- Recordatori de Carl August Nielsen -
En el dia de la commemoració del seu 86è aniversari de decés
Parlem de Pintura...
Peder Mørk Mønsted (Grenaa, 10 de desembre de 1859 - Fredensborg, 20 de juny de 1941) va ser un pintor danès. Es va formar a Copenhagen on va estudiar entre els anys 1875 i 1879 a la Reial Acadèmia de Belles Arts de la ciutat. Els seus professors van ser, entre altres, Andries Fritz i Julius Exner. Ràpidament es va especialitzar en la pintura realista realitzant nombrosos viatges per Europa, on va treballar a l'estudi de William Bouguereau a París, pel Nord d'Àfrica i el Pròxim Orient. El seu art mostra una visió poètica i romàntica de la naturalesa, plasmada en els seus llenços amb un detall i un realisme pròxim a una increïble perfecció i amb una suprema habilitat tècnica la qual s'acosta a la precisió fotogràfica. Va morir a Fredensborg el juny de 1941.
Parlem de Música...
Carl August Nielsen (Sortelung, 9 de juny de 1865 - København, 3 d'octubre de 1931) va ser un compositor danès. Entre els anys 1884 i 1887 va estudiar al Conservatori de Copenhaguen i després va realitzar diversos viatges d'estudis a Alemanya, Àustria, França i Itàlia. Va tornar a Copenhaguen, on va ser violinista de l'orquestra del Teatre Real on, entre els anys 1908 i 1914, va ser director d'orquestra. El 1916 va ser nomenat professor del conservatori de la capital danesa, centre que va dirigir el 1931. Entre els anys 1915 i 1921 va ser director d'orquestra de la societat Musikforeninger, en què va donar a conèixer gran part de les seves composicions. En aquest sentit, va escriure sis simfonies, en què es va deixar veure la seva evolució musical. En les dues primeres (1892 i 1902) va seguir la forma clàssica del gènere i en la tercera (1911) va seguir l'element formal clàssic si bé amb un tema i ritme més personals. En la quarta (1916) va donar gran originalitat i dinamisme als seus ritmes, la cinquena (1922) va ser la més extensa si bé només es va presentar en dos moviments i la sisena (1925) va mostrar un caràcter més proper a la música de cambra. També va ser autor de les òperes Saul og David (1901), amb grans cors polifònics, i Maskerade (1906), de caràcter còmic. Va realitzar també dos grans llibres de cançons de caràcter pedagògic i familiar. Carl Nielsen va morir a Copenhagen l'octubre de 1931.
Vocal secular:
25 Saul og David (4, E. Christiansen), 1898–1901; Copenhagen, 28 Nov 1902
39 Maskarade (V. Andersen, after L. Holberg), 1904–6; Copenhagen, 11 Nov 1906
17 Snefrid (H. Drachmann), 1893–4; Copenhagen, 10 April 1894; rev. 1899, unpubd
Incidental music:
9 En aften paa Giske [An Evening at Giske] (A. Munch), 1889; Copenhagen, 15 Jan 1890, unpubd
30 Atalanta (G. Wied and J. Petersen), 1901; Copenhagen, 19 Dec 1901, unpubd
37 Herr Oluf han rider [Master Oluf Rides] (Drachmann), 1906; Copenhagen, 9 Oct 1906; 3 songs and Elverdans, pf (1906)
43 Tove (L. Holstein), 1906–8; Copenhagen, 20 March 1908; 4 songs (1908)
44 Willemoes (L.C. Nielsen), 1907–8; Copenhagen, 7 Feb 1908; 5 songs (1908)
45 Foraeldre [Parents] (O. Benzon), 1908; Copenhagen, 9 Feb 1908, unpubd
50 Ulvens søn [The Wolf’s Son] (J. Aakjaer), 1909; Århus, 14 Nov 1909
57 Hagbarth og Signe (A. Oehlenschläeger), 1910; Copenhagen, 4 June 1910; 1 song and dance, pf (1910)
65 Sankt Hansaftenspil [Midsummer Eve play] (Oehlenschläeger), 1913; Copenhagen, 3 June 1913, unpubd
71 Faedreland (Christiansen), 1915; Copenhagen, 5 Feb 1916, unpubd
