divendres, 16 d’abril del 2021

MORANDI, Pietro (1745-1815) - Sonate e sinfonie per organo

Carl Friedrich Heinrich Werner (1808-1894) - Dom von Cefalu in Sicilia

Pietro Morandi (1745-1815) - Sonate e sinfonie per organo
Performers: Mirko Ballico (organo)


Italian composer and organist. He initially studied under Giuseppe Giordani and Giambattista Borghi. Later he was a pupil of Padre Martini in Bologna and in 1764 was admitted to membership of the Accademia Filarmonica. In 1775 he was appointed maestro di cappella at Pergola, near Pesaro, and in 1778 departed for Senigallia, where he remained the rest of his life. He composed several operas, mostly for small Italian cities, as well as instrumental pieces. His son Giovanni Morandi (1777-1856), an organist and composer, was married to the singer Rosa Morandi (1782-1824).

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