Obra de Salvator Rosa (1615-1673), pintor italià (1)
- Recordatori de John Bull -
En el dia de la commemoració del seu 389è aniversari de decés
Parlem de Pintura...
Salvator Rosa (Napoli, 22 de juliol de 1615 - Roma, 15 de març de 1673) va ser un poeta, músic i pintor italià. Es va formar inicialment a Nàpols, ciutat on va entrar en contacte amb diversos pintors com Francesco Fracanzano, Ribera i Aniello Falcone. Aquells primers anys, Rosa es va centrar en pintura de gènere i en paisatges, obres que van rebre una bona acollida en el mercat napolità. Posteriorment, es va traslladar a Roma on va treballar al servei del cardenal Francesco Maria Brancaccio. A Roma va conèixer els pintors Bamboccianti, amb qui va mantenir estretes relacions. El 1640 va viatjar a Florència, on va gaudir de la protecció del príncep Giovan Carlo de Médicis, i on hi va viure fins el 1649. Allà va treballar de forma independent i es va centrar en pintura religiosa alhora que va desenvolupar la seva vessant més literària relativa, especialment, a la poesia i filosofia. La pintura d'aquest període, tot i mantenir-se fidel als paisatges i escenes de gènere, va introduir novetats temàtiques com la bruixeria i la mitologia. A principis del 1649 va tornar a Roma, on va romandre la resta de la seva vida, i on va viure els majors èxits de la seva carrera sent requerit per mecenes locals i estrangers. Malgrat tot, no va poder lliurar-se de la paradoxa que les obres que els seus admiradors sol·licitaven amb més assiduïtat van ser aquelles de vistes i paisatges i no en les que va exposar la seva major creativitat i coneixement intel·lectual. Va morir a Roma el desembre de 1673.
Font: En català: Salvator Rosa (1615-1673) - En castellano: Salvator Rosa (1615-1673) - In english: Salvator Rosa (1615-1673) - Altres: Salvator Rosa (1615-1673)
Parlem de Música...
John Bull (Hereford?, c.1562 - Antwerpen, 12 de març de 1628) va ser un compositor, organista i constructor d'orgues anglès. Bull va néixer probablement a Hereford, si bé altres fonts situen el seu naixement a Sir Faesyfed, al país de Gal·les. El 1573 va entrar al cor de la Catedral d'Hereford i l'any següent va ser acceptat en el cor de nens de la Capella Reial de Londres, on va estudiar orgue i cant amb John Blitheman i William Hunnis. El 1586 es va diplomar a la Universitat d'Oxford, i va ser nomenat cavaller de la Capella Reial, ascendint a organista el 1591. A l'any següent va obtenir el seu doctorat a Oxford, i el 1596 es va convertir en el primer professor de música del col·legi Gresham, per recomanació de la reina Isabel. A la mort de la reina, va romandre al servei del rei James I. En aquesta època va adquirir prestigi com a compositor, teclista i improvisador musical. La brillant i consolidada carrera de Bull es va veure seriosament perjudicada per diversos problemes amorosos i personals, que van finalitzar en una acusació formal d'adulteri. El 1613 i fruit d'aquestes greus acusacions, va fugir d'Anglaterra perseguit per l'arquebisbe de Canterbury i pel mateix monarca. A principis del 1614 es va instal·lar als Països Baixos des d'on va pregar el perdó del rei angles mitjançant una carta. El 1615 va ser nomenat organista assistent de la Catedral d'Anvers assolint el càrrec principal el 1617. Allà va fer amistat amb Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck, un dels compositors més importants del seu temps. Com a compositor va escriure una nombrosa col·lecció d'obres per a teclat convertint-se, ben aviat, en un dels millors músics anglesos del seu temps. Va viure a Anvers la resta de la seva vida, morint en aquesta ciutat el març de 1628.