80 Prologen ved Mindefesten for Shakespeare [Prologue to the Shakespeare Memorial Celebrations] (H. Rode), 1916; Elsinore, 24 June 1916; Ariel's Song (1916)
88 Løgneren [The Liar] (J. Sigurjónsson), 1918; Copenhagen, 15 Feb 1918, unpubd
89 Aladdin (Oehlenschläeger), op.34, 1918–19; Copenhagen, 15 and 22 Feb 1919; 3 songs (1919), 7 orchestral pieces (1940)
94 Moderen [The Mother] (Rode), op.41, 1920; Copenhagen, 30 Jan 1921; excerpts (1921, 1959)
98 Cosmus (Christiansen), 1921; Copenhagen, 25 Feb 1922, unpubd
117 Ebbe Skammelsen (H. Bergstedt), 1925; Copenhagen, 25 June 1925, unpubd
150 Amor og Digteren [Cupid and the Poet] (S. Michaëlis), op.54, 1930; Odense, 12 July 1930; 2 songs (1930), ov. (1967)
156 Paaske-aften [Easter Eve] (N.F.S. Grundtvig), 1931; Copenhagen, 4 April 1931, unpubd
Choral with orchestra:
21 Hymnus amoris (A. Olrik, Lat. trans. J.L. Heiberg), op.12, S, T, Bar, B, chorus, orch, 1896–7
26 Kantate til Lorens Frølich Festen [Cantata for the Lorens Frølich Festival] (Olrik), 1900, unpubd
31 Kantate til Studentersamfundet [Cantata for the Students' Association] (Drachmann), 1901, unpubd
33 Søvnen [Sleep] (J. Jørgensen), op.18, chorus, orch, 1903–4
47 Kantate ved Universitetets Aarsfest [Cantata for the Anniversary of Copenhagen University] (N. Møller), op.24, 1908
49 11te Februar 1909 (cant., L.C. Nielsen), 1909, unpubd
54 Kantate ved Landsudstillingen i Århus [Cantata for the National Exhibition in Århus] (L.C. Nielsen), 1909, collab. E. Bangert, unpubd
56 Kantate til Mindfesten for Krøyer [Cantata for the Commemoration of Krøyer] (L.C. Nielsen), 1909, unpubd
86 Kantate til Grosserersocietetet [Cantata for the Centenary of the Chamber of Commerce] (V. Rørdam), 1917; 2 songs (1917)
96 Fynsk foraar [Springtime on Funen] (A. Bernsten), op.42, S, T, B, chorus, orch, 1921
102 Hyldest til Holberg [Homage to Holberg] (H.H. Seedorff Pedersen), solo vv, chorus, orch, 1922, unpubd
140 Kantate til Polyteknisk Laereanstalt [Cantata for the Centenary of the Polytechnic College] (Seedorff Pedersen), 1929, unpubd
141 Hymne til kunsten [Hymn to Art] (Michaëlis), S, T, chorus, wind, 1929, unpubd
153 Kantate, Foreningen til unge Handelsmaends Uddannelse [Cantata for the 50th Anniversary of the Young Merchants’ Education Association] (Seedorff Pedersen), 1930, unpubd
302 Digtning i sang og toner [Poetry in Song and Tones] (cantata for the opening of the swimming baths, Seedorff Pedersen), 1930, unpubd
149 Ligbraendings–Kantate [Cremation Cantata] (Michaëlis), 1931, unpubd
3l, m, t, u Various choruses, TTBB, 1887, unpubd
161 Graeshoppen (B. Ingemann), SS, 1899
27 Edderkoppens sang [The Spider's Song] (Oehlenschläeger), SSA, 1899
28 Kom blankeste sol [Come Brightest Sun] (L. Thura), SSA, 1901
305 Morten Børups Majvise [Morten Børup’s May Song] (M. Børup), SSA, 1906
40 Sidskensang [Song of the Siskin] (E. Aarestrup), SSAT, 1906
41 Kom Guds engel [Come, Angel of God] (Aarestrup), ATB, 1907, unpubd
300 Serenade (H. Ploug), SATB, 1907
491 Ivar og Matilda, folksong, 1v, c1893
48 Aftenstemning [Evening Mood] (C. Hauch, after M. Claudius), TTBB, 1908
53 Til snapsen: ‘Bel Canto’ [With the Schnapps: ‘Bel Canto’] (A. Berntsen), TTBB, 1909, unpubd
59 Paaske-liljen [The Easter Lily] (Grundtvig), TTBB, 1910
67 Ak, Julesne fra Bethlehem [Ah, the Christmas snow from Bethlehem] (Jørgensen), S, TTBB, 1914, unpubd
69 Fredlys din jord [Preserve your Earth] (A.W. Holm), TTBB, 1914
73 Hil dig, vor fane [Hail to Thee, Our Flag] (Grundtvig), TTBB, 1915, unpubd
85 Hymne (P. Richardt), 1917, unpubd
111 Sangbogen Danmark [Denmark’s Songbook] (various), c1923–4 [contains 22 new settings by Nielsen for 1–3vv]
