dissabte, 8 d’octubre del 2016

PAISIBLE, Jacques (c.1656-1721) - Playhouse Aires

Sir Peter Lely - Mary Davis (c.1670)
Obra de Peter Lely (1618-1680), pintor anglès (1)

Parlem de Pintura...

Peter Lely (Soest, 14 de setembre de 1618 - London, 30 de novembre de 1680) va ser un pintor alemany nacionalitzat anglès posteriorment. Peter Lely va estudiar a Harlem en el taller de Pieter de Grebber. El 1641 es va traslladar a Londres, on es va donar a conèixer pintant paisatges amb figures si bé ràpidament es va orientar vers el retrat amb un estil proper al d'Anton van Dyck. El seu èxit el va promocionar com a pintor de cambra de Carles I i després de Carles II. El seu fill Johann Lely va ser també pintor. Peter va morir a Londres el novembre de 1680, mentre realitzava un retrat de la duquessa de Somerset.

Font: En català: Peter Lely (1618-1680) En castellano: Peter Lely (1618-1680) In english: Peter Lely (1618-1680) - Altres: Peter Lely (1618-1680)

Parlem de Música...

Jacques Paisible (c.1656 - London, bur. 17 d'agost de 1721) va ser un compositor francès, actiu principalment a Anglaterra. Familiar de Guillaume Paisible (c.1659-1728) i altres musics de la cort francesa, es va establir a Anglaterra el setembre de 1673 juntament amb el compositor Robert Cambert. Allà va participar com a oboista i flautista en la representació de Calisto de John Crowne. Més tard va ser promocionat com a flautista de la cort de Carles II i el 1685 va assolir també el mateix càrrec al servei de James II. El 1686 va obtenir un altre càrrec a la capella romana catòlica del rei. Aquell mateix any es va casar amb la cantant Mary Davis. El febrer de 1693 es va instal·lar a Londres on va escriure música per a la princesa Anne i el seu espòs el príncep George treballant al seu servei la resta de la seva vida. Va morir a Londres l'agost de 1721.


printed works published in London unless otherwise stated
Rare en tout (comédie-ballet, Mme de la Roche-Guilhen), London, 29 May 1677, lost

Ovs. and act tunes for the following plays:
Pleasure, ?c1679, GB-Lbl, Lcm;
Epsom Wells (T. Shadwell), 1693, Lbl;
Timon of Athens (Shadwell, after W. Shakespeare), ?1694, Lbl, Lcm;
Oroonoko (T. Southerne), 1695, Lbl, Lcm;
Love's Last Shift (C. Cibber), 1696, Lbl, Lcm, LEp, US-LAFinney;
Neglected Virtue, 1696, GB-Lbl;
The Spanish Wives (M. Pix), 1696, Lbl, Lcm;
The Humours of Sir John Falstaff (T. Betterton, after Shakespeare), 1700 (1701);
King Edward III (J. Bancroft), c1700 (?c1700);
Love's Stratagem, c1701 (c1701);
She Wou'd & She Wou'd Not (Cibber), 1702 (1702)

