diumenge, 8 de setembre del 2024

CEREROLS, Joan (1618-1680) - Missa angelorum à 5

Lumen Portengen (1608-1649) - The Concert

Joan Cererols (1618-1680) - Missa angelorum à 5
Performers: Maria Casado (soprano); Cor de cambra Francesc Valls; Pere Lluís Biosca (conductor)


Spanish composer. He joined the school choir at the Montserrat monastery, conducted at that time by Maestro Joan March (also known as Marquès or Márquez), with whom he received his first musical education. In 1636, he acquired the status of novice and in 1648, when the upheaval of the Catalonian War of Secession had already subsided, he was in the convent of Montserrat founded in Madrid by the monks that had left the Catalan monastery when the war broke out. The temporary stay of chapel musicians from the monastery at the “Monserratico” in Madrid was a frequent case in later periods, a practice that certainly followed the purpose of broadening the training of future masters, making them become acquainted with the practice and styles of the Crown’s royal chapel choir. In Cererols’ case, more specifically in Madrid, he was able to keep in touch with the most advanced music of the chapel of the Spanish Habsburg kings conducted by Mateo Romero, known as the “maestro capitán”, and Carlos Patiño. After the death of Joan March in 1658, he was appointed choirmaster in his home monastery at Montserrat, a position he held until his death.

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