113 Hymne til Livet [Hymn to Life] (S. Michaëlis), SSAA, 1923–4, unpubd
110 Der er etyndigt land [There is a Lovely Country] (Oehlenschläeger), SATTB, 1924
118 Foraarssang [Spring Song] (M. Børup), SATB, 1926
138 To Skolesange [Two School Songs] (V. Stuckenberg), SATB, 1929
139 Tre Motetter [3 Motets], op.55, 1929: Afflictus sum (Ps xxxvii, 9), ATTB; Dominus regit me (Ps xxii, 1–2), SATB; Benedictus Dominus (Ps xxx, 22), SSATB
144 Til min fødeø [To the Island of my Birth] (S.P. Raben-Korch), TTBB, 1929
152 Seks Kanons [Six Canons], equal vv, 1930
154 Sjølunds sangere [The Singers of Sjølund] (K. Elnegaard), SATTB, 1930
158 Kvadet om Nordens harpe [About the Nordic Harp] (A. Berntsen), TTBB, 1931
Solo vocal:
74 Franz Neruda in memoriam (prol, J. Clausen), spkr, orch, 1915, unpubd
134 Island [Iceland] (O. Lagoni), spkr, pf, 1929, orchd E. Reesen, unpubd
404 Jephta (Carissimi), solo vv, chorus, hpd, str, ? 1923–4
405 Prometheus (Schubert), A, orch, ? 1923–4
3g Vuggevise [Lullaby] (?C. Nielsen), c1883, unpubd
3n–s Various songs, 1887, unpubd
12 Fem digte [5 Songs] (Jacobsen), op.4, 1891: Solnedgang [Sunset], I seraillets have [In the Seraglio Garden], Til Asali [To Asali], Irmelin Rose, Har dagen sanket al sin sorg [Has the Day Gathered all its Sorrow]
13 Three songs (Paludan-Müller and Jacobsen), 1891, unpubd
14 Viser og vers [Songs and Verses] (Jacobsen), op.6, 1891: Genrebillede [Genre Piece], Seraferne [The Seraphim], Silkesko over gylden laest! [Silk Shoe over Golden Last!], Det bødes der for [Atonement is made], Vise af ‘Mogens’ [Song of ‘Mogens’]
402 Min søn! Om du vil i verden frem [My son! If you want to go out into the world], folksong, pf, c1894
18 Sange af Ludvig Holstein (Holstein), op.10, 1894: Aebleblomst [Apple Blossom], Erindringens sø [The Lake of Memory], Sommersang [Summer Song], Sang bag ploven [Song behind the Plough], I aften [In the Evening], Hilsen [Greeting]
42 Strofiske sange, op.21, 1902–7; vol.i: Skal blomsterne da visne [Are the flowers then to wither] (Rode), Høgen [The Hawk] (Aakjaer), Jens Vejmand [Jens the Roadmender] (Aakjaer); vol.ii: Saenk kun dit hoved, du blomst [Just lower thy head, O flower] (Jørgensen), Den første laerke [The First Lark] (Aakjaer), Husvild [Homeless] (J.V. Jensen), Godnat [Good Night] (Jensen)
35 Du danske mand [You Danish Man] (Drachmann), 1906
38 Jeg synes om din Lette Gang [I Like Your Graceful Walk] (?C. Nielsen), 1906
55 Afholdssang [Temperance Song] (Moldberg-Kjeldren), 1909
52 De unges sang [The Song of the Young] (J.C. Hostrup), 1909
62 Børnehjaelpdagens sang [Children’s Relief Day Song] (Jørgensen), 1911
66 Johs. Jørgensens ungdomssang [Johannes Jørgensen’s Youth Song] (Jørgensen), 1913
83 Hymns and Sacred Songs, 49 tunes, 1913–14
70 En snes danske vise [A Score of Danish Songs], vol.i, 1913–4, collab. T. Laub
78 En snes danske vise, vol.ii, 1914–17, collab. Laub
72 Barnets sang [Child’s Song] (J. Dam), 1915
— Four Psalm-tunes, 1915, unpubd
82 Studie efter naturen [Study after Nature] (H.C. Andersen), 1916
84 Blomstervise [Flower Song] (Holstein), 1917, unpubd
95 Tyve folkelige melodier [20 Folk Melodies], 1917–21
92 To aandelige sange [2 Spiritual Songs], 1917–19
90 Christianshavn (O. Bauditz), c1918
93 Gry [Dawn] (H. Lorenzen), 1919–20
101 Fire folkelige melodier [4 Folk Melodies], 1922
99 Sof sött [Sleep Sweetly], 1922, unpubd
109 Balladen om bjørnen [The Ballad of the Bear], op.47 (A. Berntsen), 1923
105 Dansk arbejde [Danish Work] (V. Rørdam), 1923
