- Recordatori de Dmitry Bortnyans'ky -
En el dia de la commemoració del seu 191è aniversari de decés
Parlem de Pintura...
Benjamin West (Springfield, 10 d'octubre de 1738 - London, 11 de març de 1820) va ser un pintor nord-americà. Especialitzat en escenes històriques i retrats, va ser un dels artistes més destacats de la seva època. Es va formar en gran part de forma autodidacta. Va realitzar retrats a Filadèlfia entre 1746 i 1759, any que va marxar a Itàlia, on va adoptar un estil clàssic en la seva pintura degut a l'exhaustiu estudi de les obres de mestres italians com Tiziano i Rafael. El 1763 es va traslladar a Anglaterra país on aviat es va guanyar l'amistat del retratista anglès Sir Joshua Reynolds i la protecció de Jordi III, qui li va encarregar la realització de retrats dels membres de la família reial i, el 1772, el va nomenar pintor de la cort. West va ser un dels fundadors, el 1768, de la Royal Academy of Arts, i es va convertir en el seu president quan va morir Reynolds el 1792. Se'l considera un dels pioners del realisme en trencar la tradició de representar els soldats en les escenes de batalles contemporànies amb vestimentes greco-romanes, com s'aprecia en la seva obra La mort de Wolfe (1771, Galeria Nacional, Ottawa). West va estimular i va influir a molts joves pintors nord-americans que van estudiar al seu taller de Londres, entre els quals cal citar Gilbert Charles Stuart i John Singleton Copley. Entre les obres més destacades de l'artista en destaquen El tracte d'un penic amb els indis (1772, Independence Hall, Filadèlfia) i Mort sobre un cavall pàl·lid (1796, Museu d'Art de Filadèlfia). Va morir a Londres el març de 1820.
Font: En català: Benjamin West (1738-1820) - En castellano: Benjamin West (1738-1820) - In english: Benjamin West (1738-1820) - Altres: Benjamin West (1738-1820)
Parlem de Música...
Dmitry Bortnyans'ky [Дмитро Степанович Бортнянський] (Hlukhiv, 1751 - Sant Petersburg, 10 d'octubre de 1825) va ser un cantant, director i compositor ucrainès actiu principalment a Rússia. Es va formar inicialment al cor d'una escola de Hlukhiv abans de viatjar, el 1758, a la Capella de la Cort Imperial Russa de Sant Petersburg. Allà va rebre el suport de l'emperadriu Elizabeth rebent la protecció de la reialesa russa que va finançar la seva formació amb el mestre italià Baldassare Galuppi. Precisament amb l'italià va viatjar a Venècia el 1769 on va publicar les seves primeres obres, entre elles diverses òperes. El 1779 va ser reclamat novament a Rússia on va ser assistent de direcció i compositor i a partir del 1783 assistent de Paisiello. Poc després va assolir el càrrec de Kapellmeister de la Cort de Lesser escrivint gran quantitat de música religiosa ortodoxa si bé no va deixar de compondre òperes, la majoria en un estil còmic. El 1796, i després de la mort de Caterina la Gran i de l'ascenció de Paul I, va assumir el càrrec de director de la capella imperial de la cort on a banda de compondre va realitzar una important feina de divulgació de la música europea convertint Sant Petersburg en un dels centres musicals més importants d'Europa. Posteriorment, la influència de Bortnyans'ky va créixer i es va estendre per Rússia i els països de religió ortodoxa on la seva música va gaudir de gran popularitat fins ben entrat el segle XX. Va morir a Sant Petersburg l'octubre de 1825.
Vocal secular:
Creonte (dramma per musica, 2, after M. Coltellini: Antigone), Venice, S Benedetto, 26 Nov 1776, P-La
Quinto Fabio (dramma seria, 3, after A. Zeno: Lucio Papirio dittatore), Modena, Ducale, 26 Dec 1778, RUS-Mcm, Glinka Cappella library, St Petersburg
Alcide (dramma per musica, 3, after P. Metastasio: Alcide al bivio), Venice, 1778, GB-Lbl; ed. M. Berdennikov (Kiev, 1985)
La fête du seigneur (comédie mêlée d'aires et des balets, 1, G.I. Chernïshev, A.A. Musin-Pushkin and A.F. Viole, after C.-S. Favart: Annette et Lubin), Pavlovsk Palace, sum. 1786, RUS-SPia, Bolshoya Filarmonia library, St Petersburg; 12 nos. in Muzïkal'noye nasledstvo, iii (Moscow, 1970), 411–57 [music suppl.]
