dilluns, 24 de juny del 2024

TESSARINI, Carlo (c.1690-1766) - Overtura a quattro Stromenti

William Pether (1738-1821) - Carlo Tessarini

Carlo Tessarini (c.1690-1766) - Overtura III da Orchestra a quattro Stromenti due Violini Viola, e Basso
Performers: Tessarini Chamber Orchestra; Mirko Krebs (conductor)


Italian violinist and composer. He was a follower, if not actually a pupil, of Arcangello Corelli. By 1720 he was a violinist at San Marco in Venice, and from 1729 was concertmaster of the concerts of the Conservatory S. Giovanni e Paolo. He also was active at the chapel of Urbino Cathedral (from c. 1733). After a sojourn at the court of Cardinal Wolfgang Schrattenbach in Brunn (c.1735-38), he was again active at Urbino Cathedral until 1744. He also made tours as a concert artist in 1739 and appeared in the Netherlands in 1747. He was once more active at Urbino Cathedral (1750-57) although he continued to pursue his concert career; subsequently settled in Holland. The last information on Tessarini is a reference to a concert he gave at the Collegium musicum in Arnheim on 15 December 1766; after this all trace of him disappears. As a composer, his violin sonatas, generally in 3 movements, contributed to the establishment of a three-movement sonata as a norm. He published many trio sonatas, duets, concertinos, overtures and concerti grossi, as well as the interesting treatise, 'Gramatica di musica: insegna il modo facile e breve perbene imparare di sanae il violino su la parte' (1741).

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