108 Hjemlige Jul [Secret Christmas] (E. Bønnelycke), 1923
106 Julesang ‘Himlen Mørkne’ [Christmas Carol ‘The Sky Darkens’] (M. Falck), 1923
107 Julesang ‘Kom Jul til jord’ [‘Come Christmas to Earth’] (J. Wiberg), 1923
112 Det vi ved at siden slangens gift (Hostrup), 1923–4, unpubd
114 Ti danske småsange [Ten Little Danish Songs], 1923–4
115 Fire Jydske sange [Four Jutland Songs], 1924–5
120 Nye melodier til Borups sangbog (various), 1926
121 Det är höst [It is Autumn] (A. Rogberg), 1926, unpubd
122 Dansk vejr [Danish Weather] (O. Rode), 1927
126 Den trænger ud til hvert et sted (Hostrup), 1927
127 Guldfloden [The Golden River] (Ingemann), 1927
125 Tillæg til Folkehøjskolens melodibog [Supplement to the Folk High School Melody Book] (various), c1927
124 Vocalise-étude, 1927
133 Velkommen, laerkelil [Welcome, Little Lark] (Richardt), 1928, unpubd
146 Danmark, nu blunder den lyse Nat [Denmark, Now the Pale Night is Half Awake] (T. Larsen), 1929
143 Der gaar et stille Tog [A Silent Procession Goes] (B. Bjørnson), 1929
145 Fremtidens land [The Land of the Future] (Bjørnson), 1929
142 Hjemstavn [Native Soil] (F. Poulsen), 1929
147 Vi Jyder [We Jutlanders] (V. Bartrumsen), 1929
151 Gensyn [Reunion] (F. Paludan-Müller), 1930
160 Det som lysner over vangen [Dawn Breaks over the Meadow] (F. Poulsen), 1931, unpubd
310 Andante tranquillo e Scherzo, str, c1887 [orch of str qt movts from 3(a–i, k–t, v)]
6 Suite for Strings, a, op.1, str, 1888, rev. 1889
7 Symfonisk Rhapsodi, F, 1888, unpubd
16 Symphony no.1, g, op.7, 1891–2
29 Symphony no.2 ‘De fire temperamenter’ [The 4 Temperaments], op.16, 1901–2
32 Helios, ov, op.17, 1903
46 Saga-drøm [Saga-Dream], op.39, 1907–8
403 Marseillaise (Rouget de Lisle), orch, c1909
60 Symphony no.3 ‘Sinfonia espansiva’, op.27, 1910–11
61 Violin Concerto, op.33, 1911
63 Paraphrase over ‘Naermere Gud til dig’ [Paraphrase on ‘Nearer my God to Thee’], wind, 1912, unpubd
76 Symphony no.4 ‘Det uudslukkelige’ [The Inextinguishable], op.29, 1914–16
87 Pan og Syrinx, op.49, 1917–18
97 Symphony no.5, op.50, 1921–2
116 Symphony no.6 (Sinfonia semplice), 1924–5
119 Flute Concerto, 1926
123 En fantasirejse til Faerøene [A Fantasy Journey to the Faroes], rhapsodic ov., 1927
129 Clarinet Concerto, op.57, 1928
130 Bøhmisk-dansk folketone [Bohemian-Danish Folk tune], paraphrase, str, 1928
for 3–5 instruments
3a Various brass trios and quartets, c1879–83, lost
3d String Quartet, d, 1882–3, unpubd
3i Piano Trio, G, 1883, unpubd
3c Various movements, str qt, c1883–7, unpubd
3k String Quartet, F, 1887, unpubd
4 String Quartet, g, op.13, 1887–8, rev. 1897–8
5 String Quintet, G, 2 vn, 2 va, vc, 1888
11 String Quartet, f, op.5, 1890
23 String Quartet, E , op.14, 1897–8, new version 1899–1900
36 Piacevolezza, op.19, str qt, 1906; rev. as String Quartet, F, op.44, c1919
58 Ved en ung kunstners baare [At the Bier of a Young Artist], str qt, db, 1910
68 Serenata in vano, cl, bn, hn, vc, db, 1914
100 Wind Quintet, op.43, 1922
for 1–2 instruments
1 Polka, A, vn, c1874
3h Fantasistykke, g, cl, pf, c1881
3b Sonata no.1, G, vn, pf, 1881–2, unpubd
3e Duet, A, 2 vn, 1882–3, unpubd
304 Romance, G, vn, pf, c1882–3
8 [2] Fantasistykker, op.2, ob, pf, 1889
20 Sonata [no.1], A, op.9, vn, pf, 1895
64 Sonata no.2, op.35, vn, pf, 1912
77 Tre Komponistioner, langleg, 1918
104 Praeludium og Tema med Variationer, op.48, vn, 1923
128 Preludio e presto, op.52, vn, 1927–8
132 Canto serioso, hn, pf, 1913
157 Allegretto, F, 2 rec, 1931
for piano
2 Skomagerens Brudevals [The Cobbler’s Wedding Waltz], D, c1878
