Obra de Gaetano Chierici (1838-1920), pintor italià (1)
- Recordatori de Pavlos Carrer -
En el dia de la celebració del seu 188è aniversari de naixement
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Gaetano Chierici (Reggio nell'Emilia, 1 de juliol de 1838 - Reggio nell'Emilia, 16 de gener de 1920) va ser un pintor italià. Es va formar a partir del 1850 a l'escola de belles arts de la seva vila natal. Des d'allà es va traslladar a Modena i posteriorment a Florència on va continuar la seva formació. Finalment, es va traslladar a Bolonya on va estudiar amb Giulio Cesare Ferrari. A partir d'aleshores, va iniciar la seva carrera com a pintor especialitzant-se en pintura de temàtica de gènere i costumista amb escenes de la vida quotidiana caracteritzades per un realisme quasi fotogràfic. Els seus primers treballs van mostrar, també, una primerenca influència neoclàssica heretada del seu oncle Alfonso Chierici i del pintor Adeodato Malatesta si bé ràpidament es va impregnar de l'essència dels pintors Macchiaioli. El 1869, i després de participar en les exposicions d'art de l'Acadèmia de Belles Arts de Brera, va assolir un ressò notable rebent diversos encàrrecs així com l'aprovació general de la crítica. A partir del 1882 i fins el 1907 va ser el director de l'escola de dibuix de Reggio Emilia, ciutat on va morir el gener de 1920.
Font: En català: No disponible - En castellano: No disponible - In english: Gaetano Chierici (1838-1920) - Altres: Gaetano Chierici (1838-1920)
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Pavlos Carrer [Παύλος Καρρέρ] (Ζάκυνθος, 12 de maig de 1829 - Ζάκυνθος, 7 de juny de 1896) va ser un compositor grec. Es va formar a la seva ciutat natal amb Giuseppe Cricca (c.1815-1887), Francesco Mirangini i possiblement a Corfu amb Mantzaros. El 1850, es va traslladar a Milà on va continuar la seva formació amb Raimondo Bosserone, Tassistri i Winter. Va ser allà precisament on va estrenar les seves primeres òperes al Teatro Carcano en un temps en què també va compondre gran quantitat de música instrumental, molta d'ella per a piano i flauta. El 1857 va tornar a Grècia on va representar diverses òperes en les quals hi va participar la seva futura esposa, la soprano Isavella Iatra. Tot i algunes dificultats derivades d'un incipient nacionalisme emergent, va continuar a Grècia on va seguir interpretant òperes en teatres d'arreu del país, especialment a Atenes. A partir del 1868 va concentrar la seva activitat en la docència en un temps en què també va assumir la presidència de la Societat Filharmònica de Zakynthos. Amb el temps, el seu nom es va convertir en tota una referència al seu país sent considerat el compositor grec més important del segle XIX. Carrer va morir a Zakynthos el juny de 1896.
Vocal secular:
Il pellegrino di Castiglia (op scene, G. Laguidaras), Zakynthos, c1848–50, lost
Dante e Bice (Beatrice) (op, 3, S. Torelli), Milan, Carcano, 25 Aug 1852, music lost, pubd lib in I-Mc
Isabella d'Aspeno, (os, 3, ‘R. G. S.’), Corfu, S Giacomo, ? carn. 1854, I-Mc*
La rediviva (tragedia lirica, prol., 3, I. Sapios), Milan, Carcano, 19 Jan 1856, I-Mc
Marcos Botsaris, 1857–8 (op, 4, G. Caccialupi and A. Valaoritis), Athens, 26 April 1858 (excerpts); Patras, Apollo, 30 April 1861 (complete); score reorchd from lost vs by N. Astrinidis, c1970, Library of the department of musical studies, Salonica: inc. pts, Gr-Aels
Fior di Maria, ovvero I misteri di Parigi (op, 4, Caccialupi, after E. Sue), Zakynthos, between 14 Aug and early Dec 1867, vs, An
