divendres, 9 de juny del 2017

TOMKINS, Thomas (1572-1656) - Anthems & Canticles

Pieter Jansz Saenredam - Cathedral of Saint John at 's-Hertogenbosch (1646)
Obra de Pieter Jansz Saenredam (1597-1665), pintor holandès (1)

- Recordatori de Thomas Tomkins -
En el dia de la commemoració del seu 361è aniversari de decés

Parlem de Pintura...

Pieter Jansz Saenredam (Assendelft, 9 de juny de 1597 - Haarlem, 31 de maig de 1665) va ser un pintor neerlandès. Fill de l'impressor i dibuixant Jan Pietersz Saenredam, va ser deixeble de Jan Pietersz de Grebber. Ben aviat es va fer conegut per les seves pintures sorprenentment modernes d'esglésies. Aquestes obres es van basar en mesures precises i en la realització d'esbossos detallats de les esglésies que volia representar, sovint en col·laboració amb el seu amic i arquitecte Jacob van Campen. Aquests esbossos van ser en realitat similars a dibuixos d'arquitecte ja que van ser rics en detalls i singulars per la gran puresa lineal i van ser realitzats amb llapis, ploma i clarió. Sobre el dibuix base, Saenredam hi afegia colors en aiguada, el que aportava a més de valors cromàtics una certa textura i sensació de profunditat mitjançant l'ús ombrejats. Així va ser com Pieter Saenredam va crear austeres atmosferes d'interiors, mitjançant una graduació minuciosa de la lluminositat dels colors. En la seva pintura, que solia concloure a l'oli, sovint i amb premeditació va excloure o es va minimitzar la presència de la gent, ja que el seu interès va ser en focalitzar l'atenció en les construccions i en les formes arquitectòniques. Va morir a Haarlem el maig de 1665.

Parlem de Música...

Thomas Tomkins (St Davids, 1572 - Martin Hussingtree, bur. 9 de juny de 1656) va ser un compositor i organista anglès. Va ser el segon fill de Thomas Tomkins, també compositor i organista, i membre d'una destacada família estretament vinculada a la vida musical de l'Anglaterra dels segles XVI i XVII. Gràcies a la dedicatòria d'una de les seves cançons es creu va ser deixeble de William Byrd. Al voltant de l'any 1596 va accedir a una plaça d'organista de la Catedral de Worcester. A partir del 1607 es va graduar en música al Magdalen College de la Universitat d'Oxford i el 1621 va ser nomenat, complementàriament, organista de la Capella Reial, la institució musical adscrita a la corona anglesa, dins de la qual va realitzar tasques com la composició de la música que s'interpretaria en ocasió de les cerimònies de coronació del rei Carles I l'any 1625. Aquest càrrec dins de la capella musical de la Cort, que molts altres compositors i instrumentistes de gran qualitat ambicionaren sense aconseguir-ho durant tota la seva vida, era una de les mencions més prestigioses a què podia aspirar un músic en l'època de Tomkins, així que el seu nomenament va ser un reconeixement explícit a la seva tasca com a intèrpret i compositor. El 1628, va postular per succeir l'italià Alfonso Ferrabosco com a compositor habitual de la capella de Carles I, però el mateix rei va impedir el nomenament, ja que el lloc ja havia estat promès al fill de Ferrabosco. Així doncs, Tomkins va mantenir la seva posició d'organista a Worcester fins el 1646, any en què els serveis religiosos van ser suspesos a la catedral, després del segon setge de Worcester. Els últims anys de la vida de Tomkins van transcórrer retirat en la intimitat, si bé va seguir escrivint obres fins el juny del 1656, l'any de la seva mort.


Vocal secular:

Songs of 3.4.5. & 6. parts (London, 1622); EM
Adue, ye citty prisoning towers, 5vv;
Cloris, when as I woe, 5vv;
Come, shepheards, sing with me, 5vv;
Fond men that doe so highly prize, 3vv;
Fusca, in thy starry eyes, 5vv;
How great delight, 3vv;
It is my wel-beloveds voice, 6vv [repr. in Musica Deo sacra];
Love, cease tormenting, 3vv;
Musicke devine, 6vv;
No more I will thy love importune, 3vv;
Oft did I marle, 6vv;
O let me dye for true love, 4vv;
O let me live for true love, 4vv;
Our hasty life away doth post, 3vv;
O yes, has any found a lad, 4vv
Phillis, now cease to move me, 5vv;
Phillis, yet see him dying, 5vv;
See, see, the shepheards queene, 5vv;
Sure there is no god of love, 3vv;
Too much I once lamented, 5vv;
To the shady woods, 5vv;
Turne unto the Lord, 6vv [repr. in Musica Deo sacra; EECM xiv, 239];
Was ever wretch tormented, 4vv;
Weepe no more, thou sorry boy, 4vv;
When David heard, 5vv [repr. in Musica Deo sacra];
When I observe, 6vv;
Woe is me, 6vv [repr. in Musica Deo sacra];
Yet againe, as soon revived, 4vv
The fauns and satyrs tripping, 5vv, 1601; ed. in EM, xxxii (2/1962)

