dilluns, 6 de setembre del 2021

GAMBARO, Vincent (c.1746-c.1815) - Quatuor concertant (II) en Ut mineur (c.1814)

Les Verres Blancs, ou les Français n'y ont jamais bu ; anecdote de 1816

Vincent Gambaro (c.1746-c.1815) - Quatuor concertant (II) en Ut mineur (c.1814)
Performers: Consortium CIassicum


Italian composer. Although the arrangements of Vincent Gambaro (17??-18??) were well-known and he was friendly with several famous Viennese composers of his time, you will not find his name in any of the standard reference sources. Occasionally one comes across Giovanni Gambaro (1785-1828), an Italian clarinetist, who was born in Genoa and lived in Trieste and Vienna before settling in Paris where he owned a publishing firm, which he is thought to have run with Vincent. He wrote at least 16 wind quartets for flute, clarinet, horn and bassoon. Opus 4 consists of a set of three. Their style is from the late classical era and they are in concertante form with each instrumental being given several grateful solos.

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