I kyra Frossyni [Lady Frossyni] (op, 4, E. Martinengos and after Valaoritis), Zakynthos, 16 Nov 1868, private collection of Antonios Kokkinis, Athens
Maria Antonietta, 1873–4 (op, 4, G. Romas), Zakynthos, Foscolos, 28 Jan 1884
Despo, i irois tou Souliou [Despo, heroine of Souli], 1875 (op, 1, A. Manoussos), Patras, Apollo, 25 Dec 1882 or early Jan 1883
Romeo and Juliette, 1884 (op scene, P. Vergotis, after W. Shakespeare), Corfu Philharmonic Society, 27 Jan 1885, lost
Marathon – Salamis, 1886–8 (op, 4, A. Martzokis and A. Kapsokefalos), unperf. except 2 excerpts from act 4 in song recital, Zakynthos, 9 March 1887
O konte Spourghitis, i Lipothymies ke nevrika [Count Sparrow, or Faintings and Nervous Strains], ?1888 (comic op, 1, I. Tsakassianos); duet pubd in Asty [City], Athens (18 Dec 1888), lost
Projected operas, both ? after 1887, both lost:
Don Pigna (Don Piña);
Lambros Katsonis
With orch acc.:
O Demos (A. Valaoritis), 1859, O stratiotis/Asma polemou [The Soldier/War Song] (A. Manoussos), 1859, Anthi [Flowers] (G. Candianos-Romas), 1859, I anthopolitra [The Flower Girl] (G. Carvellas) by 1867, Vassilikos hymnos [Royal Anthem], 2 settings, before 22 April 1875, O psomozitis [The Old Beggar] (A. Soustos), before 22 April 1875, Lave ena rhodo agapi mou [Take a Rose, my Darling]: all Benakis Museum, Athens;
Nani-nani [Lullaby], before 22 April 1875;
Nyktosynavlia (Kytta ti ahno fengari) [Serenade (Look at the Pale Moon)], 1885, Philharmonic Society, Corfu;
3 songs (D. Solomos), male chorus, mandolinata: I xanthoula [The Fair Maiden], I farmakomeni [Poisoned], Pia ein' ekeini [Who is that Maiden];
Mysterion horou [The Mystery of a Ball], lost
With pf acc., mostly 1v:
Una notte sul Pireo, romanza (Milan, ? before 1857); 5 songs, 1859 (Athens, 1887) I katadhiki tou Kléphti [The Condemnation of the Klepht] (I. Typaldos), Barcellona Greca/I fyghi [The Flight] (I. Tyaldos), O Demos [Old Demos] (A. Valaoritis), To Fengari: Dhiati glyko fengari mou [The Moon: Why, o Sweet Moon] (A. Manoussos), I Maria/Molis éfenge t'asteri [Maria/Just as the Star was Dawning] (I. Typaldos);
O anthos ke i avgoula [The Flower and the Dawn] (Solomos), 1859 (Athens, c1906);
O stratiotis, 1859 (Athens, n.d.), also orchd;
Anthi, 1859 (Athens, n.d.), also orchd;
To orfano [The Orphan] (A. Paraschos), before 22 April 1875 (Athens, n.d.);
Mana ke paedhi [Mother and Child] (Athens, n.d.);
Pes mou [Tell me] (Solomos) (Athens, n.d.);
I anthopolitra, by 1867, also orchd;
O psomozitis, before 22 April 1875, Benakis Museum, Athens, also orchd;
To filima [The Kiss] (G. Zalokostas), before 22 April 1875, Benakis Museum, Athens;
Hymnos pros tin patridha [Hymn to the Fatherland], Benakis Museum, Athens;
Louloudhia emazoxa [I've Picked up Flowers];
The Maid of Athens (G.G. Byron), 2 frags., 1 in Benakis Museum, Athens;
O koukos [The Cuckoo], doubtful, though in Carrer's hand;
7 other songs, lost;
8 solfeggi, 1857, lost
Vocal religiosa:
Orthodox liturgy, 4 male vv, Oct 1886, lost;
Ina ti efryaxan ethni (Ps ii), Benakis Museum, Athens;
Missa breve (Ky, Gl, Cr, San),
Jesu redemptor,
Veni creator,
Tantum ergo: all attrib. Carrer
Pf solo, pubd in Milan before 1857:
44 original pieces, lost except opp. 7–10, 12–15 (1851), 24 (c1851);
40 paraphrases and transcs., lost except Louisa Miller, quadrilles (1851), Divertimento sopra i motivi di Trovatore, pf 4 hands, op.50 (1853), La traviata, divertimento brillante, pf 4 hands, op.55 (1854), Deux pot-pourris brillants sur les meilleurs motifs des Vêpres siciliennes, pf 4 hands, op.87–8 (n.d.), Simone Boccanegra, divertimento, pf 4 hands, op.98 (n.d.)