Le faucon (oc, 3, F.-H. Lafermière, after G. Boccaccio and M.-J. Sedaine), Gatchina Palace, 11/22 Oct 1786, GB-Lbl, RUS-SP-Lit*, Ltob; ed. A. Rozanov (Moscow, 1975)
Le fils-rival, ou La moderne Stratonice (oc, 3, Lafermière), Pavlovsk Palace, 11/22 Oct 1787, GB-Lbl, RUS-SPit*, SPtob
Other secular vocal:
Recueil de romances et chansons, 1v, pf (St Petersburg, 1793), edn (Kiev, 1976)
Pesnosloviye, TTB, 1797, RUS-SPsc*
Pevets vo stane russkikh voynov [Bard in the Encampment of Russian Warriors] (V.A. Zhukovsky), 1v, choir, orch, 1813
Vocal religiosa:
Sacred choral concertos:
for SATB unless otherwise stated; numbering follows both editions; all in T iiA
1 Vospoyte Hospodevi pesn' novu [Sing unto the Lord a new song];
2 Torzhestvuyte dnes' [Celebrate this day], 1st movt for SSATB;
3 Hospodi, siloyu tvoyeyu vozveselitsya tsar' [O Lord, in thy strength the king shall be glad];
4 Voskliknite Hospodevi, vsya zemlya [Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye lands];
5 Uslyshit tya Hospod' v den' pechali [May the Lord hear thee in the day of trouble];
6 Slava vo vyshnikh Bohu [Glory to God in the highest];
7 Priidite vozraduyemsya Hospodevi [Come let us rejoice in the Lord];
8 Milosti tvoya, Hospodi, vo vek vospoyu [Of thy mercies, O Lord, shall I sing for ever];
9 Sei den', yeho zhe sotvori Hospod' [This is the day which the Lord hath made]
10 Poyte Bohu nashemu, poyte [Sing praises to our God, sing praises], also in version for 5vv according to Rïtsareva (1979);
11 Blahosloven Hospod', yako uslysha hlas moleniya moyeho [Blessed is the Lord, for he hath heard the voice of my supplication], also in version for 8vv according to Rïtsareva (1979);
