dijous, 11 de febrer del 2016

HEISE, Peter Arnold (1830-1879) - Piano Quintet in F major (1869)

Honoré Daumier - Orchestra Stalls (c.1865)
Obra d'Honoré Daumier (1808-1879), pintor francès (1)

- Recordatori de Peter Arnold Heise -
En el dia de la celebració del seu 186è aniversari de naixement

Parlem de Pintura...

Honoré Daumier (Marseille, 26 de febrer de 1808 - Valmondois, 10 de febrer de 1879) va ser un caricaturista, pintor, dibuixant i escultor francès. Les seves obres, de gran cruesa i dramatisme, van tractar la quotidianitat des d'una perspectiva marcadament social. De ben petit es va traslladar amb la seva família a París. Va treballar en un tribunal de justícia i en una llibreria i després va estudiar dibuix i pintura. Va començar la seva carrera artística fent dibuixos per anuncis publicitaris i va ser treballador de la revista còmica La Caricature, adquirint fama per les seves litografies de descarnada sàtira política. Una d'aquestes caricatures, publicada el 1832, va mostrar el rei Lluís Felip I d'Orleans, com una Gargantua (el gegant llegendari de l'obra de François Rabelais), fet que li va costar a Daumier sis mesos de presó. Més tard va satiritzar la societat burgesa en una sèrie de litografies publicades en el diari Le charivari i va tornar a la sàtira política durant la Revolució de 1848. Les escultures d'escaiola (guix) i bronze que va fer per utilitzar com a models dels seus dibuixos van ser molt valorades per col·leccionistes i museus. Daumier va ser un dibuixant de gran talent i molt prolífic ja que va realitzar al voltant de 4000 litografies, 300 dibuixos i 200 pintures. Entre les seves principals obres, no datades, s'inclouen La República (1848), Els lladres i l'ase (Louvre, París) i L'aixecament (1860, Col·lecció Phillips, Washington). Daumier va tenir un gran nombre d'imitadors, però cap d'ells va assolir la profunditat i agudesa del seu estil. Va morir a Valmondois el febrer de 1879.

Font: En català: Honoré Daumier (1808-1879) En castellano: Honoré Daumier (1808-1879) In english: Honoré Daumier (1808-1879) - Altres: Honoré Daumier (1808-1879)

Parlem de Música...

Peter Arnold Heise (København, 11 de febrer de 1830 - Taarbaek, 12 de setembre de 1879) va ser un compositor danès. Va néixer en el sí d'una família de científics i funcionaris i després de graduar-se el 1847, va estudiar teoria i composició amb Berggreen. Poc després es va convertir en alumne privat d'Hauptmann a Leipzig (1852-1853) i va publicar les seves primeres col·leccions de cançons. El 1854 es va convertir en director del Studenter-Sangforening i durant tota la seva vida va mantenir contacte amb aquest cercle acadèmic, fent amistat amb les figures literàries de la capital danesa. El desembre de 1857 es va convertir en professor de música a l'Acadèmia de Sorø i organista de l'església de la mateixa ciutat, però el 1865 va tornar a Copenhaguen, on va tenir una bona posició financera gràcies al seu matrimoni amb la filla d'un comerciant ric. Allà es va concentrar en la composició i només va fer de docent a un grup selecte d'alumnes privats. Va viure la resta de la seva vida a la capital danesa, morint el setembre de 1879 al suburbi de Taarbaek.


Vocal secular:

all first performed at Copenhagen, Royal Theatre
Palnatoke (incid music, A. Oehlenschläger), 1867, 1 song (1867), S iv, excerpt (1868), arr. pf 4 hands (1880)
Paschaens datter [The Pasha's Daughter] (Spl, H. Hertz), 1869, excerpts, vs (1869), 5 songs, S iv
Cort Adeler i Venedig (ballet, A. Bournonville), 1870, abridged vs (1871)
Kongs-emnerne [The Pretenders] (incid music, H. Ibsen), 1871, 1 song (1871), S iv
Bertran de Born (incid music, E. von der Recke), 1873, 7 songs (1873), S iv, arr. pf (1873)
Fjeldsøen [The Mountain Lake] (incid music, A. Munch), 1875, vs (1876), 3 songs, S iv
Fata morgana (incid music, J.L. Heiberg), 1875, arr. pf (1896), 1 song (1896)
Drot og marsk [King and Marshal] (tragic op, C. Richardt), 1878, vs (1879), 5 songs, S iv