3f Two character pieces, c1882–3, unpubd
10 Fem Klaverstykker [Five Piano Pieces], op.3, 1890
19 Symfonisk Suite, op.8, 1894
22 Humoreske-bagateller, op.11, 1894–7
24 Fest-praeludium ‘Ved Aarhundredskiftet’ [Festive Prelude ‘At the Turn of the Century’], 1900
34 Drømmen om ‘Glade Jul’ [The Dream of ‘Silent Night’], 1905
79 Chaconne, op.32, 1916–17
81 Tema med variationer, op.40, 1917
91 Suite ‘Den Luciferiske’, op.45, 1919–20
131 Tre Klaverstykker, op.59, 1927–8
148 Klavermusik for små og store [Piano Music for Young and Old], op.53, 2 vols., 1929–30
159 Klaverstykke, c1931
for organ
136 29 små praeludier [29 Little Preludes], op.51, 1929
137 To praeludier [2 Preludes], 1930
155 Commotio, op.58, 1930–31
MSS in D-Kk
Levende musik (Copenhagen, 1925, new edn 1976; Eng. trans., 1953; new edn and Ger. trans., 1992)
Min fynske barndom (Copenhagen, 1927, 13/1970; Eng. trans., 1953; new edn and Ger. trans., 1992)
J.F. Larsen: Carl Nielsen til sim samtid, artikler, foredrag, interviews, presseindlaeg, vaerknoter og manuskripter (Copenhagen, 1999)
Vocal secular:
25 Saul og David (4, E. Christiansen), 1898–1901; Copenhagen, 28 Nov 1902
39 Maskarade (V. Andersen, after L. Holberg), 1904–6; Copenhagen, 11 Nov 1906
17 Snefrid (H. Drachmann), 1893–4; Copenhagen, 10 April 1894; rev. 1899, unpubd
Incidental music:
9 En aften paa Giske [An Evening at Giske] (A. Munch), 1889; Copenhagen, 15 Jan 1890, unpubd
30 Atalanta (G. Wied and J. Petersen), 1901; Copenhagen, 19 Dec 1901, unpubd
37 Herr Oluf han rider [Master Oluf Rides] (Drachmann), 1906; Copenhagen, 9 Oct 1906; 3 songs and Elverdans, pf (1906)
43 Tove (L. Holstein), 1906–8; Copenhagen, 20 March 1908; 4 songs (1908)
44 Willemoes (L.C. Nielsen), 1907–8; Copenhagen, 7 Feb 1908; 5 songs (1908)
45 Foraeldre [Parents] (O. Benzon), 1908; Copenhagen, 9 Feb 1908, unpubd
50 Ulvens søn [The Wolf’s Son] (J. Aakjaer), 1909; Århus, 14 Nov 1909
57 Hagbarth og Signe (A. Oehlenschläeger), 1910; Copenhagen, 4 June 1910; 1 song and dance, pf (1910)
65 Sankt Hansaftenspil [Midsummer Eve play] (Oehlenschläeger), 1913; Copenhagen, 3 June 1913, unpubd
71 Faedreland (Christiansen), 1915; Copenhagen, 5 Feb 1916, unpubd
80 Prologen ved Mindefesten for Shakespeare [Prologue to the Shakespeare Memorial Celebrations] (H. Rode), 1916; Elsinore, 24 June 1916; Ariel's Song (1916)
88 Løgneren [The Liar] (J. Sigurjónsson), 1918; Copenhagen, 15 Feb 1918, unpubd
89 Aladdin (Oehlenschläeger), op.34, 1918–19; Copenhagen, 15 and 22 Feb 1919; 3 songs (1919), 7 orchestral pieces (1940)
94 Moderen [The Mother] (Rode), op.41, 1920; Copenhagen, 30 Jan 1921; excerpts (1921, 1959)
98 Cosmus (Christiansen), 1921; Copenhagen, 25 Feb 1922, unpubd
117 Ebbe Skammelsen (H. Bergstedt), 1925; Copenhagen, 25 June 1925, unpubd
150 Amor og Digteren [Cupid and the Poet] (S. Michaëlis), op.54, 1930; Odense, 12 July 1930; 2 songs (1930), ov. (1967)
156 Paaske-aften [Easter Eve] (N.F.S. Grundtvig), 1931; Copenhagen, 4 April 1931, unpubd
Choral with orchestra:
21 Hymnus amoris (A. Olrik, Lat. trans. J.L. Heiberg), op.12, S, T, Bar, B, chorus, orch, 1896–7
26 Kantate til Lorens Frølich Festen [Cantata for the Lorens Frølich Festival] (Olrik), 1900, unpubd
31 Kantate til Studentersamfundet [Cantata for the Students' Association] (Drachmann), 1901, unpubd
33 Søvnen [Sleep] (J. Jørgensen), op.18, chorus, orch, 1903–4
47 Kantate ved Universitetets Aarsfest [Cantata for the Anniversary of Copenhagen University] (N. Møller), op.24, 1908