12 Bozhe, pesn' novu vospoyu tebe [O God, a new song shall I sing unto thee];
13 Raduytesya Bohu, pomoshchniku nashemu [Rejoice in God, our helper];
14 Otryhnu serdtse moye slovo blaho [My heart overflows with a good word];
15 Priidite, vospoim lyudiye [Come, let us sing, o ye people];
16 Voznesu tya, Bozhe moy, Tsaryu moy [I will exalt thee, O my God, my king]
17 Kol' vozlyublenna seleniya tvoya, Hospodi [How lovely is thy dwelling place, O Lord];
18 Blaho yest' ispovyedatisya Hospodevi [It is good to give praise unto the Lord];
19 Reche Hospod' Hospodevi moyemu [The Lord said unto my Lord];
20 Na Tya Hospodi, upovakh' [In thee, O Lord, have I trusted];
21 Zhiviy v pomoshchi Vyshnyaho [He that dwelleth in the help of the Most High];
22 Hospod' prosvyeshcheniye moye [The Lord is my light];
23 Blazheni lyudiye vedushchii voskliknoveniye [Blessed are the people who know jubilation];
24 Vozvedokh ochi moi v hory [I will lift up mine eyes to the mountains];
25 Ne umolchim nikohda, Bohoroditse [We will never be silent, Mother of God];
26 Hospodi, Bozhe Izrailev [Lord, God of Israel]
27 Hlasom moim ko Hospodu vozvakh [With my voice unto the Lord have I cried];
28 Blazhen muzh, boyaysya Hospoda [Blessed is the man, that feareth the Lord];
29 Voskhvalyu imya Boha moyeho [I will praise the name of my God];
30 Uslyshi, Bozhe, hlas' moy [Hear, O God, my voice];
31 Vsi iazytsy vospleshchite rukami [O clap your hands, all ye nations];
32 Skazhi mi, Hospodi, konchinu moyu [O Lord, make me to know mine end];
33 Vskuyu priskorbna yesi, dusha moya? [Why art thou cast down, O my soul?];
34 Da voskresnet Boh [Let God arise], also in version for 8vv according to Rïtsareva (1979);
35 Hospodi, kto obitayet v zhilishchi Tvoyem? [Lord, who shall abide in thy tabernacle?]
For SATB, SATB; numbering follows both editions; all in T iiB:
1 Ispovemsya Tebe, Hospodi [I will confess to thee, O Lord];
2 Khvalite, otrotsï, Hospoda [Praise the Lord, ye servants of the Lord];
3 Priidite i vidite dela Bozhiya [Come and see the works of the Lord];
4 Kto vzïdet na horu Hospodnyu? [Who shall see the Lord's mountain?];
5 Nebesa povedayut' slavu Bozhiyu [The heavens are telling the glory of God];
6 Kto Boh veliy, yako Boh nash? [Who is so great a God as our God?];
7 Slava v vïshnikh Bohu [Glory to God in the highest];
8 Vospoite, lyudiye, boholepno v Sionye [O people, sing joyfully in Zion];
9 Se nïnye blahoslovite Hospoda [This day praise the Lord];
10 Utverdisya serdtse moye o Hospode [Strengthen thyself my heart, in the Lord]
c23 others: 20 for 4vv, 1 for 6vv, 2 for 8vv, unauthenticated/lost
Liturgical settings and sacred hymns:
for 4vv unless otherwise stated; all in T i:1–3
Obednya [Liturgy], SSA:
Slava i nynyey;
Izhe kheruvimï (Glory to thee) [Cherubic Hymn];
Vyeruyuï (I believe);
Tebye poem (We sing to thee);
Dostoyno yest' (It is truly meet);
Otche nash [Our Father];
Khvalite Gospoda [Praise the Lord];
Prostoe penie (arr. of liturgy), 2vv, 1814
Arkhanhel'skiy hlas [Song of the Archangel], 3 solo vv, 4 vv (for feast day of the Annunciation); Blahoobraznïy Iosif [The noble Joseph];
Da ispravitsya molitva moya [Let my prayer arise], 4 settings, 1 F, 2 d, 3 g, 4 d, all for 3 solo vv;
Da molchit vsyakaya plot' cheloveka [Let all mortal flesh keep silence] SATB, SATB;
Dostoyno yest' [It is truly meet]; Himn Spasiteliu [Hymn to the Saviour] (D.I. Khvostov), 1v, pf;
Hospodi, siloyu tvoyeyu vovzeselitsya Tsar' [O Lord, in thy strength the king shall be glad];
Is polla ye ti, desnota [Many years to you, O master], 3 solo vv, chorus;
Izhe Kheruvimï [Cherubic Hymn], 7 settings for SATB/(1v, pf), 1 E , 2 d, 3 F, 4 C, 5 F, 6 F, 7 D (RUS-SPit), 2 settings for SATB, SATB, 1 c, 2 B ;
Khavalite Hospoda s nebes [Praise God from the heavens] (communion ant), 2 settings, 1 F, 2 C;
Kol' slaven nash Hospod' [How great is our Lord] (M.M. Kheraskov), 2 versions 1 for 1v, 1 for SATB;
