divendres, 30 d’agost del 2024

NOZEMAN, Jacob (1693-1745) - Sonata a violino solo e basso continuo

Nicolaas Verkolje (1673-1746) - The anglers

Jacob Nozeman (1693-1745) - Sonata (III, A-Dur) a violino solo e basso continuo ... opera seconda (c.1735)
Performers: Antoinette Lohmann (violin); Furor Musicus


Dutch composer, violinist and organist. Son of Johannes Nozeman, a travelling actor, and Anna Rijndorp, he was born in Hamburg during one of his father's tours. He grew up in The Hague and Leiden, where his father most often performed. In 1710, after his father death, he settled in Amsterdam. There he was a regular performer at the theatre (1714-1716) and in 1719 he was appointed organist of the Remonstrantse Kerk, in a post he held the rest of his life. As a composer, his extant works include a set of songs and two collection of violin sonatas which show a typical style of the period in a mixture of the sonata da chiesa and da camera types. In 1717, he married to María Geertruida Costerus with whom had two children, Cornelius Nozeman (1721-1785) and Jan Willem Nozeman (1733-1768).

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