49 11te Februar 1909 (cant., L.C. Nielsen), 1909, unpubd
54 Kantate ved Landsudstillingen i Århus [Cantata for the National Exhibition in Århus] (L.C. Nielsen), 1909, collab. E. Bangert, unpubd
56 Kantate til Mindfesten for Krøyer [Cantata for the Commemoration of Krøyer] (L.C. Nielsen), 1909, unpubd
86 Kantate til Grosserersocietetet [Cantata for the Centenary of the Chamber of Commerce] (V. Rørdam), 1917; 2 songs (1917)
96 Fynsk foraar [Springtime on Funen] (A. Bernsten), op.42, S, T, B, chorus, orch, 1921
102 Hyldest til Holberg [Homage to Holberg] (H.H. Seedorff Pedersen), solo vv, chorus, orch, 1922, unpubd
140 Kantate til Polyteknisk Laereanstalt [Cantata for the Centenary of the Polytechnic College] (Seedorff Pedersen), 1929, unpubd
141 Hymne til kunsten [Hymn to Art] (Michaëlis), S, T, chorus, wind, 1929, unpubd
153 Kantate, Foreningen til unge Handelsmaends Uddannelse [Cantata for the 50th Anniversary of the Young Merchants’ Education Association] (Seedorff Pedersen), 1930, unpubd
302 Digtning i sang og toner [Poetry in Song and Tones] (cantata for the opening of the swimming baths, Seedorff Pedersen), 1930, unpubd
149 Ligbraendings–Kantate [Cremation Cantata] (Michaëlis), 1931, unpubd
3l, m, t, u Various choruses, TTBB, 1887, unpubd
161 Graeshoppen (B. Ingemann), SS, 1899
27 Edderkoppens sang [The Spider's Song] (Oehlenschläeger), SSA, 1899
28 Kom blankeste sol [Come Brightest Sun] (L. Thura), SSA, 1901
305 Morten Børups Majvise [Morten Børup’s May Song] (M. Børup), SSA, 1906
40 Sidskensang [Song of the Siskin] (E. Aarestrup), SSAT, 1906
41 Kom Guds engel [Come, Angel of God] (Aarestrup), ATB, 1907, unpubd
300 Serenade (H. Ploug), SATB, 1907
491 Ivar og Matilda, folksong, 1v, c1893
48 Aftenstemning [Evening Mood] (C. Hauch, after M. Claudius), TTBB, 1908
53 Til snapsen: ‘Bel Canto’ [With the Schnapps: ‘Bel Canto’] (A. Berntsen), TTBB, 1909, unpubd
59 Paaske-liljen [The Easter Lily] (Grundtvig), TTBB, 1910
67 Ak, Julesne fra Bethlehem [Ah, the Christmas snow from Bethlehem] (Jørgensen), S, TTBB, 1914, unpubd
69 Fredlys din jord [Preserve your Earth] (A.W. Holm), TTBB, 1914
73 Hil dig, vor fane [Hail to Thee, Our Flag] (Grundtvig), TTBB, 1915, unpubd
85 Hymne (P. Richardt), 1917, unpubd
111 Sangbogen Danmark [Denmark’s Songbook] (various), c1923–4 [contains 22 new settings by Nielsen for 1–3vv]
113 Hymne til Livet [Hymn to Life] (S. Michaëlis), SSAA, 1923–4, unpubd
110 Der er etyndigt land [There is a Lovely Country] (Oehlenschläeger), SATTB, 1924
118 Foraarssang [Spring Song] (M. Børup), SATB, 1926
138 To Skolesange [Two School Songs] (V. Stuckenberg), SATB, 1929
139 Tre Motetter [3 Motets], op.55, 1929: Afflictus sum (Ps xxxvii, 9), ATTB; Dominus regit me (Ps xxii, 1–2), SATB; Benedictus Dominus (Ps xxx, 22), SSATB
144 Til min fødeø [To the Island of my Birth] (S.P. Raben-Korch), TTBB, 1929
152 Seks Kanons [Six Canons], equal vv, 1930
154 Sjølunds sangere [The Singers of Sjølund] (K. Elnegaard), SATTB, 1930
158 Kvadet om Nordens harpe [About the Nordic Harp] (A. Berntsen), TTBB, 1931
Solo vocal:
74 Franz Neruda in memoriam (prol, J. Clausen), spkr, orch, 1915, unpubd
134 Island [Iceland] (O. Lagoni), spkr, pf, 1929, orchd E. Reesen, unpubd
404 Jephta (Carissimi), solo vv, chorus, hpd, str, ? 1923–4
405 Prometheus (Schubert), A, orch, ? 1923–4
3g Vuggevise [Lullaby] (?C. Nielsen), c1883, unpubd
3n–s Various songs, 1887, unpubd
12 Fem digte [5 Songs] (Jacobsen), op.4, 1891: Solnedgang [Sunset], I seraillets have [In the Seraglio Garden], Til Asali [To Asali], Irmelin Rose, Har dagen sanket al sin sorg [Has the Day Gathered all its Sorrow]