Mnohaya lyeta [Many years], 2 versions, Bol'shoye [Greater], Maloye [Lesser];
Molitvy pered obyedom i uzhinom [Prayers before meals];
Nadezhda i predstatel'stvo [Hope and intercessor], 3 solo vv, chorus;
Otche nash [Our Father], RUS-SPsc*;
O tebye raduyetsya, Blahodatnaya, vsyakaya tvar [In thee, O blessed one, all creation rejoices] Predvyechniy i neobkhodimïy [Pre-eternal and uncircumscribed (God)] (IU.A. Isledinsky-Meletsky), 1v, pf;
Raduytesya pravednii o Hospodye [Rejoice ye righteous ones in the Lord], SATB, SATB;
Slava i nïnye, Yedinorodnïy Sïne [Glory to thee, only-begotten son], SATB, SATB;
Slava tebye, Bozhe nash [Glory to thee, our God];
Tebye Boha Khvalim [We praise thee O God], 4 settings for SATB, 1 F, 2 C, 3 F, 4 B ;
10 settings for SATB, SATB, 1 D, 2 C, 3 C, 4 B , 5 C, 6 C, 7 C, 8 D, 9 C, 10 B ;
Tvoryay anhelï svoya dukhi [Thou makest thine angels spirits], SATB, SATB;
Vecheri tvoyeya [Thy supper] (communion ant), SATB, SATB;
Vkusite i vidite [Taste and see] (communion ant), 3 settings, c, for SATB, SATB (later arr. for SATB), E , c, both for SATB;
Voskresniey Bozhe [Rise up, O God], 2 versions, both for 3 solo vv, chorus;
Vo vsyu zemlyu [Of all the earth], 2 settings, 1 C, 2 C, both SATB, SATB;
V pamyat' vyechnuyu [In eternal memory], 2 settings, E , B , both SATB, SATB;
Yavisya blahodat' Bozhiya [The grace of God has appeared], 4 settings, 1 A, 2 E , 3 G, 4 E , all for SATB, SATB;
Other sacred choral:
for 4vv unless otherwise stated; all in T i:1–3
Chant harmonizations and arrs.:
Anhel vopiyashe [The angel announced] (Gk. chant);
Arkhanhel'skiy hlas [Song of the Archangel] (znamennïy chant), 3 solo vv, chorus;
Chertoh Tvoy [Thy bridal chamber] (Kievan chant);
Da ispolnyatsya usta nasha [Let our mouths be filled] (Kievan chant);
Nïnye silï nebesnïya [Today the powers of heaven], 3 settings, E , A (Kievan chant), also in version for SATB, SATB;
Pod tvoyu milost' [Under your mercy] (Kievan chant);
Pomoshchnik i pokrovitel' [Helper and protector] (Gk. chant);
Priidite, ublazhim Iosifa [Come, let us bless Joseph] (unknown chant source);
Slava i nïnye, Dyeva dnes' [Glory be, today the Virgin] (Bulg. chant);
Slava i nïnye, Yedinorodny Sïne [Glory be, only-begotten son] (Kievan chant);
Tyelo Khristovo priimite [Receive the body of Christ] (Communion ant, Kievan chant)
Lat. texts:
Ave Maria, S, A, 2 hn, str, bc, 1775, RUS-SPit*;
Salve regina, A solo, 2 ob, 2 hn, str, bc, 1776, Glinka Cappella library, St Petersburg;
Dextera domini fecit virtutem, SPit, doubtful
Ger. text: Nemetskaya obednya [German Liturgy], SPit*
Qnt no.2, C, vn, va da gamba, vc, hp, pf, 1787, ed. B. Dobrokhotov (Moscow, 1951) [Qnt no.1 lost];
Concert Sym., B , 2 vn, va da gamba, vc, hp, bn, pf, 1790, edn (Moscow, 1953)
Wind insts: ‘Gatchinsky’ March, B , 1787
Hpd sonatas:
no.1, B , ed. V.A. Natanson and A.A. Nikolayev, Russkaya fortepiannaya muzïka, i (Moscow, 1954), 43–8;
no.2, C, ed. in IRMO, i (1968), 233–47;
no.3, F, ed. L.A. Barenboym and V.I. Muzalevsky, Khrestomatiya po istorii fortepiannnoy muzïki Rossii (Moscow and Leningrad, 1949), 29–37
Hpd Conc., ?lost
Vocal secular:
Creonte (dramma per musica, 2, after M. Coltellini: Antigone), Venice, S Benedetto, 26 Nov 1776, P-La
Quinto Fabio (dramma seria, 3, after A. Zeno: Lucio Papirio dittatore), Modena, Ducale, 26 Dec 1778, RUS-Mcm, Glinka Cappella library, St Petersburg
Alcide (dramma per musica, 3, after P. Metastasio: Alcide al bivio), Venice, 1778, GB-Lbl; ed. M. Berdennikov (Kiev, 1985)
La fête du seigneur (comédie mêlée d'aires et des balets, 1, G.I. Chernïshev, A.A. Musin-Pushkin and A.F. Viole, after C.-S. Favart: Annette et Lubin), Pavlovsk Palace, sum. 1786, RUS-SPia, Bolshoya Filarmonia library, St Petersburg; 12 nos. in Muzïkal'noye nasledstvo, iii (Moscow, 1970), 411–57 [music suppl.]
