, c1747); some doubtful; ed. E. Bonnelli (Padua, 1951)
6 Sei sonate: b G8, A19, D8, A6, B5, G10 (Paris, c1748)
7 (6) Sonate: b D11, B 7, G9, E4, g3, F7 (Paris, 1748); ed. P. Brainard: La raccolta di sonate autografe per violino, Ms 1888, fasc.1 nell’Archivio musicale della Venerando Arca del Santo di Padova (Padua, 1975)
8 Sei sonate a tre: Trios A5, D7, G4, D10, A10, D11, some with movts added (Paris, 1749)
XII Sonatas, 2 vn, b: Trios G4, D11, A5, D10, G3, F2, D7, A8, A9, D12, A10, A7 (London, 1750)
VI [and VI] sonate, 2 vn, bc, lib. [I], II: Trios D8, C4, D6, F2, D5, D2, D12, C5, D4, C3, D3, D9 (Amsterdam, c1755), as op.3 (London, 1756)
L'arte del arco: b F11 (38 variations on Gavotte from Corelli's op.5 no.10) (Paris, 1758); attrib. of both this and the earlier print is questionable
9 Sei sonate: b E 1, G6, G22, A20, F6, D16 (Paris, c1763)
J.B. Cartier: L'art du violon: b g4, A14, F11 (expanded to 50 variations), g5 (first appearance in print of ‘Le trille du diable’), and Adagio varié (17 variations on b F5, 1st movt) (Paris, 1798); the Adagio, probably spurious, R in H.-P. Schmitz: Die Kunst der Verzierung im 18. Jahrhundert (Kassel, 1955)

c135 vn concertos (vn, str a 4, bc), thematic catalogue by Dounias, supplemented by Duckles and others; principal MS collections in I-Pca(incl. 55 complete autographs), F-Pc, GB-Mp, US-BE (first publications listed below); 6 ed. in FS: d125, i; d12, x; d83, xi; d117, xiii; d21, xiv; d115, xv
Concs. for other insts (str a 4, bc): vc/va da gamba, A, I-Pca*; autograph; va (va da gamba), 2 hn, D, A-Wgm*; fl, G, S-Skma, doubtful; fl, F, I-Nc, doubtful
Sinfonie and sonatas a 4 (str qt, bc): D (autograph), G, A, D, I-Pca; 11 (some a 5, one with 2 clarini),

c40 trio sonatas (2 vn, bc), mostly 1745–9, I-Pca, F-Pc (thematic catalogue by Brainard)
c135 authentic, 40 doubtful sonatas (vn, bc), mostly I-Pca, F-Pc, US-BE (thematic catalogue by Brainard); 3 ed. in FS, xvi
c30 sonatas, many single movts (vn, without acc. or with optional bc), probably c1745–60, mostly I-Pca, A-Wgm (thematic catalogue by Brainard)


Regole per arrivare a saper ben suonar il violino (MS compiled by G.F. Nicolai, I-Vc); ed. in Jacobi (1961); variant versions: Libro de regole, ed esempi necessari per ben suonare, US-BE; and Traité des agréments de la musique (Paris, 1771); Petrobelli (Giuseppe Tartini: le fonti biografiche, 1968) reports the discovery of a further It. MS version; a further copy has been discovered in I-Vlevi (ed. D. Vitali: Il ‘Trattato degli abbellimenti’ di Giuseppe Tartini, diss., U. of Rome, 1995)
Trattato di musica secondo la vera scienza dell'armonia (Padua, 1754/R; Eng. trans. in Johnson, 1985)
De' principi dell'armonia musicale contenuta nel diatonico genere (Padua, 1767/R)
Risposta di Giuseppe Tartini alla critica del di lui trattato di musica di Mons. Le Serre di Ginevra (Venice, 1767)
Scienza platonica pudata sul cerchio, ed. A. Todeschini Cavalla (Padua, 1977)

Informació addicional... 

INTERPRETS: Massimo Mercelli (flute); I Solisti dell'Ensemble Respighi
PRESTOCLASSICAL: Tartini - I concerti per flauto
CPDL: No disponible
SPOTIFY: Tartini - I concerti per flauto

Tant si us ha agradat, com si no, opineu, és lliure i fàcil!

diumenge, 25 de febrer del 2018

STEINGADEN, Constantin (1618-1675) - Missa "Viva Mörspurg"

Bartolomeo Passante - Adoración de los pastores
Obra de Bartolomeo Passante (1618-1648), pintor italià (1)

- Recordatori de Constantin Steingaden -
En el marc de la celebració del seu 400è aniversari de naixement

Parlem de Pintura...

Bartolomeo Passante (Brindisi, 1618 - Napoli, 1648) va ser un pintor italià. Es creu va arribar a Nàpols a l'entorn del 1628 on es creu va ser alumne de Ribera, de qui en va ser imitador fins el punt de fer passar moltes de les seves obres com a realitzades pel seu mestre. Com a pintor, són molt poques les pintures autentificades sent L'Adoració dels pastors la més coneguda per la seva signatura ben visible. L'anàlisi estilístic d'aquesta obra va evidenciar l'acostament del pintor a les formes d'artistes napolitans com Solimena o Stanzione. A més, va permetre comprovar com el seu estil es va allunyar de les formes de Ribera sent més proper a l'estil d'altres pintors contemporanis, com Antonio de Bellis o Cavallino. Bartolomeo Passante va morir a Nàpols el 1648.

Parlem de Música...

Constantin Steingaden [Staingaden] (Wangen, 21 d'agost de 1618 - Konstanz, 6 de març de 1675) va ser un compositor alemany actiu, principalment, a Suïssa. El 1631 va entrar al col·legi Jesuita de Lucerne on va rebre, probablement, formació musical. El 1644, i ja convertit en monjo franciscà, va viure a Engelberg on va rebre un càrrec relacionat amb la supervisió dels orgues de la ciutat. Poc després va ser nomenat mestre de capella del convent franciscà de Konstanz i de la Konstanzer Münster, càrrecs que possiblement va mantenir la resta de la seva vida. Allà va publicar la majoria de les seves col·leccions musicals entre elles Flores hyemnales prompti ex horto a 3. 4. vocibus, cum 2 violinis, motettis, missis, sonatis et vesteris op.4 (1666) i Messe concertate (1666). Constantin Steingaden va morir a Konstanz el març de 1675.