Vocal religiosa:
Plainsong settings:
Aeterne rerum conditor, K47/3–5;
Alleluia: per te, K48;
Alleluia: post partum, K49;
Christe redemptor omnium, K33;
12 In nomine settings, K20–31;
Jam lucis orto sidere 1, K45a;
Jam lucis orto sidere 2, K45b;
3 Miserere, K34–36 (K36 anon.);
3 Salvator mundi, K37–39;
2 Salve regina, K40–41;
Sermone blando (Aurora lucis rutilat), K47/1,6,7;
Te lucis ante terminum, K46;
Telluris ingens conditor, K47/2;
2 Veni redemptor gentium, K42–43;
Vexilla regis prodeunt, K44
Verse Anthems:
Almighty God, which by the leading star [Almight God who didst manifest; Deus omnipotens; O Lord my God] (in musically identical versions for 5vv and 6vv) TCM, xci (1937, 2/1962);
Deliver me O God;
How joyful and how glad (inc.);
In thee O Lord put I my trust [first chorus: I am feeble]
Words only:
God the father, God the son;
O God best guide;
Praise we the Lord our God;
Preserve most mighty God;
The man that fears the Lord
Spritual songs and carol:
Attend unto my tears (W. Leighton), 4vv, insts; EECM, xi (1970), 48
Attend unto my tears (W. Leighton), 5vv; EECM, xi (1970), 100
Den lustelijken Meij, 4vv; ed. in Noske (1963)
In the departure of the Lord (W. Leighton), 4vv, insts; EECM, xi (1970), 52
this list includes everything in MB xiv; xix; questions of authenticity are discussed in the commentary to the edition and in Cunningham (1984); no attempt has been made here to distinguish degrees of doubt
Preludes and Doric music:
Doric music, 3 pts (? based on piece by Gibbons), K57;
Doric music, 4pts, K58; D[oric], K61;
Doric music (anon), K59; Dor[ic], K60;
13 untitled preludes: K1–2, 16, 30, 43, 82–4, 117–121
On a theme of Sweelinck, K4;
Quinti toni, K6;
Sexti toni, K13;
Octavi toni, sopra sol ut mi fa sol la, K2;
Octavi toni, sopra re re re sol ut mi fa sol, K14;
Duo, K10;
Hexachord, K17;
Hexachord, K18;
God save the king, K32;
‘La Guamina’ (on a canzona by G. Guami), K3;
‘A Leona’, K7;
‘Vestiva i colli’ (i) (on Palestrina’s madrigal), K8;
‘Vestiva i colli’ (ii) (on Palestrina’s madrigal), K9;
5 untitled fantasias, K1, 5, 11, 12, 15
A Battle and no battle (Phrygian music. The ground for a second player. anon.), K108;
Boerendans (Country dance), K111;
Bonny Peg of Ramsey, K75;
Les Bouffons, K101;
Dr. Bull’s Ground (i), K102a;
Dr. Bull’s Ground (ii), K102b;
The King’s Hunt, K125;
Het nieu bergomasco (The new bergomask), K124;
2 Quadran pavans, K127ab–c;
Quadran galliard, K127d–f;
Spanish pavan, K76;
Why ask you (i), K62;
Why ask you (ii), K63;
Why ask you (iii), K64;
Why ask you (anon), ed. in MB, lv (1989), 119
Bonny sweet Robin, K65 (?later revised by Farnaby);
Bull’s Goodnight, K143;
Go from my window, K123;
Revenant, K100;
Rosasolis (?revision of a setting by Farnaby), K122;
St. Thomas Wake pavan and galliard, K126a–b;
St Thomas Wake galliard (anon.), K126c;
Walsingham, K85
Pavan and galliard pairs:
Fantastic, K86;
Chromatic (Queen Elizabeth’s), K87;
Melancholy, K67;
Symphony, K68;
Battle (anon.), K109;
Trumpet, K128;
Lord Lumley’s, K129;
5 untitled pairs, K66, 78 (galliard, paired with pavan in Cunningham, App. iii), 88, 130 (anon.), 131
2 untitled, K69 (anon., inc.), K77
Vaulting, K90;
Italian (anon.), K92;
Piper’s (2 arrs. from Dowland), K89a–b;
‘Air’, K91;
The Prince’s, K113;
Lady Lucy’s, K72;
Lord Hudson’s, K133;
Regina, K132a;
Regina; K132b–c;
Galliard (arr. from J. Johnson’s ‘Jewel’), K70;
3 untitled, K71, 73, 103 (anon.)