Pf solo, after 1857:
45 pieces, 1863–73, all MSS, incl. 15 in Benakis Museum, Athens;
other works, lost
Other works:
Marcia funebre nell'opera La rediviva, transcr. band, after 1856; 1885: Din-don polka, insts, 1885, Benakis Museum , Athens;
March, F, band;
untitled work, F, band, Pot pourris greco di Paolo Careri, band pts;
2 waltzes: A 15 anni, fl, Alleati, fl, also fl, pf: both listed in Ricordi's catalogue (c1905);
Giardino musicale: 20 fantasie sopra i migliori motivi delle opere moderne, fl, pf, op.67, collab. F. Pizzi;
many other transcrs., mostly fl, pf, some pubd (Milan, n.d.), others listed in Ricordi's catalogue (c1905)
Font: En català: No disponible - En castellano: No disponible - In english: Pavlos Carrer (1829-1896) - Altres: Pavlos Carrer (1829-1896)
John Tallis (1817-1876) - Ionian Isles and Greece (1851) (2)
Vocal secular:
Il pellegrino di Castiglia (op scene, G. Laguidaras), Zakynthos, c1848–50, lost
Dante e Bice (Beatrice) (op, 3, S. Torelli), Milan, Carcano, 25 Aug 1852, music lost, pubd lib in I-Mc
Isabella d'Aspeno, (os, 3, ‘R. G. S.’), Corfu, S Giacomo, ? carn. 1854, I-Mc*
La rediviva (tragedia lirica, prol., 3, I. Sapios), Milan, Carcano, 19 Jan 1856, I-Mc
Marcos Botsaris, 1857–8 (op, 4, G. Caccialupi and A. Valaoritis), Athens, 26 April 1858 (excerpts); Patras, Apollo, 30 April 1861 (complete); score reorchd from lost vs by N. Astrinidis, c1970, Library of the department of musical studies, Salonica: inc. pts, Gr-Aels
Fior di Maria, ovvero I misteri di Parigi (op, 4, Caccialupi, after E. Sue), Zakynthos, between 14 Aug and early Dec 1867, vs, An
I kyra Frossyni [Lady Frossyni] (op, 4, E. Martinengos and after Valaoritis), Zakynthos, 16 Nov 1868, private collection of Antonios Kokkinis, Athens
Maria Antonietta, 1873–4 (op, 4, G. Romas), Zakynthos, Foscolos, 28 Jan 1884
Despo, i irois tou Souliou [Despo, heroine of Souli], 1875 (op, 1, A. Manoussos), Patras, Apollo, 25 Dec 1882 or early Jan 1883
Romeo and Juliette, 1884 (op scene, P. Vergotis, after W. Shakespeare), Corfu Philharmonic Society, 27 Jan 1885, lost
Marathon – Salamis, 1886–8 (op, 4, A. Martzokis and A. Kapsokefalos), unperf. except 2 excerpts from act 4 in song recital, Zakynthos, 9 March 1887
O konte Spourghitis, i Lipothymies ke nevrika [Count Sparrow, or Faintings and Nervous Strains], ?1888 (comic op, 1, I. Tsakassianos); duet pubd in Asty [City], Athens (18 Dec 1888), lost
Projected operas, both ? after 1887, both lost:
Don Pigna (Don Piña);
Lambros Katsonis
With orch acc.:
O Demos (A. Valaoritis), 1859, O stratiotis/Asma polemou [The Soldier/War Song] (A. Manoussos), 1859, Anthi [Flowers] (G. Candianos-Romas), 1859, I anthopolitra [The Flower Girl] (G. Carvellas) by 1867, Vassilikos hymnos [Royal Anthem], 2 settings, before 22 April 1875, O psomozitis [The Old Beggar] (A. Soustos), before 22 April 1875, Lave ena rhodo agapi mou [Take a Rose, my Darling]: all Benakis Museum, Athens;
Nani-nani [Lullaby], before 22 April 1875;
