divendres, 4 d’octubre del 2024

MONN, Georg Matthias (1717-1750) - Concerto a 5

Gaetano Stegani (1719-1787) - Capricci architettonici e paesaggi di fantasia

Georg Matthias Monn (1717-1750) - Concerto (D-Dur) a 5
Performers: Concіlіum Musicum Wien; Paul Angеrеr (1927-2017, organ & conductor)


Austrian organist and composer. Although born into a musical family, little is known about the details of his early life, save that he was a chorister at Klosterneuberg, where he no doubt learned enough about music to become an organist there around 1731. His other positions were at the monastery in Melk and subsequently around 1736 at the Karlskirche in the Viennese suburb of Wieden. He was also active at the Holy Roman court, where his instrumental music was extremely popular. His life was cut short prematurely by a lung ailment, probably pneumonia, although he suffered from ill health his entire life. His most important student was Johann Georg Albrechtsberger, probably for whom Monn created a treatise titled Theorie des Generalbasses in Beispielen ohne Erklärung, which remained unpublished. His works include 16 symphonies, eight concertos (six for keyboard, one for violin, one for cello, plus another arrangement of a harpsichord concerto for cello or contrabass), partitas, three fanfares, and three preludes and fugues for organ. His style represents the infusion of the homophonic texture, contrasting themes of the early sonata principle, and fundamental modulatory patterns that reflect the predominant style of the late 18th century. He was also one of the first to create the fourmovement symphony by adding a minuet in one of his works. His brother Johann Christoph Monn (1726-1782) was also a composer and teacher. 

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