Vocal religiosa:

First [Short] service in C fa ut (Ven, TeD, Bs, Ky, Cr, Mag, Nunc), 4vv, org, 1668; R 17
Second service in D sol re (Ven, TeD, Jub, Ky, Cr, Mag, Nunc), 4vv, org, 1668; R 50
Third [Great] service (TeD, Jub, Mag, Nunc), 4/8vv, org, 1668; R 82
Fourth service [with verses] (TeD, Mag, Nunc), 6/6vv, org, 1668; R 176
Fifth service (TeD, Jub, Mag, Nunc), 5/5vv, org, 1668; R 213
Magnificat and Nunc dimittis, verse, inc., GB-DRc
Second evening service (Mag, Nunc), verse, inc., formerly in St Michael’s College, Tenbury
Preces and psalms (xv, xlvii), 5vv, org, 1668; R 3
Preces and responses, 5vv, Cp
Litany (i), full, inc., Cp
Litany (ii), full, inc., Cp (? by Molle)

Above the stars my Saviour dwells, 1/6vv, org, 1668, EECM ix, 24
Almighty and everlasting God which hatest nothing, 4vv, org, 1668, EECM xxvii, 112
Almighty and everliving [everlasting] God we humbly beseech thy majesty, 3/6vv, org, 1668, EECM v, 47
Almighty God, the fountain of all wisdom, 5vv, org, 1668, EECM xxxvii, 25
Almighty God, which [who] hast instructed, 5/4vv, org, 1668, EECM v, 67
Almighty God, which hast knit together, 8/8vv, org, 1668, EECM v, 100
Almighty God, who hast given us thine only begotten son, 6/7vv, org, 1668, EECM v, 1
Almighty God whose praise this day, 5/5vv, org, 1668, EECM v, 37
Arise O Lord and have mercy, 3vv, 1668, EECM xxvii, 4
Arise, O Lord God, lift up thy hand, 5vv, org, 1668, EECM xxxvii, 95
Arise, O Lord, into thy resting place, 5vv, org, 1668, EECM xxxvii, 36
Awake up my glory, 3vv, 1668, EECM xxvii, 46
Behold, I bring you glad tidings (2p. Glory be to God in the highest), 1/10vv, org, 1668, EECM ix, 1, C 59
Behold, it is Christ, 4/6vv, org, 1668, EECM xiv, 160
Behold, the hour cometh, 3/4vv, org, 1668, EECM xiv, 18
Be strong and of a good courage, 7vv, org, 1668
Blessed be the Lord God of Israel, 2/8vv, org, 1668, EECM ix, 157
Blessed is he that considereth: see O Lord, graciously accept
Blessed is he whose unrighteousness is forgiven, 3vv, 1668, C 3, EECM xxvii, 10
Christ is risen again: see Christ rising again
Christ rising again (2p. Christ is risen again), 4/5vv, org, 1668, EECM v, 53
Come, let us go up, 5/8vv, org, 1668, EECM xiv, 44
Deal with me, O Lord, 3vv, 1668, EECM xxvii, 50
Dear Lord of life, 6vv, GB-Och
Death is swallowed up, verse, inc., org, US-NYp
Deliver me from mine enemies, 4/5vv, org, 1668, EECM xiv, 145
Domine tu eruisti animam: see Why art thou so full of heaviness
From deepest horror of sad penitence, 6vv, GB-Lbl
Give ear unto my words (2p. My voice shalt thou hear), 4vv, org, 1668, EECM xxvii, 54
Give sentence with me, O God, 2/6vv, org, 1668, EECM ix, 111
Glory be to God in the highest: see Behold, I bring you glad tidings
Glory be to God on high, 7/7vv, org, 1668, EECM xiv, 219
Glory be to the Father, 3vv, 1668, EECM xxvii, 38
God, which as upon this day [God, which as on this day; God, who as at this time; God, who upon this day], 4/7vv, org, 1668, EECM v, 91
Grant us gracious Lord so to eat, full, Lbl, Ob (text only)
Great and marvellous are thy works, 5vv, org, 1668, EECM xxxvii, 45
Have mercy upon me, O God [Lord], 3vv, 1668, C 10, EECM xxvii, 17
Have mercy upon me, O God, 5vv, org, 1668, EECM xxxvii, 51
Hear me when I call, 3/5vv, org, 1668, EECM xiv, 1
Hear my prayer, O good Lord, 2/5vv, org, 1668, EECM ix, 130
Hear my prayer, O Lord, and consider, 3vv, 1668, C 17, EECM xxvii, 25
Hear my prayer, O Lord, and let my cry[ing], 3vv, 1668, C 12, EECM xxvii, 19
Hear my prayer, O Lord, and with thine ears, 1/4vv, org, 1668, EECM ix, 75
He that hath pity on the poor, 5vv, org, 1668, EECM xxxvii, 106
Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of hosts, full, inc., formerly in St Michael’s College, Tenbury
Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of Sabaoth, 5vv, org, 1668, EECM xxxvii, 1
I am the resurrection (2p. I heard a voice from heaven), 4vv, 1668, EECM xxvii, 119
I have gone astray, 3vv, 1668, EECM xxvii, 35
I heard a voice from heaven: see I am the resurrection
It is my well beloved's voice: see Songs of 3.4.5. & 6. parts
I will lift up mine eyes, 4/5vv, org, 1668, EECM ix, 141
Jesus came when the doors were shut, verse, org, inc., Cp, DRc, Lbl, Och, Ojc, Y
