dilluns, 20 de novembre del 2023

CIRRI, Ignazio (1711-1787) - Sonata per Clavicembalo e Violino

Sebastiano Lazzari (c.1730-c.1790) - A trompe l'oeil with musical instruments

Ignazio Cirri (1711-1787) - Sonata (in do maggiore) per Clavicembalo e Violino, Op.2 (c.1772)
Performers: Luca Gіаrdіnі (violin); Filippo Pаntіerі (clavecin)
Further info: Cirri - Sonatas


Italian composer and organist. Brother of the cellist and composer Giovanni Battista Cirri (1724-1808), his musical education was obtained locally. In 1758 he took Holy Orders and was elected to the Accademia Filarmonica in Bologna, where he was closely in touch with Padre Martini. The following year he obtained the post as maestro di cappella at Forlì a post he held the rest of his life. Little has been studied on his musical style or works; he published a set of Dodici Sonate per organo, Op.1 (London, 1770) and Sei Sonate per clavicembalo con accompagnamento per violino, Op.2 (London, c.1772). Two sacred pieces, a Chirie e Gloria a Quattro con Strumenti and a Credo a 5, are preserved only in manuscript. 

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