Matthäus Merian - Konstanz (1643)
Matthäus Merian (1593-1650) - Konstanz (1643) (2)

Informació addicional... 

INTERPRETS: Cantus et Musica Freiburg; Parnassi Musici; Raimund Hug
AMAZON: Konstanzer Kathedralmusik des 16 und 17
IMSLP: No disponible
CPDL: No disponible
SPOTIFY: Konstanzer Kathedralmusik des 16 und 17

Tant si us ha agradat, com si no, opineu, és lliure i fàcil!

dissabte, 24 de febrer del 2018

WOLSTENHOLME, William (1865-1931) - Organ Music

John Lavery - Mrs. Osler
Obra de John Lavery (1856-1941), pintor irlandès (1)

- Recordatori de William Wolstenholme -
En el dia de la celebració del seu 153è aniversari de naixement

Parlem de Pintura...

John Lavery (Belfast, 20 de març de 1856 - County Kilkenny, 10 de gener de 1941) va ser un pintor irlandès. Va estudiar a l'Haldane Academy de Glasgow i a Londres abans d'entrar a treballar com a ajudant en l'estudi d'un fotògraf, retocant negatius i acolorint fotografies, fet que va determinar la seva afició per la pintura de retrats. Entre els anys 1881 i 1883 va viure a París on va estudiar amb Filippo Colarossi a l'Académie Julian. El 1883 es va traslladar a Grez-sur-Loing, al nord de França, on va pintar paisatges a l'aire lliure sota la influència de Jules Bastien-Lepage i dels impressionistes. Allà va fer amistat amb Frank O'Meara. El 1885 va tornar a Glasgow, on es va convertir en la figura principal dels renovadors Glasgow Boys, amb David Young Cameron i Ernest Atkinson Hornel. A partir del 1886, i novament a Londres, va començar a exposar a la Royal Academy assolint gran èxit gràcies a l'aire mundà, elegant i sofisticat que va imprimir als seus personatges, molts d'ells sota influència de John Singer Sargent i James McNeill Whistler. En general, va ser un pintor d'èxit, que es va moure còmodament entre els grans d'Europa, als quals va tractar i va retratar, a més de fer la crònica de fets històrics. Aquest paper com a artista i com a membre triomfant de la societat el va fer sentir proper a Diego Velázquez, autor a qui admirava profundament. La seva posició social i les seves bones relacions li van permetre col·laborar en les negociacions per al tractat de 1921 entre Anglaterra i Irlanda exercint com a diplomàtic. En agraïment, un retrat de la seva dona va figurar en els bitllets irlandesos. John Lavery va morir a County Kilkenny el gener de 1941.

Parlem de Música...

William Wolstenholme (Blackburn, 24 de febrer de 1865 - London, 23 de juliol de 1931) va ser un organista i compositor anglès. Tot i la ceguesa que patia de naixement, es va formar musicalment amb els seus pares abans d'estudiar amb Henry Smart. El 1874 va entrar al College for the Blind Sons of Gentlemen de Worcester. Allà va rebre formació transversal i també de música per part de l'organista de la Catedral de Worcester. Al seu retorn a Blackburn, va començar a interpretar en públic i el 1885 i novament a Worcester va participar com a pianista amb la Societat Filharmònica de la ciutat. El 1887 va viatjar a Oxford on va entrar a la universitat, on va rebre formació d'Edward Elgar i on va obtenir el prestigiós Bachelor of Music. El 1888 va tornar a Blackburn on va ser nomenat organista de l'església de Sant Pau on, entre altres obligacions, havia de compondre un mínim de sis voluntaris setmanals. El 1897 es va fundar la Wolstenholme Society en la qual es van celebrar desenes de concerts abans de la seva dissolució el 1902. Aquell mateix anys va viatjar a Londres on va ser nomenat organista de la King's Weigh-House. El 1908 va iniciar una gira concertant pels Estats Units acompanyat de la seva germana i representant Maude Furrell. Al seu retorn a Anglaterra, va treballar com a professor, amb alumnes vinguts d'arreu, i com a organista a la All Saints’ Church, St Johns Wood de Londres. El 1929 va obtenir el grau honorífic del Royal College of Organists. El juliol de 1931, i després d'una llarga malaltia, William Wolstenholme va morir a Londres.

(selected list)

Air du Nord(Op. 38/5)
Allegretto Scherzando (Op. 38/4)
Allegretto in A flat (Op. 2)
Allegretto in E flat(Op. 17/2)
An Irish Phantasy (Op. 63)
Andantino in G minor(Op. 12/4)
Berceuse in B flat (Op.49/3)
Cantilene in F minor (Op. 11/1)
Canzona (Op. 12/1)
Caprice in F(Op. 8/2)
Carillon in B flat(Op. 30/2)
Die frage, die antwort (The Question, The Answer) (1: Die frage; 2: Die antwort; ) (Op. 13/1)
Fantaisie Rustique (Un souvenir nuptial) (Op. 46)
Fantasia in E(Op. 33/1)
Finale in B flat(Op. 11/2)
Grand Chœur in G minor (Op. 33/2)
Grand Chœur on the 4th Gregorian Tone (Op. 58/1)
Le Carillon in D flat (Op. 23/4)
Melody in B flat (Op. 20/3)
Minuet & Trio in B flat (Op. 54)
Minuet & Trio in E flat (Op. 12/2)
Pastorale in D(Op. 13/3)
Prelude in B flat
Prelude in C
Prelude in F (Op. 23/2)
Prelude in G (Op. 13/7)
Reverie in F minor(Op. 38/3)
Romanza (Op. 17/1)
Romanza in A minor(Op. 13/4)
Rondino in D(Op. 23/1)
Serenata in A (Op. 38/2)
Seven Short Postludes (1: in C; 2: in G; 3: in F; 4: in D; 5: in B flat; 6: in A; 7: in E flat; ) (Op. 84)
Seven Short Preludes (1: in C; 2:  in A flat; 3: in E; 4: in F; 5: in A; 6: in B flat; 7: in G; ) (Op. 82)
Sonata in the style of Handel (Op. 8/1)
The Seraph’s Strain (Op. 16/2)
Toccata in B flat (Op. 58/2)
Two Communions (1: in F (Op. 23/3); 2: in G (Op. 16/1);
Two Short Pieces (1: Communion in B flat (Op. 23/6); 2: Meditation in C minor (Op. 23/8);

Informació addicional... 

