diumenge, 7 de juliol del 2024

MAICHELBECK, Franz Anton (1702-1750) - Missa Sanctissimae Matris Scholasticae (1734)

Johann Heinrich Bleuler (1787-1857) - View of the island of Mainau in Lake Constance

Franz Anton Maichelbeck (1702-1750) - Missa | Sanctissimae Matris Scholasticae | à | Canto et Alto Concert. | Tenor et Basso concertant. | 2 Violinis Concert. | 2 Cornibus Ex D|# Concert. | Cũ | Duplici Organo (1734)
Performers: Münsterschola Insel Reichenau; Münsterchor und Münsterorchester Insel Reichenau;
Klaus Paul (conductor)


German composer. He was the son of Sebastian Maichelbeck and Anna Maria Koch. In 1721 he was a student of theology at the university of Freiburg, but in 1725 he went to Rome to study sacred music. Two years later he returned to Freiburg, where he became an organist at a local church and in 1730 professor of Italian at the university. He was reputed to have been a learned humanist. His obituary describes him as a very learned man of music, highly esteemed by his contemporaries. As a composer, only few works are extant, the most praised of them, his 'Die auf dem Clavier spielende und das Gehör vergnügende Caecilia ... op.I' (1736) which includes a collection of keyboard sonatas as study pieces and focused to amateur keyboard players. He also left several sacred works, among them, a Requiem in D-Dur and the Missa Sanctissimae Matris Scholasticae (1734).

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