Know ye [you] not, verse, inc., org, Och, US-NYp
Leave, O my soul, 4/5vv, org, 1668, EECM xiv, 77
Lord, enter not into judgment, 5vv, org, 1668, EECM xxxvii, 57
Lord, who shall dwell (Ps xv): see Preces and psalms
Merciful Lord, we beseech thee, 4/6vv, org, 1668, EECM v, 28
My beloved spake, 4/4vv, org, 1668, EECM xiv, 28
My dwelling is above, verse, org, inc., GB-Lbl, Ob
My shepherd is the living Lord, 2/4vv, org, 1668, EECM ix, 34
My voice shalt thou hear: see Give ear unto my words
Not in the merits of what I have done [‘Stripped of my merits’], 3/4vv, org, 1668, EECM xiv, 99
O be favourable unto Zion, 4vv, org, 1668, EECM xxvii, 97
O clap your hands together (Ps xlvii): see Preces and psalms
O give thanks unto the Lord, 4vv, org, 1668, EECM xxvii, 92
O God, the proud are risen against me, 8vv, org, 1668
O God, wonderful art thou, 5vv, org, 1668, EECM xxxvii, 64
O how amiable are thy dwellings, 4vv, org, 1668, EECM xxvii, 86
O Israel, if thou return, 6vv, org, 1668
O Lord, do away as the night, 3vv, 1668, EECM xxvii, 40
O Lord God of hosts, hear my prayer, 6/6vv, org, 1668, EECM xiv, 178
O Lord God of hosts, who is like unto thee, 3vv, 1668, EECM xxvii, 31
O Lord, graciously accept/Blessed is he that considereth, 6vv, org, 1668
O Lord, grant the king a long life, 4/5vv, org, 1668, EECM v, 73
O Lord, how glorious are thy works, 3vv, 1668, EECM xxvii, 44
O Lord, how manifold are thy works, 4vv, org, 1668, C 20, EECM xxvii, 74
O Lord, I have loved, 5vv, org, 1668, EECM xxxvii, 70
O Lord, let me know mine end, 1/5vv, org, 1668, EECM ix, 41
O Lord, open thou our lips, 3vv, org, 1668, EECM xxvii, 1
O Lord, rebuke me not in thine indignation, 3vv, 1668, C 1, EECM xxvii, 7
O Lord, thou hast dealt graciously, 6/8vv, org, 1668, EECM xiv, 194
O Lord, wipe away my sins, 5vv, inc., formerly in St Michael’s College, Tenbury
O praise the Lord all ye heathen, 12vv, org, 1668, C 38
O praise the Lord all ye heathen, 5vv, org, 1668, EECM xxxvii, 7
O pray for the peace of Jerusalem, 4/6vv, org, 1668, EECM xiv, 65
O pray for the peace of Jerusalem, 4vv, org, 1668, EECM xxvii, 102
O sing unto the Lord a new song, let the congregation, 7vv, org, 1668
O that the salvation were given, 4/8vv, org, 1668, EECM xiv, 129
O think upon thy servant, verse, org, inc., Lbl, Ob
Out of the deep, 3/4vv, org, 1668, EECM ix, 16
Out of the deep, 3vv, 1668, C 14, EECM xxvii, 22
Praise the Lord, O my soul, 4vv, org, 1668, EECM xxvii, 107
Praise the Lord, O my soul, 1/4vv, org, 1668, EECM xiv, 210
Praise the Lord, O ye servants, 1/4vv, org, 1668, EECM ix, 62
Put me not to rebuke, O Lord, 3vv, 1668, C 6, EECM xxvii, 13
Rejoice, rejoice, sing and rejoice, verse, inc., GL, Lbl
Remember me, O Lord, 4vv, org, 1668, EECM xxvii, 80
Sing unto God, 2/5vv, org, 1668, EECM ix, 86
Stephen being full of the Holy Ghost, 6/6vv, org, 1668, EECM v, 20
‘Stripped of my merits’: see Not in the merits
Sweet Saviour, verse, inc., formerly in St Michael’s College, Tenbury
The heavens declare, 4vv, org, 1668, EECM xxvii, 67
The hills stand about Jerusalem, 3vv, 1668, EECM xxvii, 47
The Lord bless us, verse, org, inc. GL
The Lord, even the most mighty God, 1/5vv, org, 1668, EECM xiv, 111
Then David mourned, 5vv, org, 1668, EECM xxxvii, 11
Thou art my king, 1/5vv, org, 1668, EECM ix, 101, C 71
Thou healest the broken in heart, 3vv, 1668, EECM xxvii, 33
Turn thou us, O good Lord [canon 4 in 1], 4vv, org, 1668, EECM xxvii, 132
Turn thou us, O good Lord, 5/5vv, org, 1668, EECM xiv, 239
Turn unto the Lord: see Songs of 3.4.5. & 6. parts
When David heard: see Songs of 3.4.5. & 6. parts
Who can tell how oft he offendeth thee, 1/4vv, org, 1668, EECM ix, 53
Who is this that cometh, 5/5vv, org, 1668, EECM v, 81
Whom have I in heaven but thee, 3vv, 1668, EECM xxvii, 28
Who shall ascend the hill of God, 6vv, org, 1668, C 32
Why art thou so full of heaviness/Domine tu eruisti animam, 5vv, org, 1668, EECM xxxvii, 17
Withdraw not thou thy mercy, 5vv, org, 1668, EECM xxxvii, 85
Woe is me that I am constrained: see Songs of 3.4.5. & 6. parts
Ye people all in one accord, verse, inc., Lcm
Zadok the priest, full, Lbl, Ob (text only)