INTERPRETS: Michael Harris (organ)
CPDL: No disponible

Tant si us ha agradat, com si no, opineu, és lliure i fàcil!

divendres, 23 de febrer del 2018

BLOW, John (1649-1708) - Symphony Anthems

Peter Lely - John Blow
Obra de Peter Lely (1618-1680), pintor anglès (1)

- Recordatori de John Blow -
En el dia de la celebració del seu 369è aniversari de naixement

Parlem de Pintura...

Peter Lely (Soest, 14 de setembre de 1618 - London, 30 de novembre de 1680) va ser un pintor alemany nacionalitzat anglès posteriorment. Peter Lely va estudiar a Harlem en el taller de Pieter de Grebber. El 1641 es va traslladar a Londres, on es va donar a conèixer pintant paisatges amb figures si bé ràpidament es va orientar vers el retrat amb un estil proper al d'Anton van Dyck. El seu èxit el va promocionar com a pintor de cambra de Carles I i després de Carles II. El seu fill Johann Lely va ser també pintor. Peter va morir a Londres el novembre de 1680, mentre realitzava un retrat de la duquessa de Somerset.

Parlem de Música...

John Blow (Collingham, bap. 23 de febrer de 1649 - Westminster, 1 d'octubre de 1708) va ser un organista i compositor anglès. Es creu va rebre formació al Magnus Song School de Nottinghamshire abans d'entrar, el 1660, com a cantant del cor de la Capella Reial. El 1668 i finalitzada la seva formació, va ser nomenat organista de la Westminster Abbey i un any després va ser nomenat membre dels musicians for virginals del rei. El març de 1674 va jurar com a cavaller de la Capella Reial en la qual va assolir el càrrec de master of the children, lloc que va preservar la resta de la seva vida. Allà va tenir desenes d'alumnes entre ells Henry Purcell. El 1677 va ser nomenat organista de la Capella Reial en un any en què també va rebre el doctorat de música de Canterbury. El 1679 va cedir a Purcell el seu lloc d'organista a la Westminster Abbey si bé després de la mort de Purcell el 1695 va tornar a ocupar el càrrec. El 1680 va compondre Venus and Adonis, la que seria considerada com la primera òpera anglesa en una època, entre els anys 1680 i 1700, considerada la més productiva de la seva carrera. El 1687 va assolir el càrrec de master of the children de la Catedral de Sant Pau i el 1699 va ser nomenat primer compositor de la Capella Reial. John Blow, després d'anys de domini musical compartit amb Purcell, va morir a Westminster l'octubre de 1708.

Johannes De Ram & Pieter van der Aa - Londini Angliae Regni Metropolis Delineatio Accuratissima (c.1729)
Johannes de Ram (1648-1693) & Pieter van der Aa (1659-1733) - Londini Angliae Regni Metropolis Delineatio Accuratissima (c.1729) (2)


Vocal secular:

Venus and Adonis (masque for the entertainment of the king, ?1683), Lbl, Lwa, Och, ed. A. Lewis (Monaco, 1949)

Court odes:
dating is that given by McGuinness (1965), with some emendations
‡ – song pubd in Amphion Anglicus (London, 1700/R)
Dread sir, the prince of light (New Year’s Day), 1678, A, T, B, SATB, 2 vn, va, bc, GB-Lbl
The birth of Jove (king's birthday), 1678, S, A, T, B, SATB, 2 vn, va, bc, Lbl
Great Janus (New Year's Day), 1679, S, S, A, T, B, SSATB, 2 vn, va, bc, Lbl
The new year is begun (New Year's Day), 1680, A, T, B, SATB, Lbl
Great Sir, the joy of all our hearts (New Year's Day), 1681, A, T, B, SATB, 2 vn, va, bc, Bu
Up, shepherds, up (king's birthday), 1681, A, T, B, B, SATB, bc, Ob
Arise, great monarch (J. Allestry) (New Year's Day), 1682, S, S, A, A, T, B, SATB, 2 vn, va, bc, Bu
Dread Sir, Father Janus (New Year's Day), 1683, S, A, A, T, B, SATB, 2 vn, va, bc, Bu
My trembling song, awake (T. Flatman) (New Year's Day), 1684, S, A, T, B, SATB, 2 vn, va, bc, Ckc, ed. A.H. Mann (London, 1901), ‡Rise mighty monarch, ed. in The Old English Edition, xxiii (London, 1900)
How does the new-born infant year (New Year's Day), 1685, S, A, T, B, SATB, 2 vn, va, bc, Lbl
Hail monarch, sprung of race divine (New Year's Day), 1686, A, T, B, SATB, 2 vn, va, bc, Lcm; ‡Make bright, [Till then] make bright your warrior's shield, 2vv
Is it a dreame (New Year's Day), 1687, A, T, B, SATB, 2 vn, va, bc, Lcm; ‡Arms, arms he delights in
Ye sons of Phoebus (New Year's Day), 1688, A, A, T, B, SSATB, 2 rec, 2 vn, va, bc, Lcm
With cheerful hearts (T. Shadwell) (New Year's Day), 1690, S, S, A, T, B, B, SSATB, 2 rec, 2 vn, 2 va, bc, Lcm
Behold, how all the stars give way (T. D'Urfey) (New Year's Day), 1692, music lost
Welcome, welcome, genial day, king's birthday, 1692, ?S, S, B, SATB, tpt, ?ob, 2 vn, va, bc, Lbl†
The happy, happy year is born (N. Tate) (New Year's Day), 1693, ?A, A, T, B, SATB, 2 vn, va, bc, ABu (frag.); Thus let departing winter sing, song, Gentleman's Journal (Dec 1692)
Sound, sound the trumpet (P. Motteux) (New Year's Day), 1694, ?A, T, SATB, 2 vn, va, bc, ABu (frag.); 2 songs pubd: He leaves, he slights his precious rest, Gentleman's Journal (Jan/Feb 1694), ‡The sullen years are past
Hail, thou infant year (New Year's Day), ?1697, S, S, A, A, B, SAAB, 2 vn, va, bc, Lgc
The nymphs of the wells (birthday of Duke of Gloucester), 1697, S, S, A, T, B, SSATB, 2 vn, va, bc, Lgc
Music now thy charms display (Tate) (New Year's Day), 1698, music lost
Welcome, welcome, happy day (?Tate) (king's birthday), ?1699, Lbl†
Appear in all thy pomp (Tate) (New Year's Day), 1700, A, T, B, SATB, 2 vn, va, bc, Lcm
Come, bring the song (birthday of Princess Anne), 1700, S, A, T, B, SATB, tpt, 2 vn, va, bc, Ob
Welcome, welcome, glorious day (birthday of Princess Anne), ?1701, S, B, SATB, tpt, kettledrum, 2 vn, va, bc, Lcm, collab. D. Purcell