Duke of Brunswick’s, K93;
German’s, K94;
French, K95;
Dallying (Lydian music), K104;
Ionic (Phrygian music), K110;
Fantasia (Meridian) (also attrib. Farnaby), K134;
3 untitled, K114, 115 (anon.), 135
The Princes (anon.), K98;
French (anon., arr. from E. Hooper), K105;
Bataille, K106;
Brigante, K74;
Joyeuse, K136;
A round, K137;
Alarm, K80;
Kingston, K81;
6 untitled, K79 and 5 in GB-Lbl Add.23623 ff.88–92
Other dances:
Duchess of Brunswick’s Toy (Most sweet and fair), K97;
Dutch Dance (anon.), K99;
English Toy, 96;
Irish Toy (anon.), K112;
Welsh Dance, K107;
What care you? (anon.), K116
Various short pieces:
Canon, 4 in 2, K50;
My choice I will not change, K140;
My grief, K139 (omitting the variation in GB-Lbl R.M.23.l.4);
My Jewel (i), K141;
My jewel (ii), K142;
My self, K138;
Den lustelijken Meij K52;
3 Een kindeken is ons geboren, K53–55;
Prelude and Carol: Laet ons met herten reijne, K56
[suggested attributions]:
Aurora lucis rutilat, ed. in MB, lxvi (1995), 4
Prelude, ed. J.A. Fuller Maitland and W.B. Squire: The Fitzwilliam Virginal Book (London and Leipzig, 1894–9/R, 2/1979–80 by B. Winogron), ii 25
Robin Hood, ed. in MB, v (1955, 2/1964), 139
Misattributed works:
Canon 2 in 1 with running bass (by Tallis), K51;
Coranto (by Gibbons), ed. in MB, xx (1962, 2/1967), 78;
Fantasia ‘De Chappel’ (?by van Kappell);
Fantasia Chromatica (by Sweelinck), ed. G. Leonhardt: Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck: Opera Omnia, i/1 (1968), 1;
Galliard to Bull’s Fantastic Pavan (by Cosyn), ed. in Memed (1993);
Hexachord Fantasia (by Du Caurroy), K19;
The King’s Hunt (by Cosyn), ed. in Memed (1993);
Pavan and Galliard, Sinfonia ‘De Chappel’ (?by Van Kappell), pavan ed. in H.F Redlich: Harpsichord Pieces from Dr. John Bull’s Flemish Tabulatura (Wilhelmshave, 1958) 2;
Prelude (i) (by Gibbons), ed. in MB, xx (1962, 2/1967), 1;
Prelude (ii) (by Gibbons), ed. in MB, xx (1962, 2/1967), 3;
Prelude (by Byrd), ed. in MB, xxvii (1976, 3/2000), 85;
Voluntary upon a plainsong (by Gibbons), ed. in MB, xx (1962, 2/1967), 84;
Veni redemptor gentium (by Tallis), MB, i (1951, 2/1962), 75;
Why ask you? (by Cosyn), ed. in Memed (1993)
Consort music:
Fantasia a 3; MB, ix (1955, 2/1962), 7
Fantasia a 4; ed. S. Beck: Nine Fantasias in Four Parts (New York, 1947), 2; kbd score, K58a
Fantasia a 5, GB-Lpro SP 46/126, SP 46/162, inc. [possibly a consort song]
Hexachord Fantasia 1; K17 [chromatic; known only in kbd score]
In nomine a 5; MB, ix (1955, 2/1962), 86
Masque music (Bull's authorship perhaps implied by the titles):
Bull’s Toye [for a masque], ed. A.J. Sabol: Four Hundred Songs and Dances from the Stuart Masque (Hanover, NH, 1978);
The Bull Masque, ed. in A.J. Sabol: Four Hundred Songs and Dances from the Stuart Masque (Hanover, NH, 1978)
Many canons of English provenance on Miserere and puzzle canons are attributed to bull in A-Wn 17771, GB-Llb R,M.24.c.14, R.M.24.f.25; also Sweelinck, Werken, x, 84
Font: En català: John Bull (c.1562-1628) - En castellano: John Bull (c.1562-1628) - In english: John Bull (c.1562-1628) - Altres: John Bull (c.1562-1628)
Vocal religiosa:
Plainsong settings:
Aeterne rerum conditor, K47/3–5;
Alleluia: per te, K48;
Alleluia: post partum, K49;
Christe redemptor omnium, K33;