Le faucon (oc, 3, F.-H. Lafermière, after G. Boccaccio and M.-J. Sedaine), Gatchina Palace, 11/22 Oct 1786, GB-Lbl, RUS-SP-Lit*, Ltob; ed. A. Rozanov (Moscow, 1975)
Le fils-rival, ou La moderne Stratonice (oc, 3, Lafermière), Pavlovsk Palace, 11/22 Oct 1787, GB-Lbl, RUS-SPit*, SPtob
Other secular vocal:
Recueil de romances et chansons, 1v, pf (St Petersburg, 1793), edn (Kiev, 1976)
Pesnosloviye, TTB, 1797, RUS-SPsc*
Pevets vo stane russkikh voynov [Bard in the Encampment of Russian Warriors] (V.A. Zhukovsky), 1v, choir, orch, 1813
Vocal religiosa:
Sacred choral concertos:
for SATB unless otherwise stated; numbering follows both editions; all in T iiA
1 Vospoyte Hospodevi pesn' novu [Sing unto the Lord a new song];
2 Torzhestvuyte dnes' [Celebrate this day], 1st movt for SSATB;
3 Hospodi, siloyu tvoyeyu vozveselitsya tsar' [O Lord, in thy strength the king shall be glad];
4 Voskliknite Hospodevi, vsya zemlya [Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye lands];
5 Uslyshit tya Hospod' v den' pechali [May the Lord hear thee in the day of trouble];
6 Slava vo vyshnikh Bohu [Glory to God in the highest];
7 Priidite vozraduyemsya Hospodevi [Come let us rejoice in the Lord];
8 Milosti tvoya, Hospodi, vo vek vospoyu [Of thy mercies, O Lord, shall I sing for ever];
9 Sei den', yeho zhe sotvori Hospod' [This is the day which the Lord hath made]
10 Poyte Bohu nashemu, poyte [Sing praises to our God, sing praises], also in version for 5vv according to Rïtsareva (1979);
11 Blahosloven Hospod', yako uslysha hlas moleniya moyeho [Blessed is the Lord, for he hath heard the voice of my supplication], also in version for 8vv according to Rïtsareva (1979);