for New Year's Day, 1691, Whilst he abroad likes the sun, song, Ye great defenders of the faith, chorus, ed. J.S. Smith, Musica Antiqua, ii (London, 1812);
for the king's birthday, 1691, ‡Oh! when [But oh], ye pow'rs, when must his labours cease;
for the Duke of Gloucester's birthday, 1696/7/9, And now the duke's march let the hautboy's play, song, 169510, ‡A prince so young

Odes for other occasions:
‡ – song pubd in Amphion Anglicus (London, 1700/R)
Awake, awake, my lyre (A. Cowley) (Oxford Act), before 1678, S, B, SSTB, 2 vn, bc, GB-Lbl, ed. H.W. Shaw (London, 1941/R); Awake, awake, my lyre, song, 16814
Diva quo tendis (Oxford Act), 1678–9, S, S, A, T, B, SATB, 2 vn, va, bc, Ob
Begin the song (J. Oldham) (St Cecilia's Day), 1684, S, A, T, B, SATB, 2 vn, va, bc, pubd as A Second Musical Entertainment (London, 1685), ed. H.W. Shaw (London, 1950); ‡Musick's the cordial, with 2 vn
The glorious day is come (St Cecilia's Day), 1691, S, A, T, B, SATB, 2 tpt, kettledrum, 2 ob, tenor ob, 2 rec, 2 vn, va, bc, Lgc, ed. M. Bevan (London, 1981); ‡Ah heav'n! what is't I hear, 2vv, ed. A.C. Lewis, Three Songs from ‘Amphion Anglicus’ (Paris, 1938), ‡Couch'd by the pleasant Heliconian spring, 2vv
Dum pulsa strident timpana (with final chorus of Non arma regum) (Oxford Act), c1695, S, S, A, T, B, SSAATTBB, 2 vn, vc, bc, Och
Great quire of heaven (St Cecilia's Day), 1695, S, S, A, A, T, B, SSATB, 2 tpt, 2 ob, 2 rec, 2 vn, va, bc, Lgc
Non arma regum (Oxford Act), c1695, S, S, A, T, B, B, SSAATTBB, Och
Bring, shepherds bring the kids (?for a wedding), c1695–1700, A, B, SATB, 2 tpt, 2 rec, 2 vn, va, bc, Lgc, ed. H.W. Shaw and W. Bergmann (London, 1954); ‡Bring, shepherds, bring the kids/The rites are perform'd, 2 vv, ‡Sing, ye muses, 4vv 2 vn, bc
Welcome, welcome, every guest (for a non-Cecilian ‘music feast’), c1695–1700, T, B, SATB, 2 tpt, 2 rec, 2 vn, va, bc, Lbl; ‡Welcome, welcome, every guest, arr., S, 2 rec, 2 vn, bc
Triumphant fame (St Cecilia's Day), 1700, S, S, A, T, B, SATB, 2 tpt, 2 rec, 2 vn, va, bc, Lcm

