diumenge, 19 de juny del 2022

SASNAUSKAS, Česlovas (1867-1916) - Requiem e-moll (1915)

Heinrich Friedrich Füger (1751-1818) - Das Grabmal Kaiser Leopolds II. von Franz Anton Zauner in der Augustinerkirche (1795)

Česlovas Sasnauskas (1867-1916) - Requiem e-moll (1915)
Performers: Inеsа Linаburgytе (mezzo-soprano); Algirdis Jаnutаs (tenor); Vlаdimiras Prudnikovаs (bass); Kаunаs State Choir; Lithuаniаn State Symphony Orchestra; Petrаs Bingеlis (1943-2020, conductor)


Lithuanian singer, organist, choir conductor and composer. Son of the local organist Tomo Sasnausko, he received early lessons by his father. Shortly afterwards, he studied with Liucidas (Liudvikas) Risauskas before begin to work as organist. Later he also held a post of organist at the Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Vilkaviškis. From there, he traveled to Saint Petersburg where he studied with Antonio Cotogni at the city Conservatory, getting his bachelor (sing) in 1898. Soon he became widely known and consequently he remained in Saint Petersburg the rest of his life. Also there he assumed a post of children choir director. In 1905 he studied Gregorian chant in Benedictine monasteries in Prague and surroundings. As a composer, he mainly wrote religious works consisting on a Requiem (1915), cantatas, hymns and choral songs. He also wrote traditional songs highly praised and performed in Lithuania. His style was conservative, thus very close to classicism and early romanticism. His Requiem is believed to be one of the first requiems written by a Lithuanian composer.

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