12 Bozhe, pesn' novu vospoyu tebe [O God, a new song shall I sing unto thee];
13 Raduytesya Bohu, pomoshchniku nashemu [Rejoice in God, our helper];
14 Otryhnu serdtse moye slovo blaho [My heart overflows with a good word];
15 Priidite, vospoim lyudiye [Come, let us sing, o ye people];
16 Voznesu tya, Bozhe moy, Tsaryu moy [I will exalt thee, O my God, my king]
17 Kol' vozlyublenna seleniya tvoya, Hospodi [How lovely is thy dwelling place, O Lord];
18 Blaho yest' ispovyedatisya Hospodevi [It is good to give praise unto the Lord];
19 Reche Hospod' Hospodevi moyemu [The Lord said unto my Lord];
20 Na Tya Hospodi, upovakh' [In thee, O Lord, have I trusted];
21 Zhiviy v pomoshchi Vyshnyaho [He that dwelleth in the help of the Most High];
22 Hospod' prosvyeshcheniye moye [The Lord is my light];
23 Blazheni lyudiye vedushchii voskliknoveniye [Blessed are the people who know jubilation];
24 Vozvedokh ochi moi v hory [I will lift up mine eyes to the mountains];
25 Ne umolchim nikohda, Bohoroditse [We will never be silent, Mother of God];
26 Hospodi, Bozhe Izrailev [Lord, God of Israel]
27 Hlasom moim ko Hospodu vozvakh [With my voice unto the Lord have I cried];
28 Blazhen muzh, boyaysya Hospoda [Blessed is the man, that feareth the Lord];
29 Voskhvalyu imya Boha moyeho [I will praise the name of my God];
30 Uslyshi, Bozhe, hlas' moy [Hear, O God, my voice];
31 Vsi iazytsy vospleshchite rukami [O clap your hands, all ye nations];
32 Skazhi mi, Hospodi, konchinu moyu [O Lord, make me to know mine end];
33 Vskuyu priskorbna yesi, dusha moya? [Why art thou cast down, O my soul?];
34 Da voskresnet Boh [Let God arise], also in version for 8vv according to Rïtsareva (1979);
35 Hospodi, kto obitayet v zhilishchi Tvoyem? [Lord, who shall abide in thy tabernacle?]
For SATB, SATB; numbering follows both editions; all in T iiB:
1 Ispovemsya Tebe, Hospodi [I will confess to thee, O Lord];
2 Khvalite, otrotsï, Hospoda [Praise the Lord, ye servants of the Lord];
3 Priidite i vidite dela Bozhiya [Come and see the works of the Lord];
4 Kto vzïdet na horu Hospodnyu? [Who shall see the Lord's mountain?];
5 Nebesa povedayut' slavu Bozhiyu [The heavens are telling the glory of God];
6 Kto Boh veliy, yako Boh nash? [Who is so great a God as our God?];
7 Slava v vïshnikh Bohu [Glory to God in the highest];
8 Vospoite, lyudiye, boholepno v Sionye [O people, sing joyfully in Zion];
9 Se nïnye blahoslovite Hospoda [This day praise the Lord];
10 Utverdisya serdtse moye o Hospode [Strengthen thyself my heart, in the Lord]
c23 others: 20 for 4vv, 1 for 6vv, 2 for 8vv, unauthenticated/lost
Liturgical settings and sacred hymns:
for 4vv unless otherwise stated; all in T i:1–3
Obednya [Liturgy], SSA:
Slava i nynyey;
Izhe kheruvimï (Glory to thee) [Cherubic Hymn];
Vyeruyuï (I believe);
Tebye poem (We sing to thee);
Dostoyno yest' (It is truly meet);
Otche nash [Our Father];
Khvalite Gospoda [Praise the Lord];
Prostoe penie (arr. of liturgy), 2vv, 1814
Arkhanhel'skiy hlas [Song of the Archangel], 3 solo vv, 4 vv (for feast day of the Annunciation); Blahoobraznïy Iosif [The noble Joseph];
Da ispravitsya molitva moya [Let my prayer arise], 4 settings, 1 F, 2 d, 3 g, 4 d, all for 3 solo vv;
Da molchit vsyakaya plot' cheloveka [Let all mortal flesh keep silence] SATB, SATB;
Dostoyno yest' [It is truly meet]; Himn Spasiteliu [Hymn to the Saviour] (D.I. Khvostov), 1v, pf;
Hospodi, siloyu tvoyeyu vovzeselitsya Tsar' [O Lord, in thy strength the king shall be glad];
Is polla ye ti, desnota [Many years to you, O master], 3 solo vv, chorus;
Izhe Kheruvimï [Cherubic Hymn], 7 settings for SATB/(1v, pf), 1 E , 2 d, 3 F, 4 C, 5 F, 6 F, 7 D (RUS-SPit), 2 settings for SATB, SATB, 1 c, 2 B ;