Secular songs:
for solo voice unless otherwise stated
‡ – pubd in Amphion Anglicus (London, 1700/R)
Edition:John Blow: 10 Songs for High Voice, ed. M. Pilkington (London, 1979) [P]
Ah me! undone, GB-Lbl
Alexis, dear Alexis (T. Flatman), 1684
All my past life (The True Constancy; J. Wilmot, Earl of Rochester) 1685
Amintor on a riverside, 1683
‡And is my cavalier return'd?, with 2 rec
As Celadon and Chloris, 1679
Ask not the cause why sullen spring (J. Dryden), 1699
As on his deathbed gasping Strephon lay (Elegy on the Earl of Rochester; Flatman), 1681
‡As [Whilst] on Septimius' panting breast (A. Cowley), 2vv, 2 vn, bc, 1685
‡At looser hours in the shade (Horace to his lute)
Boasting fops who court the fair (P. Motteux), Gentleman's Journal (Sept 1692), P
Born with the vices of my kind (T. D'Urfey), 1689
Bring my mistress, 1689
‡Chloe found Amintas (D'Urfey), 3vv, 1695
Church scruples and jars (D'Urfey), Songs Compleat, Pleasant and Divertive (London, 1719)
Clarinda's heart is still the same, Cfm
‡Clarona, lay aside your lute, ed. A. Lewis, Three Songs from ‘Amphion Anglicus’ (Paris, 1938), P
‡Come fill the glass, 2vv
Come, poetry, and with you bring along, 3vv, 1688
Could softening, melting looks prevail, 1687
Draw out the minutes twice as long, 1683
‡Employ'd all the day still in public affairs, for the Music Society, 2vv
Euridice, my fair (Flatman), 2vv, 1688
Fain would I, Chloris, ere I die, 1683, P
Fairest work of happy nature, 1689
Fair lady, so strong are the charms, 1678
Fair nymph, that to the wanton winds, 3vv, Och
Farewell, my useless scrip, 1699
Fill me a bowl, a mighty bowl (J. Oldham), 1687
For honour and glory the soldier prepares, 1691
‡Go, perjur'd maid, 2vv
‡Go, perjur'd man (R. Herrick), 2vv, 2 vn, bc, 1683
Grant me, ye gods, the life I love (Cowley), 1688, P
Great Queen of Love, behold, 3vv, Lbl
‡Happy the man who, languishing (Sappho to the Goddess of Beauty)
How I have serv'd (Colonel Salisbury), with chorus a 3, 1687
If I live to be old (W. Pope), 1685
‡If I my Celia could persuade (G. Etherege), 2vv, ed. M. Tippett and W. Bergmann (London, 1963)
‡If mighty wealth, 1686
I little thought (Cowley), 1687
I'll tell thee, my Celia, 1681
Illustrious day, what glory canst thou boast (queen's birthday), Ckc
In Caesar all the joint perfections meet, Ge
In vain, brisk God of Love, 2vv, 1683
‡It grieves me when I see what fate, with vn
‡It is not that I love you less (The Self-Banish'd; E. Waller), ed. in The Old English Edition, xxiii (London, 1900), P
‡Lately on yonder swelling bush (The Bud; Waller), 2vv
Leave to him all our cares, 1687
Let equipage and dress despair, 1683
Let us drink to the well-wishers, 2vv, 1685
Long by disdain has Celia strove (Ousley), 2vv, sung in The Lucky Chance (A. Behn), 1687, 1685
Lovely Selina, sung in The Princess of Cleve (N. Lee), 1689, 1683
‡Lysander, I pursue in vain (A Mad Song)
Mark how the lark and linnet sing (Dryden), 2vv, 2 rec, 1696, pubd as An Ode on the Death of Mr Henry Purcell (London, 1696)
Mighty Sir, 'tis you alone (king's birthday), Lbl
‡Morpheus, the humble god (J. Denham), 2vv
No, Lesbia, no, you ask in vain, 1695
No, Lucinda, I swear, 3vv, Och
No more the dear, the lovely nymph (Motteux), Gentleman's Journal (Oct 1692)
‡Of all the torments, P
O love, that stronger art than wine, sung in The Lucky Chance (Behn), 1687, 16875
‡O Nigrocella (The Fair Lover and His Black Mistress; G. Herbert), 16916, ed. in The Old English Edition, xxiii (London, 1900)
‡Orethea's bright eyes, 2vv
‡O turn not those fine eyes away
‡O Venus, daughter of the mighty Jove (Sappho to the Goddess of Love)
‡Philander, do not think of arms (Myrtilla to Philander Designing for Flanders), 16995, P
Phyllis, accept a broken heart, 1683
Phyllis, I must needs confess, 1687
Pleasures by angels unenjoy'd, 1685
‡Poor Celadon, he sighs in vain (Loving Above Himself), with 2 vn, bc
Poor Mariana long in vain, Cfm
‡Prithee die, and set me free (Kellsea Coom; J. Denham), 2vv
Return, fair princess of the blooming year, 1687
‡Sabina has a thousand charms, ed. A. Lewis, Three Songs from ‘Amphion Anglicus’ (Paris, 1938)
Shall all the buds, 2vv, chorus, Lbl
She, alas, whom all admir'd, is dead, 1687
‡Shepherds, deck your crooks, 3vv, ed. in The Old English Edition, xxiii (London, 1900)
Shot from Orinda's brighter eyes, 1685
Since the Spring comes on, 1687
Stay, gentle Echo, 2vv, Lbl
Strife, hurry, and noise, 1685
Stubborn church division (D'Urfey), Songs Compleat, Pleasant and Divertive (London, 1719)
‡Tell me no more you love, P
Tell my Strephon that I die, sung in The Loyal General (N. Tate), 1680, 1683
The great Augustus like the glorius sun (D'Urfey), with chorus a 2, sung in The Royalist (D'Urfey), 1682, 1683
The world was hush'd (D'Urfey), 1691
Thou flask once fill'd with glorious red, sung in The Committee (R. Howard), ?1697, Gentleman's Journal (Feb 1693)
Though the [our] town be destroy'd (D'Urfey), 1688
Tired with destroying, Lbl
'Tis not my lady's face (A. Brome), 1679
‡To me you [y'ave] made a thousand vows, 2vv, sung in The Rival Sisters (R. Gould), 1696
Vain are thy charms, fair creature, 1686
We all to conqu'ring beauty bow (The Perfection; D'Urfey), 1685, P
Weep, all ye nymphs, sung in The Princess of Cleve (Lee), 1689, 1685
‡What is't to us who guides the state?, sung in The History of Adolphus (C. Howe), 1691, ed. in The Old English Edition, xxiii (London, 1900), P
‡When artists hit on lucky thoughts, 2vv
‡Whence, Galatea, why so gay?, a complaint that Princess Anne's birthday was not celebrated, 1698, 2vv
When from the old chaos, 1688
‡When I drink my heart is possesst (Sir Robert Howard), 2vv, 1687
‡Whilst on your neck no rival boy (A Dialogue Between Horace and Lydia), 2vv
Whilst our peaceful flocks, 2vv, Cfm
Whilst you vouchsafe your thoughts to breathe, 1695
‡Why does my Laura shun me? (The Grove)
Why does the morn in blushes rise? (D'Urfey), 1683
‡Why, Flavia, why so wanton still? (Flavia Grown Old), ed. in The Old English Edition, xxiii (London, 1900)
‡Why is Terpander pensive grown?, on the burning of Whitehall Chapel, 1698, 2vv
‡Why weeps Asteria? (Herbert), 1688
Will fair Panthea's cold disdain?, 2vv, 1688
You, whom cruel Sylvia charms (Motteux), Gentleman's Journal (July 1694)
You wrong me, Sylvia, when you cry (‘M.L.M.’), Gentleman's Journal (March 1693)

