dilluns, 12 de desembre del 2022

WESLEY JR, Charles (1757-1834) - Quartetto (VI) for two Violins, a Tenor and Violoncello (1778)

Charles Wesley Jr. (1757-1834) - Quartetto (VI) for two Violins, a Tenor and Violoncello (1778)
Performers: Steve's Bedroom Band


English composer, elder son of Charles Wesley (1707-1788) and brother of Samuel Wesley (1766-1837). He inherited musical ability from both parents. In infancy he displayed a talent almost without parallel: before he was three years old he could ‘play a tune on the harpsichord readily and in just time’ and ‘always put a true bass to it’. His later development hardly fulfilled this promise. During his childhood and adolescence his father discouraged him from becoming a professional musician, and would not let him take up an appointment as chorister or (later) organist at the Chapel Royal. But under Joseph Kelway he became an excellent organist, and held appointments at several dissenting chapels, the Lock Hospital Chapel (1797-1801) and finally St Marylebone parish church. He learnt composition chiefly from William Boyce, to whom he dedicated his set of string quartets. His brother Samuel called him an ‘obstinate Handelian’ and indeed his compositions, especially those for organ and piano, are extremely conservative in style. In 1822 he published a revised edition of John Wesley's Sacred Harmony.

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