divendres, 19 de juliol del 2024

AUENBRUGGER, Marianne (1759-1782) - Sonata per il clavicembalo (c.1781)

Adele Romany (1769-1846) - A young person hesitating to play the piano in front of her family

Marianne Auenbrugger (1759-1782) - Sonata per il clavicembalo (c.1781)
Performers: Barbara Bаіrd (harpsichord)


Austrian singer, harpsichordist and composer. She was born to physician Leopold Auenbrugger (1722-1809) and his wife Anna. Her childhood was far from easy. Frail and in poor health, the young girl was nevertheless enthusiastic in her studies. Together with her sister Katharina Franziska Auenbrugger (1755-1825), she was a student of Joseph Haydn and Antonio Salieri. In 1780 Haydn dedicated the cycle of six piano sonatas, Opus 30, to the two sisters (Hob. XVI: 35-39 and 20). Leopold Mozart and Haydn praised her and her sister for extraordinary musicianship. She was highly regarded as a pianist and composer in Vienna. Her father, Leopold, counted Haydn and Leopold Mozart among his friends and held regular musical soirees at his home with Antonio Salieri, a regular attendee and family friend. In fact, Leopold Auenbrugger would later serve as best man to Salieri. Marianne and her sister regularly performed as pianists at these events and Salieri took her into his tutelage, deeply impressed by her talent as a composer and musician. Sadly, her early promise was cut short and she died at age 23, a victim of consumption (tuberculosis). Following her death in 1782, Salieri paid to have her Keyboard Sonata in E-flat published alongside his own funeral ode, dedicated to her memory.

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