Although Jolly Tom, 3vv 1685, sometimes attrib. Aldrich, probably by Blow
Come hear me, my boy, 3vv, Supplement of New Catches to the Pleasant Musical Companion, ii (London, 1702) doubtful
Come, here's a good health to Prince Lewis (G. Herbert) (Battle of Heilbronn), 1701, 3vv, The Pleasant Musical Companion, ii (London, 1701)
Fie, I prithee, John, 3vv, GB-Cfm
God preserve His Majesty (The King's Health), 3vv, 1685
Here are [is] the rarities [rarity] of the whole fair (Second Part of Bartholomew Fair; D'Urfey), 4vv, 1685
How shall we speak thy praise, delicious bowl? (In Praise of the Punch Bowl), 3vv, 1686
I knew [know], brother tar (Battle of la Hogue), 1692, 3vv, 1695
I'll tell my mother, my Jenny cries (Kind Jenny), 3vv, 1678
In a cellar in [at] Sodom (D'Urfey), 3vv, The Pleasant Musical Companion, ii (London, 1701)
Joan has been galloping, 3vv, 1673
Joan, Joan, for your part, 3vv, Cfm
John asked his landlady (John the Miller), 1685, music as for Here are the rarities
Ring the bells, and the glasses pull away, on the king's return from Flanders, 1701, 3vv, The Pleasant Musical Companion, ii (London, 1701)
'Uds nigs! here ligs [lies] John Degs (A Yorkshire Epitaph on Two Abbey Lubbers), 3vv, 1685
We've rais'd an army, 4vv, Lbl

Vocal religiosa:

Edition:Cathedral Music, ed. W. Boyce (London, 1760–73) [B]

In A (TeD, Bs†, Jub, re, Cr, CanD, DeM, Mag†, Nunc†), GB-Cfm Mus.116†, Mus.117, B
In C (TeD, Jub, Cr, Mag†, Nunc†), Cfm†, Ob
In D (TeD, Jub), 1695, with tpts, str, Lbl
In D (TeD†, Jub†, San, Gl, Mag†, Nunc†), Cfm†; San, Gl, ed. in The Choir and Musical Record, xvii (1874)
In e (TeD, Bte, Jub, re, Cr, CanD, DeM), Cfm, (without Bte) B
In G (TeD, Bs, Jub, re [3 settings], Cr [3 settings], San [2 settings], Gl [2 settings], Mag [2 settings], Nunc [2 settings], CanD, DeM), Och, Lbl; Mag, Nunc (full with verse), ed. H.W. Shaw (London, 1941)
Short services with chants to Venite: a (TeD, Jub, Mag, Nunc); d (TeD, Jub, Mag, Nunc), Mag, Nunc, ed. H. Statham and H.W. Shaw (London, 1958); F (TeD, Bs, Mag, Nunc), Mag, Nunc, ed. H.W. Shaw (London, 1971); g (TeD, Bs, Mag, Nunc), Cfm†, Lbl
[Evening service in B , verse, Lbl, attrib. Blow by W.H. Husk in Add.33288, is by Tudway]

verse unless otherwise stated
Editions: Cathedral Music, ed. W. Boyce (London, 1760–73) [no syms. or ritornellos] [B]Harmonia Sacra, ed. J. Page (London, c1800) [P]John Blow: 14 Full Anthems, ed. H.D. Statham (London, 1925) [S]John Blow: Coronation Anthems and Anthems with Strings, ed. A. Lewis and H.W. Shaw, MB, vii (1953/R) [LS]John Blow: Anthems II: Anthems with Orchestra, ed. B. Wood, MB, l (1984) [W i]John Blow: Anthems III: Anthems with Strings, ed. B. Wood, MB, lxiv (1993) [W ii]A Blow Anthology: 8 Anthems, ed. D.S. King (Oxford, 1996) [K]John Blow: Anthems IV: Anthems with Instruments, ed. B. Wood, MB, lxxiii (forthcoming) [W iii]

