divendres, 28 de juny del 2024

BIRCK, Wenzel Raimund (1718-1763) - Concerto ex C per il Clavicembalo

Kaiserlich Franziskische Akademie (18th Century) - Gezicht op het Stadtpalais Liechtenstein aan een plein te Wenen

Wenzel Raimund Birck (1718-1763) - Concerto Ex C. | Per Il Clavicembalo. | Violinis 2bus | Con | Basso
Performers: Milko Bizjak (cembalo); Gertraud Gamerith (violin); Aninka Harms (violin); Alojz Mordej (violoncello)


Austrian composer, organist and teacher active in Vienna. From 1726 to 1739 he was a Hofscholar and studied music with Matteo Palotta. On 6 February 1739 he succeeded Georg Reutter as court organist in a post he held until his death. He remained in Vienna his whole life also working as a teacher and composer. Among his pupils, several archdukes and Christoph Sonnleithner. As a composer, he left 25 sinfonias, 16 string quartets, several partias and concertos as well as 12 sonatas and a Trattenimenti per clavicembalo (1757).

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