Miscellaneous tunes: for vn, 1687, 1690, 1693, 1700; for vn/rec/flageolet, 1691; for 2 rec, 1694; for ob/rec/vn/other insts, 1695; The Compleat Flute-Master, rec (1695); for 2 rec, 1696
The Queen's Farewell, 2 tr, t, b, 1695
2 sonatas, 2 rec, 1698
At least 1 sonata, 2 rec, 8 sonates à 2 flûtes sans basse (Amsterdam, 1699–1700), lost, listed in E. Roger catalogue
A Set of Ayres … being the 2nd Sett, a 4 (1700)
Pieces, vns, fls, obs, recs, bc, Pièces à 3 & 4 parties (Amsterdam, 1702), lost, listed in Roger catalogue
6 sonates, 2 rec, op.1 (Amsterdam, 1702) [as 6 Sonatas, op.1 (London, c1703)]
2 pieces, 2 rec, A Collection of Aires (1703)
Musick Perform'd Before Her Majesty and the New King of Spain, orch (1704)
Mr. Isacks New Dances Made for Her Majesty's Birth-Day, 1704: the Tunes by Mr. Paisible (1704), lost, mentioned in Walsh and Hare advertisement
Dances pubd separately (1705–18): 19 for Queen Anne's birthday; 1 for Princess Sophia Dorothea's birthday; 1 for George I's birthday; 1 miscellaneous
At least 1 sonata, 2 vn/ob, bc, Sonate da camera (Amsterdam, c1708), lost
At least 1 air, tpt, 2 vn, t, bc, A Collection of 6 Trumpet Airs (1717), lost
6 Setts of Aires, 2 rec, bc, op.2 (1720)
Sonatas, 2 rec, ?bc (1722), lost, listed in Walsh and Hare catalogue
Sonata, 2 tpt/ob, 2 vn, t, bc, GB-Lbl
3 Eng. partitas, tpt, 2 vn, va, bc, D-SWl
13 sonatas, 4 suites, rec, bc, F-Pn
2 sonatas, 2 rec, Pn
Set of dances, GB-Ob (inc., 1st tr pt only)
4 songs, 1682, 1684, Odes and Dialogues, pt 1 (c1699), 1 pubd separately (by 1701)

Font: En català: No disponible En castellano: No disponible In english: Jacques Paisible (c.1656-1721) - Altres: Jacques Paisible (c.1656-1721)

Parlem en veu pròpia o en veu d'altri...

Paisible was heavily involved with the London theatres. He wrote act tunes for the United Company at Dorset Garden in 1693, then in the 1695–6 season became one of the house composers for Christopher Rich's company at Drury Lane. By the 1702–3 season he was also a member of the Drury Lane band, primarily as a bass violinist but also playing the recorder in numerous interval ‘entertainments’ with John Banister (ii), Gottfried Keller, Gasparo Visconti and others. In January 1708 he became a cellist at the new Queen's Theatre in the Haymarket. The anonymous translator of Raguenet's Paralèle des italiens et des françois (London, 1709), praising the opera band, attested that ‘the famous Mr Paisible’ on the recorder ‘need not give place to any [Masters] at Paris’. In 1710 the German traveller Zacharias Conrad von Uffenbach heard Paisible play the recorder in concert and averred that his ‘equal is not to be found’. By 1715 Paisible was back at Drury Lane at ‘five shillings per diem, and one guinea every time he performs anything upon the stage’; again he played the recorder in the interval entertainments, now in competition with John Baston at Lincoln's Inn Fields. Throughout this period he also played in numerous concerts at York Buildings, Hickford's Room, Stationers' Hall and elsewhere, generally on the recorder but also on the ‘echo flute’ or ‘small echo flute’. The inventory of Paisible's possessions on his death includes 13 musical instruments: ‘three bass violins and one bass viol, a guitar and two cases’, ‘a spinet upon a frame’ and ‘two voice flutes, one consort flute and two small ones, an old hautboy and an old cane flute’ (‘flute’ here always means recorder). Paisible's compositions await a systematic study. His attractive theatrical music, relying heavily on French-style dances, was good enough to have been mistaken for that of Henry Purcell. During the 1690s, perhaps under the influence of Finger, he began to intermix elements of the Italian style in a rather quixotic manner. His 13 mixed-style recorder sonatas – never published, perhaps because of their virtuoso demands – deserve wider recognition. His best-known work is The Queen's Farewell, written for Queen Mary's funeral (1695).

GROVE MUSIC ONLINE (source/font: aquí)

Gaudiu i compartiu! 

Informació addicional... 

INTERPRETS: The London Oboe Band; Paul Goodwin
AMAZON: PAISIBLE, J. - Playhouse Aires
CPDL: No disponible
SPOTIFY: PAISIBLE, J. - Playhouse Aires

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