And I heard a great voice, A, T, B, B/SATB, 2 vn, va, bc, org, LS, adapted as I was in the spirit
Arise, O Lord, A, T, T, B/SATB, 2 vn, va, bc, org, W ii
Ascribe unto the Lord (2p. of O sing unto the Lord a new song, sing unto the Lord)
Awake, awake, utter a song (Battle of Blenheim), 1704, A, T, B/SATB, lute, org, GB-Cfm
Behold, now praise the Lord, B/SSATB, org, Ckc
Behold, how good and joyful, A, T, B/SATB, org, Cfm
Behold, how good and joyful (Act of Union with Scotland), 1707, music lost, collab. Croft and Clarke
Behold, O God our defender (coronation of James II), 1685, full, SSATB, org, LS
Behold, O God our defender (as above, but adapted for coronation of William and Mary), 1689, full, SATB, org, LS
Be merciful unto me, A, T, B/SATB, org, US-AU
Be merciful unto me, full with verse, SATB/A, T, B, org, GB-Cfm†, Ob, S
Blessed be the Lord my strength (g), S, B/SSAATTBB, org, Lbl, US-AU
Blessed be the Lord my strength (D), A, T, B/SATB, org, GB-Cfm
Blessed is the man that feareth the Lord (Festival of the Sons of the Clergy), 1698, A, A, T, T, B, B/SATB, 2 tpt, 2 vn, va, bc, org, Wiii
Blessed is the man that hath not walked (C), A, A, B, B/SATB, 2 vn, va, bc, org, Wi
Blessed is the man that hath not walked (d) (Battle of Ramillies), 1706, T, B/SATB, lute, org, Ob
Bow down thine ear, O Lord, full with verse, SATBB/S, A, T, B, B, org, Cfm†, Ob, S
Bring unto the Lord, O ye mighty, S, S/SATB, org, Lgc, Mp†
Christ being raised from the dead, S, A, T, B/SATB, org, Cfm
Consider mine enemies: pt of Turn thee unto me
Cry aloud, and spare not, T, T, B/SATB, 2 vn, va, bc, org, Wii
Deliver me from blood-guiltiness, for King Charles the Martyr's Day, A, bc, Ob, added to Humfrey's Have mercy upon me
God be merciful to us, Y†
God is our hope and strength (C), B, B/SATB, org, Ob
God is our hope and strength (C), A, A, B, B/SATB, org, Lbl
God is our hope and strength (A), full with verse, SSAATTBB/S, S, A, A, T, T, B, org, Cfm, B, ed. H. Statham (London, 1931)
God spake sometime in visions (coronation of James II), 1685, full with verse, SSAATBBB/S, S, A, A, T, B, B, B, 2 vn, va, bc, org, LS
Hear my voice, O God (discovery of Rye House Plot), 1683, A, T, B, B/SATB, 2 vn, bc, org, W iii
How doth the city sit solitary, A, T, B, org, Och
I beheld, and lo! a great multitude, A, T, B, B/SATB, 2 vn, va, bc, org, W iii
I beheld, and lo, in the midst of the throne, A, T, B, B/SATB, 2 vn, va, bc, org, Ckc, W iii
In the time of trouble, full with verse, SATB/A, T, B, org, Cfm†, Ob, S
I said in the cutting off of my days, A, T, T/SATB, 2 vn, va, bc, org, LS
I waited patiently (incl. Let them be desolate), S, S/SATB, org, Lbl
I waited patiently (variant, incl. But let all those), S, S/SATB, org, Ob
I was glad (consecration of the chancel of St Paul's Cathedral), 1697, A, A, T, T, B/SATB, 2 tpt, 2 vn, va, bc, org, Wi
[I was glad, attrib. Blow in Cu Ely 6, is by Purcell]
I was in the spirit (adaptation of And I heard a great voice), B
I will alway give thanks unto the Lord (The Club Anthem), A, T, B/SATB, 2 vn, va, bc, org, ed. in MB, xxxiv (1972), collab. Humfrey and W. Turner
I will call upon the Lord, Fast Day, 19 Jan 1704, A, T, B/SATB, org, Lcm
[I will cry unto God, doubtful, attrib. Blow by W.H. Husk, Lbl Add.33291)]
I will cry unto thee, T/SATB, org, Och
I will hearken, T, B, B/SATB, 2 vn, va, bc, org, W ii
I will magnify thee, music lost, words in J. Clifford: The Divine Services and Anthems (London, 2/1664)
I will praise the name of God, full with verse, SATB/S, S, A, T, B, org, Cfm†, Ob, S
Jesus, seeing the multitudes, A, A, T, B/SSATB, org, Och
Let my prayer come up (coronation of William and Mary), 1689, full, SATB, org, LS
Let the righteous be glad, A, A, T, B/SATB, lute, org, Cfm
Let thy hand be strengthened (coronation of James II), 1685, full, SATB, org, LS
Lift up your heads, S, S, A, T, B, B/SATB, 2 vn, va, bc, org, W iii, ed. H.W. Shaw (London, 1970)
[Lift up your heads (a), attrib. Blow in Cfm Mus.117, is by Humfrey]
Look upon mine adversity: pt of Turn thee unto me
Lord, how are they increased, T, T/SATB, org, Cfm Mus.152†, Mus.117
Lord, rebuke me not, music lost, words in J. Clifford: The Divine Services and Anthems (London, 2/1664)
Lord, remember David (opening of Whitehall Chapel), 1698, S, A, A, T, B/SAATB, org, Mp†, Lbl
Lord, thou art become gracious, full, SATB, org, K
[Lord, thou hast been gracious, doubtful, Lbl Add.31444]
Lord, thou hast been our refuge, music lost, words in J. Clifford: The Divine Services and Anthems (London, 2/1664)
Lord, thou knowest all my desire, full with verse, SATB/S, S, A, T, B, org, K
My days are gone like shadow, full, SATB, org, K
My God, my God, look upon me, 1697, full, SATB, org, K
My God, my soul is vexed within me, full with verse, SSATB/S, S, B, org, Cfm
O be joyful in God, all ye lands, A, A, B/SATB, org, Lcm
O give thanks unto the Lord, and call, S, A, T, B, B/SATB, 2 vn, va, bc, org, W ii
O give thanks unto the Lord, for he is gracious (G), S, S, S, A, A, T, T, B, B, B/SATB, 2 vn, bc, org, W iii
O God, my heart is ready, full with verse, SATB/A, T, B, org, Cfm†, Lbl, S
O God, wherefore art thou absent, full with verse, SSATB/S, S, A, A, T, B, org, Cfm, B
O how amiable are thy dwellings, A, T, B/SATB, org, Lbl
O Lord God of my salvation, full with verse, SSAATTBB/S, S, A, T, T, B, org, Cfm, ed. H.W. Shaw (London, c1950)
O Lord God, to whom vengeance belongeth, full, SATB, org, IRL-Dcc
O Lord, I have sinned (funeral of Duke of Albermarle), 1670, S, A, T, B/SATB, org, GB-Och, B
O Lord, thou art my God, B/SATB, org, US-AU
O Lord, thou hast searched me out, B, B/SATB, org, GB-Ckc, B
O praise the Lord of heaven, full, SATB, org, K
O pray for the peace of Jerusalem, S/SATB, org, in H. Playford: The Divine Companion (London, 2/1707), ed. H.W. Shaw (London, 1952)
O sing unto God, and sing praises, A, T, B/SATB, org, Lbl, B
O sing unto the Lord a new song, for he hath done, A, T, B, B/SATB, 2 vn, va, bc, org, W ii
O sing unto the Lord a new song, let the congregation, A, T, T, B/SSAATTBB, 2 vn, bc, org, W i
O sing unto the Lord a new song, sing unto the Lord, for Cavendish Weedon, 1701, A, T, B/SAATBB, 2 vn, bc, org, W i
Ponder my words, O Lord, T/SATB, org, US-AU
Praise the Lord, O my soul, and all (Peace of Ryswick), 1697, S, S, A, T, B, B/SSATBB, org, GB-Lbl
Praise the Lord, O my soul; while I live, full with verse, SATB/S, S, A, A, T, T, B, B, org, Cfm, K
Praise the Lord, O ye mighty, Ob†
Praise the Lord, ye servants, full, SATB, org, K
Praise thou the Lord: pt of Praise the Lord, O my soul; while I live
Put me not to rebuke, full with verse, SATB/S, A, T, B, org, Cfm†, Ob, S
Save Lord, and hear us: pt of We will rejoice
Save me, O God, full with verse, SATB/S, S, A, T, B, org, Cfm, B
Shew us thy mercy: pt of Lord, thou hast been gracious
Sing unto the Lord, O ye saints, A, T, B, B/SATB, 2 rec, 2 tenor ob, 2 vn, bc, org, W i
Sing we merrily, S, S, A, A, T, T, B/SSATTB, 2 vn, va, bc, org, W iii
Teach me thy way, O Lord, full with verse, SATB/S, S, A, T, B, B, org, K
The days of man, T/SATB, org, Ob
The floods are risen: pt of The Lord is king, and hath put on (a)
The kings of Tharsis, A, T, T/SATB, 2 vn, va, bc, org, W ii
The Lord, even the most mighty God, hath spoken, B/SATB, org, US-AU
The Lord God is a sun and a shield (coronation of William and Mary), 1689, full with verse, SATB/A, T, B, 2 vn, va, bc, org, W iii
The Lord God is a sun and a shield (coronation of Anne), 1702; slight textual variant of above, music lost
The Lord hear thee in the day of trouble, full, SATB, org, Och, B
The Lord is king, and hath put on (a), A, T, B/SATB, 2 vn, bc, org, W iii
The Lord is king, and hath put on (g), T, T, B/SATB, 2 vn, va, bc, org, W ii
The Lord is king, the earth may be glad, A, T, B/SATB, org, Mp, US-AU
The Lord is my shepherd, A, T, B, B/SATB, 2 vn, va, bc, org, LS
The voice of the Lord, pt of Bring unto the Lord, and of God is our hope and strength (C)
Thy hands have made me, full, SATB, org, Cfm†, Ob, S
Thy mercy, O Lord, A, T, B/SATB, 2 vn, bc, org, W i
Thy righteousness, O God, A, A, T, B/SATB, org, Lbl
Thy way, O God, is holy, S, S, A/SATB, org, Cu
Turn thee unto me, S/SATB, org, Och
Turn us again, O Lord, A, T, B/SATB, org, Lbl, US-AU
Up, Lord, and help me: pt of Lord, how are they increased
We will rejoice in thy salvation (discovery of plot against King William), 1696, A, A, B/SATB, org, GB-Lbl
When Israel came out of Egypt, A, T, T, B/SATB, 2 vn, va, bc, org, W ii
When the Lord turned again, A, T, T (B), B/SATB, 2 vn, va, bc, org, W ii
When the Son of man, Ob†, Y†
Why do the heathen, A, A, B/SATB, org, Lbl