Nyktosynavlia (Kytta ti ahno fengari) [Serenade (Look at the Pale Moon)], 1885, Philharmonic Society, Corfu;
3 songs (D. Solomos), male chorus, mandolinata: I xanthoula [The Fair Maiden], I farmakomeni [Poisoned], Pia ein' ekeini [Who is that Maiden];
Mysterion horou [The Mystery of a Ball], lost
With pf acc., mostly 1v:
Una notte sul Pireo, romanza (Milan, ? before 1857); 5 songs, 1859 (Athens, 1887) I katadhiki tou Kléphti [The Condemnation of the Klepht] (I. Typaldos), Barcellona Greca/I fyghi [The Flight] (I. Tyaldos), O Demos [Old Demos] (A. Valaoritis), To Fengari: Dhiati glyko fengari mou [The Moon: Why, o Sweet Moon] (A. Manoussos), I Maria/Molis éfenge t'asteri [Maria/Just as the Star was Dawning] (I. Typaldos);
O anthos ke i avgoula [The Flower and the Dawn] (Solomos), 1859 (Athens, c1906);
O stratiotis, 1859 (Athens, n.d.), also orchd;
Anthi, 1859 (Athens, n.d.), also orchd;
To orfano [The Orphan] (A. Paraschos), before 22 April 1875 (Athens, n.d.);
Mana ke paedhi [Mother and Child] (Athens, n.d.);
Pes mou [Tell me] (Solomos) (Athens, n.d.);
I anthopolitra, by 1867, also orchd;
O psomozitis, before 22 April 1875, Benakis Museum, Athens, also orchd;
To filima [The Kiss] (G. Zalokostas), before 22 April 1875, Benakis Museum, Athens;
Hymnos pros tin patridha [Hymn to the Fatherland], Benakis Museum, Athens;
Louloudhia emazoxa [I've Picked up Flowers];
The Maid of Athens (G.G. Byron), 2 frags., 1 in Benakis Museum, Athens;
O koukos [The Cuckoo], doubtful, though in Carrer's hand;
7 other songs, lost;
8 solfeggi, 1857, lost
Vocal religiosa:
Orthodox liturgy, 4 male vv, Oct 1886, lost;
Ina ti efryaxan ethni (Ps ii), Benakis Museum, Athens;
Missa breve (Ky, Gl, Cr, San),
Jesu redemptor,
Veni creator,
Tantum ergo: all attrib. Carrer
Pf solo, pubd in Milan before 1857:
44 original pieces, lost except opp. 7–10, 12–15 (1851), 24 (c1851);
40 paraphrases and transcs., lost except Louisa Miller, quadrilles (1851), Divertimento sopra i motivi di Trovatore, pf 4 hands, op.50 (1853), La traviata, divertimento brillante, pf 4 hands, op.55 (1854), Deux pot-pourris brillants sur les meilleurs motifs des Vêpres siciliennes, pf 4 hands, op.87–8 (n.d.), Simone Boccanegra, divertimento, pf 4 hands, op.98 (n.d.)
Pf solo, after 1857:
45 pieces, 1863–73, all MSS, incl. 15 in Benakis Museum, Athens;
other works, lost
Other works:
Marcia funebre nell'opera La rediviva, transcr. band, after 1856; 1885: Din-don polka, insts, 1885, Benakis Museum , Athens;
March, F, band;
untitled work, F, band, Pot pourris greco di Paolo Careri, band pts;
2 waltzes: A 15 anni, fl, Alleati, fl, also fl, pf: both listed in Ricordi's catalogue (c1905);
Giardino musicale: 20 fantasie sopra i migliori motivi delle opere moderne, fl, pf, op.67, collab. F. Pizzi;
many other transcrs., mostly fl, pf, some pubd (Milan, n.d.), others listed in Ricordi's catalogue (c1905)
Informació addicional...
IMSLP: Pavlos Carrer (1829-1896)
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