12 In nomine settings, K20–31;
Jam lucis orto sidere 1, K45a;
Jam lucis orto sidere 2, K45b;
3 Miserere, K34–36 (K36 anon.);
3 Salvator mundi, K37–39;
2 Salve regina, K40–41;
Sermone blando (Aurora lucis rutilat), K47/1,6,7;
Te lucis ante terminum, K46;
Telluris ingens conditor, K47/2;
2 Veni redemptor gentium, K42–43;
Vexilla regis prodeunt, K44
Verse Anthems:
Almighty God, which by the leading star [Almight God who didst manifest; Deus omnipotens; O Lord my God] (in musically identical versions for 5vv and 6vv) TCM, xci (1937, 2/1962);
Deliver me O God;
How joyful and how glad (inc.);
In thee O Lord put I my trust [first chorus: I am feeble]
Words only:
God the father, God the son;
O God best guide;
Praise we the Lord our God;
Preserve most mighty God;
The man that fears the Lord
Spritual songs and carol:
Attend unto my tears (W. Leighton), 4vv, insts; EECM, xi (1970), 48
Attend unto my tears (W. Leighton), 5vv; EECM, xi (1970), 100
Den lustelijken Meij, 4vv; ed. in Noske (1963)
In the departure of the Lord (W. Leighton), 4vv, insts; EECM, xi (1970), 52
this list includes everything in MB xiv; xix; questions of authenticity are discussed in the commentary to the edition and in Cunningham (1984); no attempt has been made here to distinguish degrees of doubt
Preludes and Doric music:
Doric music, 3 pts (? based on piece by Gibbons), K57;
Doric music, 4pts, K58; D[oric], K61;
Doric music (anon), K59; Dor[ic], K60;
13 untitled preludes: K1–2, 16, 30, 43, 82–4, 117–121
On a theme of Sweelinck, K4;
Quinti toni, K6;
Sexti toni, K13;
Octavi toni, sopra sol ut mi fa sol la, K2;
Octavi toni, sopra re re re sol ut mi fa sol, K14;
Duo, K10;
Hexachord, K17;
Hexachord, K18;
God save the king, K32;
‘La Guamina’ (on a canzona by G. Guami), K3;
‘A Leona’, K7;
‘Vestiva i colli’ (i) (on Palestrina’s madrigal), K8;
‘Vestiva i colli’ (ii) (on Palestrina’s madrigal), K9;
5 untitled fantasias, K1, 5, 11, 12, 15
A Battle and no battle (Phrygian music. The ground for a second player. anon.), K108;
Boerendans (Country dance), K111;
Bonny Peg of Ramsey, K75;
Les Bouffons, K101;
Dr. Bull’s Ground (i), K102a;
Dr. Bull’s Ground (ii), K102b;
The King’s Hunt, K125;
Het nieu bergomasco (The new bergomask), K124;
2 Quadran pavans, K127ab–c;
Quadran galliard, K127d–f;
Spanish pavan, K76;
Why ask you (i), K62;
Why ask you (ii), K63;
Why ask you (iii), K64;
Why ask you (anon), ed. in MB, lv (1989), 119
Bonny sweet Robin, K65 (?later revised by Farnaby);
Bull’s Goodnight, K143;
Go from my window, K123;
Revenant, K100;
Rosasolis (?revision of a setting by Farnaby), K122;
St. Thomas Wake pavan and galliard, K126a–b;
St Thomas Wake galliard (anon.), K126c;
Walsingham, K85
Pavan and galliard pairs:
Fantastic, K86;
Chromatic (Queen Elizabeth’s), K87;
Melancholy, K67;
Symphony, K68;
Battle (anon.), K109;
Trumpet, K128;
Lord Lumley’s, K129;
5 untitled pairs, K66, 78 (galliard, paired with pavan in Cunningham, App. iii), 88, 130 (anon.), 131
2 untitled, K69 (anon., inc.), K77
Vaulting, K90;
Italian (anon.), K92;
Piper’s (2 arrs. from Dowland), K89a–b;
‘Air’, K91;
The Prince’s, K113;
Lady Lucy’s, K72;
Lord Hudson’s, K133;
Regina, K132a;
Regina; K132b–c;
Galliard (arr. from J. Johnson’s ‘Jewel’), K70;
3 untitled, K71, 73, 103 (anon.)