Psalm tunes:
7 psalm tunes (Dunfermiline, Martyrs, Old 113th, St Davids, Windsor, Worcester, York), 162111


Fancies: ‘for two to play’, ‘for viols’, 4 untitled
7 hexachord fantasias
Galliards: ‘Hunting’, ‘Lady Folliott's’, 1 untitled
2 grounds
8 In Nomines (incl. 2 in 2 versions)
8 Miserere
Pavan and galliard ‘Lord Strafford’ (2 versions); 2 untitled pairs
Pavans: ‘for these distracted times’, ‘Lord Canterbury’, 5 untitled
Toys: ‘made at Poole Court’, ‘Mr Curch’ (?by Farnaby)
3 preludes; 3 verses; 3 voluntaries
Barafostus's dream;
Bitts or morcells (frags.);
Clarifica me Pater;
Fortune my foe;
Go from my window (frag.);
‘On a plainsong’;
Robin Hood;
The perpetual round;
What if a day;
Worcester brawls
3 untitled pieces dedicated to Archdeacon Thornborough, GB-Ob; T (2/1964)

Consort music:
1 fantasia a 5 [kbd version], F-Pc; T 68
4 fantasias a 6, EIRE-Dm, GB-Ob
9 pavans a 5 [no.1 = pavan a 4], GB-Cfm Mus.32.G.29, no.123 [kbd version of 1 only], Lbl, Lcm, Ob, 161022; 1 in D 111, 1 in T 56 (kbd)
Pavan, alman a 4, EIRE-Dm, GB-Ob; almain in D 50
Pavan, galliard a 6, EIRE-Dm; D 161
2 In Nomine, 15 fantasias a 3, EIRE-Dm, GB-Lbl, Ob Mus.Sch.D.245–7 [numbered], Och; 1 fantasia in D 16
Ut re mi a 4, EIRE-Dm, F-Pc [kbd], GB-Ob, Y

Doubtful works:
Set up thyself, O God, verse anthem, inc., GB-WO (anon., attrib. Tomkins by Stevens);
‘Pretty wayes for young beginners to look upon’, kbd (see Miller)

Font: En català: Thomas Tomkins (1572-1656) En castellano: Thomas Tomkins (1572-1656) In english: Thomas Tomkins (1572-1656) - Altres: Thomas Tomkins (1572-1656)

Informació addicional... 

INTERPRETS: Choir of Magdalen College Oxford; Daniel Hyde
AMAZON: Tomkins - Anthems & Canticles
SPOTIFY: Tomkins - Anthems & Canticles

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