13 Three songs (Paludan-Müller and Jacobsen), 1891, unpubd
14 Viser og vers [Songs and Verses] (Jacobsen), op.6, 1891: Genrebillede [Genre Piece], Seraferne [The Seraphim], Silkesko over gylden laest! [Silk Shoe over Golden Last!], Det bødes der for [Atonement is made], Vise af ‘Mogens’ [Song of ‘Mogens’]
402 Min søn! Om du vil i verden frem [My son! If you want to go out into the world], folksong, pf, c1894
18 Sange af Ludvig Holstein (Holstein), op.10, 1894: Aebleblomst [Apple Blossom], Erindringens sø [The Lake of Memory], Sommersang [Summer Song], Sang bag ploven [Song behind the Plough], I aften [In the Evening], Hilsen [Greeting]
42 Strofiske sange, op.21, 1902–7; vol.i: Skal blomsterne da visne [Are the flowers then to wither] (Rode), Høgen [The Hawk] (Aakjaer), Jens Vejmand [Jens the Roadmender] (Aakjaer); vol.ii: Saenk kun dit hoved, du blomst [Just lower thy head, O flower] (Jørgensen), Den første laerke [The First Lark] (Aakjaer), Husvild [Homeless] (J.V. Jensen), Godnat [Good Night] (Jensen)
35 Du danske mand [You Danish Man] (Drachmann), 1906
38 Jeg synes om din Lette Gang [I Like Your Graceful Walk] (?C. Nielsen), 1906
55 Afholdssang [Temperance Song] (Moldberg-Kjeldren), 1909
52 De unges sang [The Song of the Young] (J.C. Hostrup), 1909
62 Børnehjaelpdagens sang [Children’s Relief Day Song] (Jørgensen), 1911
66 Johs. Jørgensens ungdomssang [Johannes Jørgensen’s Youth Song] (Jørgensen), 1913
83 Hymns and Sacred Songs, 49 tunes, 1913–14
70 En snes danske vise [A Score of Danish Songs], vol.i, 1913–4, collab. T. Laub
78 En snes danske vise, vol.ii, 1914–17, collab. Laub
72 Barnets sang [Child’s Song] (J. Dam), 1915
— Four Psalm-tunes, 1915, unpubd
82 Studie efter naturen [Study after Nature] (H.C. Andersen), 1916
84 Blomstervise [Flower Song] (Holstein), 1917, unpubd
95 Tyve folkelige melodier [20 Folk Melodies], 1917–21
92 To aandelige sange [2 Spiritual Songs], 1917–19
90 Christianshavn (O. Bauditz), c1918
93 Gry [Dawn] (H. Lorenzen), 1919–20
101 Fire folkelige melodier [4 Folk Melodies], 1922
99 Sof sött [Sleep Sweetly], 1922, unpubd
109 Balladen om bjørnen [The Ballad of the Bear], op.47 (A. Berntsen), 1923
105 Dansk arbejde [Danish Work] (V. Rørdam), 1923
108 Hjemlige Jul [Secret Christmas] (E. Bønnelycke), 1923
106 Julesang ‘Himlen Mørkne’ [Christmas Carol ‘The Sky Darkens’] (M. Falck), 1923
107 Julesang ‘Kom Jul til jord’ [‘Come Christmas to Earth’] (J. Wiberg), 1923
112 Det vi ved at siden slangens gift (Hostrup), 1923–4, unpubd
114 Ti danske småsange [Ten Little Danish Songs], 1923–4
115 Fire Jydske sange [Four Jutland Songs], 1924–5
120 Nye melodier til Borups sangbog (various), 1926
121 Det är höst [It is Autumn] (A. Rogberg), 1926, unpubd
122 Dansk vejr [Danish Weather] (O. Rode), 1927
126 Den trænger ud til hvert et sted (Hostrup), 1927
127 Guldfloden [The Golden River] (Ingemann), 1927
125 Tillæg til Folkehøjskolens melodibog [Supplement to the Folk High School Melody Book] (various), c1927
124 Vocalise-étude, 1927
133 Velkommen, laerkelil [Welcome, Little Lark] (Richardt), 1928, unpubd
146 Danmark, nu blunder den lyse Nat [Denmark, Now the Pale Night is Half Awake] (T. Larsen), 1929
143 Der gaar et stille Tog [A Silent Procession Goes] (B. Bjørnson), 1929
145 Fremtidens land [The Land of the Future] (Bjørnson), 1929
142 Hjemstavn [Native Soil] (F. Poulsen), 1929
147 Vi Jyder [We Jutlanders] (V. Bartrumsen), 1929
151 Gensyn [Reunion] (F. Paludan-Müller), 1930
