divendres, 5 de febrer del 2021

MILLARES PADRÓN, Cristóbal José (1774-1846) - Sonata No. 2 & LENTINI, Benito (1793-1846) - Sinfonia

Pieter Holsteyn (1585-1662) - Wilde kanarie

Cristóbal José Millares Padrón (1774-1846) - Sonata No.2 - Adagio maestoso, presto
Benito Lentini (1793-1846) - Sinfonia - Largo, allegro
Performers: Ainoa Padrón (pianoforte)


Spanish violinist, organist and composer. He initially studied at the Colegio de San Marcial in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. There he received theory lessons by Mateo Guerra (c.1730-1791), organ by Juan de Castro (c.1730-1788) and violin by Francisco Mariano (c.1730-1792). In 1790 he was awarded for an excellent performance on a violin motif which favored the subsequent entry as a violinist in the orchestra of the Las Palmas de Gran Canaria cathedral. At that time he married Maria del Rosario Cordero de Salas with whom he had several children. In May of 1803 was named first violin of the musical chapel of the city with the obligation to work as professor in the Colegio de San Marcial. He was later appointed senior organist of the cathedral in a position that would already preserve the rest of his life. As a composer he wrote religious work, including Responsorios de Reyes (1812), chamber works, including a Sextet for clarinets, horn, violins and double bass (1814), and numerous works for keyboard instruments. From 1842 he decreased his activities dying in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria in March 1846.

Italian pianist and composer. In 1815, he landed in the Canary Islands as a chapel teacher and as organist. Lentini continued Palomino's work in terms of organizing the orchestra, with which he unveiled two symphonies by Beethoven in 1818, and also became involved in urban planning tasks, becoming a councilor of the City Council. He was the promoter of the existence of "a great theater in Las Palmas", which he would achieve: the Teatro Cairasco. Lentini was the first conductor of the Philharmonic Society and directed the inaugural concert of that institution. Few time later, he died in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.

2 comentaris:

  1. Estimado Pau, me alegra encontrarte de nuevo en activo.
    Te escribo porque me ha surgido una duda con respecto a esta obra que presentas. Según los datos que localizo acerca del disco de "La creación musical en Canarias, vol. 37", esta grabación se correspondería (hasta el minuto 4'46") con la Sonata de Millares Padrón, pero a partir de ese punto los otros 2 movimientos que se oyen serían de una obra de Lentini. ¿Sabes si se trata tal vez de una errata en la asignacion de pistas del disco?
    Gracias anticipadas por tu atención, y un fuerte abrazo virtual en estos tiempos de desapego.

    1. Pues mirándolo bien, tienes toda la razón!! Fallo mío, sin duda. Ya lo he corregido. Muchas gracias por el aviso! Saludos,