all autograph, in Och Mus.14
Cantate Domino, A, A, org
Gloria Patri et filio, S, A, org
Gloria Patri, qui creavit nos, S, S, A, T, B, org, ed. H.W. Shaw (London, 1958)
In lectulo meo, A, T, org
Laudate nomen Domini, S, S, org
Paratum cor meum, S, S, org
Post haec audivi, A, B, org
Quam diligo legem, S, S, org
Salvator mundi, S, S, A, T, B, ed. H.W. Shaw (London, 1949)

Devotional songs:
for solo voice unless otherwise stated
All things are hush'd, GB-Bu
And art thou griev'd, sweet and sacred Dove? (G. Herbert), 1688
Arise, my darken'd melancholy soul, Och
As on Euphrates' shady banks, 3vv, Och
A wingèd harbinger, 4vv, Lbl
Bless, mortals, bless the cheering light, 1683
Enough, my muse, of earthly things, 2vv, 1688
Hark how the wakeful cheerful cock, 2vv, Och, collab. Humfrey
Hear God's almighty voice, WO
Help, Father Abram, 1688
How art thou fall'n from heav'n, O Lucifer, 2vv, 1688
O mighty God, who sitt'st on high, 1693
O that mine eyes would melt into a flood, 1688
O thou that didst create the light, Bu
Peaceful is he, and most secure (T. Flatman), 1688
The Angel Gabriel always kind, CH
To God I make my prayer, Ob


Sonata, A, 2 vn, bc, Lbl, Ob, ed. W. Whittaker (Paris, 1934)
Ground, g, 2 vn, bc, Lbl
Chaconne, G, 2 vn, va, bc, Ob, ed. H.W. Shaw (London, 1958)

Edition:John Blow: Complete Organ Works, ed. B. Cooper, MB, lxix (1996) voluntaries
2 in A: C, 19–20
4 in a: C, 21–23, C, 30 (for the cornet stop)
5 in C: C, 1–4 (C, 2: embodies material from Frescobaldi's Toccate, Rome, 1637), C, 24 (2 manuals)
2 in D: C, 5a; C, 5b
6 in d: C, 6–8, C, 25 (for the cornet stop), C, 26 (2 manuals), C, 27 (2 manuals)
1 in F: C, 9
9 in G: C, 10–16, C 28 (2 manuals; embodies material from Frescobaldi's Toccate, Rome, 1637), C, 29 (for the cornet stop plus 2 manuals)
2 in g: C, 17–18

Editions:Musick’s Handmaid, II, ed. T. Dart, EKM, x (1958, 2/1962/ R1969) [D]Six Suites by John Blow, ed. H. Ferguson, EKM, v (1965) [F]
7 pieces in 1689; D
15 pieces, in 4 suites, in A Choice Collection of Lessons (London, 1698), incl. 3 pieces from 1689; F
3 pieces in 1700; F
3 pieces in 1700; F

c47 pieces, B-Bc, F-Pc, GB-CDp, Cfm, En, Lbl, Och, J-Tn, incl.:
2 preludes, C;
2 preludes, G;
3 grounds, C;
Ground, e;
2 grounds, G;
Ground, g [version of ground for 2 vn, bc];
Chaconne, C;
Chaconne, F [version of Chaconne in G, str];
Chaconne, g;
Ov., g;
numerous dance movts, mostly organised into suites, incl. movts based on the Dance for a Huntsman and the Graces' Dance from Venus and Adonis

Rules for Playing of a Through Bass upon Organ and Harpsicon, Lbl Add.34072; ed. F.T. Arnold, The Art of Accompaniment from a Thorough-Bass as Practised in the XVIIth and XVIIIth Centuries (Oxford, 1931/R), 163–72

Informació addicional... 

INTERPRETS: Choir of New College Oxford; St. James' Baroque‎; Rober Quinney
AMAZON: BLOW - Symphony Anthems
CPDL: No disponible
SPOTIFY: BLOW - Symphony Anthems

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