160 Det som lysner over vangen [Dawn Breaks over the Meadow] (F. Poulsen), 1931, unpubd
310 Andante tranquillo e Scherzo, str, c1887 [orch of str qt movts from 3(a–i, k–t, v)]
6 Suite for Strings, a, op.1, str, 1888, rev. 1889
7 Symfonisk Rhapsodi, F, 1888, unpubd
16 Symphony no.1, g, op.7, 1891–2
29 Symphony no.2 ‘De fire temperamenter’ [The 4 Temperaments], op.16, 1901–2
32 Helios, ov, op.17, 1903
46 Saga-drøm [Saga-Dream], op.39, 1907–8
403 Marseillaise (Rouget de Lisle), orch, c1909
60 Symphony no.3 ‘Sinfonia espansiva’, op.27, 1910–11
61 Violin Concerto, op.33, 1911
63 Paraphrase over ‘Naermere Gud til dig’ [Paraphrase on ‘Nearer my God to Thee’], wind, 1912, unpubd
76 Symphony no.4 ‘Det uudslukkelige’ [The Inextinguishable], op.29, 1914–16
87 Pan og Syrinx, op.49, 1917–18
97 Symphony no.5, op.50, 1921–2
116 Symphony no.6 (Sinfonia semplice), 1924–5
119 Flute Concerto, 1926
123 En fantasirejse til Faerøene [A Fantasy Journey to the Faroes], rhapsodic ov., 1927
129 Clarinet Concerto, op.57, 1928
130 Bøhmisk-dansk folketone [Bohemian-Danish Folk tune], paraphrase, str, 1928
for 3–5 instruments
3a Various brass trios and quartets, c1879–83, lost
3d String Quartet, d, 1882–3, unpubd
3i Piano Trio, G, 1883, unpubd
3c Various movements, str qt, c1883–7, unpubd
3k String Quartet, F, 1887, unpubd
4 String Quartet, g, op.13, 1887–8, rev. 1897–8
5 String Quintet, G, 2 vn, 2 va, vc, 1888
11 String Quartet, f, op.5, 1890
23 String Quartet, E , op.14, 1897–8, new version 1899–1900
36 Piacevolezza, op.19, str qt, 1906; rev. as String Quartet, F, op.44, c1919
58 Ved en ung kunstners baare [At the Bier of a Young Artist], str qt, db, 1910
68 Serenata in vano, cl, bn, hn, vc, db, 1914
100 Wind Quintet, op.43, 1922
for 1–2 instruments
1 Polka, A, vn, c1874
3h Fantasistykke, g, cl, pf, c1881
3b Sonata no.1, G, vn, pf, 1881–2, unpubd
3e Duet, A, 2 vn, 1882–3, unpubd
304 Romance, G, vn, pf, c1882–3
8 [2] Fantasistykker, op.2, ob, pf, 1889
20 Sonata [no.1], A, op.9, vn, pf, 1895
64 Sonata no.2, op.35, vn, pf, 1912
77 Tre Komponistioner, langleg, 1918
104 Praeludium og Tema med Variationer, op.48, vn, 1923
128 Preludio e presto, op.52, vn, 1927–8
132 Canto serioso, hn, pf, 1913
157 Allegretto, F, 2 rec, 1931
for piano
2 Skomagerens Brudevals [The Cobbler’s Wedding Waltz], D, c1878
3f Two character pieces, c1882–3, unpubd
10 Fem Klaverstykker [Five Piano Pieces], op.3, 1890
19 Symfonisk Suite, op.8, 1894
22 Humoreske-bagateller, op.11, 1894–7
24 Fest-praeludium ‘Ved Aarhundredskiftet’ [Festive Prelude ‘At the Turn of the Century’], 1900
34 Drømmen om ‘Glade Jul’ [The Dream of ‘Silent Night’], 1905
79 Chaconne, op.32, 1916–17
81 Tema med variationer, op.40, 1917
91 Suite ‘Den Luciferiske’, op.45, 1919–20
131 Tre Klaverstykker, op.59, 1927–8
148 Klavermusik for små og store [Piano Music for Young and Old], op.53, 2 vols., 1929–30
159 Klaverstykke, c1931
for organ
136 29 små praeludier [29 Little Preludes], op.51, 1929
137 To praeludier [2 Preludes], 1930
155 Commotio, op.58, 1930–31
MSS in D-Kk
Levende musik (Copenhagen, 1925, new edn 1976; Eng. trans., 1953; new edn and Ger. trans., 1992)
Min fynske barndom (Copenhagen, 1927, 13/1970; Eng. trans., 1953; new edn and Ger. trans., 1992)
J.F. Larsen: Carl Nielsen til sim samtid, artikler, foredrag, interviews, presseindlaeg, vaerknoter og manuskripter (Copenhagen, 1999)
Informació addicional...
AMAZON: NIELSEN, C. - The Unknown Carl Nielsen
SPOTIFY: NIELSEN, C. - The Unknown Carl Nielsen

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