Duke of Brunswick’s, K93;
German’s, K94;
French, K95;
Dallying (Lydian music), K104;
Ionic (Phrygian music), K110;
Fantasia (Meridian) (also attrib. Farnaby), K134;
3 untitled, K114, 115 (anon.), 135
The Princes (anon.), K98;
French (anon., arr. from E. Hooper), K105;
Bataille, K106;
Brigante, K74;
Joyeuse, K136;
A round, K137;
Alarm, K80;
Kingston, K81;
6 untitled, K79 and 5 in GB-Lbl Add.23623 ff.88–92
Other dances:
Duchess of Brunswick’s Toy (Most sweet and fair), K97;
Dutch Dance (anon.), K99;
English Toy, 96;
Irish Toy (anon.), K112;
Welsh Dance, K107;
What care you? (anon.), K116
Various short pieces:
Canon, 4 in 2, K50;
My choice I will not change, K140;
My grief, K139 (omitting the variation in GB-Lbl R.M.23.l.4);
My Jewel (i), K141;
My jewel (ii), K142;
My self, K138;
Den lustelijken Meij K52;
3 Een kindeken is ons geboren, K53–55;
Prelude and Carol: Laet ons met herten reijne, K56
[suggested attributions]:
Aurora lucis rutilat, ed. in MB, lxvi (1995), 4
Prelude, ed. J.A. Fuller Maitland and W.B. Squire: The Fitzwilliam Virginal Book (London and Leipzig, 1894–9/R, 2/1979–80 by B. Winogron), ii 25
Robin Hood, ed. in MB, v (1955, 2/1964), 139
Misattributed works:
Canon 2 in 1 with running bass (by Tallis), K51;
Coranto (by Gibbons), ed. in MB, xx (1962, 2/1967), 78;
Fantasia ‘De Chappel’ (?by van Kappell);
Fantasia Chromatica (by Sweelinck), ed. G. Leonhardt: Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck: Opera Omnia, i/1 (1968), 1;
Galliard to Bull’s Fantastic Pavan (by Cosyn), ed. in Memed (1993);
Hexachord Fantasia (by Du Caurroy), K19;
The King’s Hunt (by Cosyn), ed. in Memed (1993);
Pavan and Galliard, Sinfonia ‘De Chappel’ (?by Van Kappell), pavan ed. in H.F Redlich: Harpsichord Pieces from Dr. John Bull’s Flemish Tabulatura (Wilhelmshave, 1958) 2;
Prelude (i) (by Gibbons), ed. in MB, xx (1962, 2/1967), 1;
Prelude (ii) (by Gibbons), ed. in MB, xx (1962, 2/1967), 3;
Prelude (by Byrd), ed. in MB, xxvii (1976, 3/2000), 85;
Voluntary upon a plainsong (by Gibbons), ed. in MB, xx (1962, 2/1967), 84;
Veni redemptor gentium (by Tallis), MB, i (1951, 2/1962), 75;
Why ask you? (by Cosyn), ed. in Memed (1993)
Consort music:
Fantasia a 3; MB, ix (1955, 2/1962), 7
Fantasia a 4; ed. S. Beck: Nine Fantasias in Four Parts (New York, 1947), 2; kbd score, K58a
Fantasia a 5, GB-Lpro SP 46/126, SP 46/162, inc. [possibly a consort song]
Hexachord Fantasia 1; K17 [chromatic; known only in kbd score]
In nomine a 5; MB, ix (1955, 2/1962), 86
Masque music (Bull's authorship perhaps implied by the titles):
Bull’s Toye [for a masque], ed. A.J. Sabol: Four Hundred Songs and Dances from the Stuart Masque (Hanover, NH, 1978);
The Bull Masque, ed. in A.J. Sabol: Four Hundred Songs and Dances from the Stuart Masque (Hanover, NH, 1978)
Many canons of English provenance on Miserere and puzzle canons are attributed to bull in A-Wn 17771, GB-Llb R,M.24.c.14, R.M.24.f.25; also Sweelinck, Werken, x, 84
Font: En català: John Bull (c.1562-1628) - En castellano: John Bull (c.1562-1628) - In english: John Bull (c.1562-1628) - Altres: John Bull (c.1562-1628)
Informació addicional...
PRESTOCLASSICAL: BULL, J. - Pavans and Galliards
IMSLP: John Bull (c.1562-1628)
SPOTIFY: BULL, J. - Pavans and Galliards

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