divendres, 7 de juliol del 2023

BRUNINGS, Johann David (fl. c.1780-1799) - Sonata pour le Piano Forte

Charles-Joseph Flipart (1721-1797) - A Harpsichordist

Johann David Brünings (fl. c.1780-1799) - Sonata (II, C-Dur) pour le Piano Forte, Op.1 (1792)
Performers: Andrew Zοlіnsky (piano)


German composer. Neither his date of birth nor that of his death is known. We know only that he came from Hessen, lived in Zurich from the mid- 1780s until 1799, and thereafter departed for St Petersburg. Of his further career, nothing is known at all. He was somehow related on odd terms with Philipp Christoph Kayser in Zurich. David Hess, a member of Kayser’s masonic lodge and a friend of both men, wrote that ‘[Brünings was] just as excellent an eccentric as our brother Kayser. . . These two men, so similar in nature, never came together, although they lived for ten years in the same place. Far removed from any petty tradesman’s jealousy, they spoke with great respect of each other, but neither wished to take steps that would have led to closer relations with the other. And so they remained apart who could have done so much together. Neither of these excellent musicians ever even heard the other play.’ As a composer, only three opus numbers are known to have survived: 3 piano sonatas op. 1; 3 piano sonatinas op. 2; and 3 piano trios op. 3. Brünings is of importance to the history of music in Zurich since he was the teacher of Hans Georg Nägeli, the Zurich pedagogue and music publisher. It was also Nägeli who published Brünings’ sonatas. 

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