Khavalite Hospoda s nebes [Praise God from the heavens] (communion ant), 2 settings, 1 F, 2 C;
Kol' slaven nash Hospod' [How great is our Lord] (M.M. Kheraskov), 2 versions 1 for 1v, 1 for SATB;
Mnohaya lyeta [Many years], 2 versions, Bol'shoye [Greater], Maloye [Lesser];
Molitvy pered obyedom i uzhinom [Prayers before meals];
Nadezhda i predstatel'stvo [Hope and intercessor], 3 solo vv, chorus;
Otche nash [Our Father], RUS-SPsc*;
O tebye raduyetsya, Blahodatnaya, vsyakaya tvar [In thee, O blessed one, all creation rejoices] Predvyechniy i neobkhodimïy [Pre-eternal and uncircumscribed (God)] (IU.A. Isledinsky-Meletsky), 1v, pf;
Raduytesya pravednii o Hospodye [Rejoice ye righteous ones in the Lord], SATB, SATB;
Slava i nïnye, Yedinorodnïy Sïne [Glory to thee, only-begotten son], SATB, SATB;
Slava tebye, Bozhe nash [Glory to thee, our God];
Tebye Boha Khvalim [We praise thee O God], 4 settings for SATB, 1 F, 2 C, 3 F, 4 B ;
10 settings for SATB, SATB, 1 D, 2 C, 3 C, 4 B , 5 C, 6 C, 7 C, 8 D, 9 C, 10 B ;
Tvoryay anhelï svoya dukhi [Thou makest thine angels spirits], SATB, SATB;
Vecheri tvoyeya [Thy supper] (communion ant), SATB, SATB;
Vkusite i vidite [Taste and see] (communion ant), 3 settings, c, for SATB, SATB (later arr. for SATB), E , c, both for SATB;
Voskresniey Bozhe [Rise up, O God], 2 versions, both for 3 solo vv, chorus;
Vo vsyu zemlyu [Of all the earth], 2 settings, 1 C, 2 C, both SATB, SATB;
V pamyat' vyechnuyu [In eternal memory], 2 settings, E , B , both SATB, SATB;
Yavisya blahodat' Bozhiya [The grace of God has appeared], 4 settings, 1 A, 2 E , 3 G, 4 E , all for SATB, SATB;
Other sacred choral:
for 4vv unless otherwise stated; all in T i:1–3
Chant harmonizations and arrs.:
Anhel vopiyashe [The angel announced] (Gk. chant);
Arkhanhel'skiy hlas [Song of the Archangel] (znamennïy chant), 3 solo vv, chorus;
Chertoh Tvoy [Thy bridal chamber] (Kievan chant);
Da ispolnyatsya usta nasha [Let our mouths be filled] (Kievan chant);
Nïnye silï nebesnïya [Today the powers of heaven], 3 settings, E , A (Kievan chant), also in version for SATB, SATB;
Pod tvoyu milost' [Under your mercy] (Kievan chant);
Pomoshchnik i pokrovitel' [Helper and protector] (Gk. chant);
Priidite, ublazhim Iosifa [Come, let us bless Joseph] (unknown chant source);
Slava i nïnye, Dyeva dnes' [Glory be, today the Virgin] (Bulg. chant);
Slava i nïnye, Yedinorodny Sïne [Glory be, only-begotten son] (Kievan chant);
Tyelo Khristovo priimite [Receive the body of Christ] (Communion ant, Kievan chant)
Lat. texts:
Ave Maria, S, A, 2 hn, str, bc, 1775, RUS-SPit*;
Salve regina, A solo, 2 ob, 2 hn, str, bc, 1776, Glinka Cappella library, St Petersburg;
Dextera domini fecit virtutem, SPit, doubtful
Ger. text: Nemetskaya obednya [German Liturgy], SPit*
Qnt no.2, C, vn, va da gamba, vc, hp, pf, 1787, ed. B. Dobrokhotov (Moscow, 1951) [Qnt no.1 lost];
Concert Sym., B , 2 vn, va da gamba, vc, hp, bn, pf, 1790, edn (Moscow, 1953)
Wind insts: ‘Gatchinsky’ March, B , 1787
Hpd sonatas:
no.1, B , ed. V.A. Natanson and A.A. Nikolayev, Russkaya fortepiannaya muzïka, i (Moscow, 1954), 43–8;
no.2, C, ed. in IRMO, i (1968), 233–47;
no.3, F, ed. L.A. Barenboym and V.I. Muzalevsky, Khrestomatiya po istorii fortepiannnoy muzïki Rossii (Moscow and Leningrad, 1949), 29–37
Hpd Conc., ?lost
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ResponEliminaGrata música, me encantan las sinf.concertantes del XVIII,
ResponEliminay no sólo las de J.C. Bach.
Saludos! Daniel, desde Madrid.
Hello my friend! Can you please renew the link to this CD? thanks in advance!
ResponEliminaUn administrador del blog ha eliminat aquest comentari.
ResponEliminamany thanks!!!