c300 individual titles of which c200 published
4 digte af Chr. Winther og Oehlenschläger (1852);
Lauras sange af ‘R. Fulton’ (C. Hauch) (1853);
4 folkeviser (C. Ploug) (1854);
3 sange for en dyb syngestemme (1855);
Kjaerlighedssange [Love-Songs] (C. Winther) (1855);
Digte af C. Hauch (1856);
En sangkreds [A Song Cycle] (Winther) (1857);
Havfruens sange [The Mermaid's Songs] (B.S. Ingemann) (1857);
6 sange for en dybere stemme (1859);
4 sange af ‘Arne’ (B. Bjørnson) (1859);
Viser og sange af ‘En nat mellem fjeldene’ (C. Hostrup) (1860);
6 krigssange [6 War Songs] (1864);
Schilflieder (N. Lenau) (1864);
Verner og Malin (Winther) (1866);
Romancer og sange (S. Blicher) (1866)
Sange af Shakespeare (trans. E. Lembcke) (1868);
Bergmanden og Solveigs sange (Ibsen) (1870);
3 sange af Claus Groth (1870);
Gudruns sorg (H.G. Møller, after the elder Edda) (1871);
Sydlandske sange [Southern Songs] (Ingemann, H.P. Holst) (1874);
Finske sange (1874);
Digte fra middelalderen ved Thor Lange (1875);
Digte fra det engelske (1877);
Erotiske digte (E. Aarestrup) (1878);
Farlige drømme [Dangerous Dreams] (H. Drachmann) (1878);
Dyvekes sange (Drachmann) (1879)

Other vocal:
Efterårsstormene [Autumn Storms] (Richardt), solo vv, mixed vv, orch, 1860, vs (1871)
Bergliot (Bjørnson), A solo, orch, pf, 1861, vs (1866), S iv
Volmerslaget [Volmer's Battle] (Richardt), male vv, orch, 1868, vs (1868)
Tornerose [Sleeping Beauty] (Richardt), solo vv, mixed vv, orch, 1873, vs (1873–4), 1 song, S iv
Works for unacc. male vv, unacc. mixed vv
Qts, trios, duets

Vocal religiosa:

Ruskantate (C. Richardt), solo vv, male vv, orch, 1854, excerpts, vs (1903)
Psalm xxiii, solo vv, mixed vv, orch, 1858


Marsk Stig, ov. to C. Hauch's play, 1856, arr. pf 4 hands (1899);
Sym., d, 1868

Pf Qnt, F, 1869;
6 str qts, b, G, 1852, B , c, A, g, 1857;
Pf Trio, E , ?1860–63 (1910);
3 vn sonatas, E , 1863, A, E ;
vc sonata, a, 1867 (1902);
fantasy pieces, vc, pf;
character-pieces and 3 sonatas, pf;
org pieces

Font: En català: Peter Arnold Heise (1830-1879) En castellano: Peter Arnold Heise (1830-1879) In english: Peter Arnold Heise (1830-1879) - Altres: Peter Arnold Heise (1830-1879)

Parlem en veu pròpia o en veu d'altri...

Heise's respect for tradition and for the conservative element in the artistic circle which surrounded him during his early musical development lasted throughout his life. He remained under the influence of Gade, though in the last years before his early death there appeared signs of a new development. His best chamber works, such as the Piano Quintet, the String Quartet no.4 in C minor and the Cello Sonata in A minor of 1867, show the influence of Beethoven, Mendelssohn and Schumann. But his chief importance is as a song composer. His ideal lay close to that of the early strophic lied, which he imbued with an individual lyricism probably unsurpassed in Danish art song. In some late settings of English texts and poetry by Aarestrup and Drachmann he began to move away from his Classical point of departure, emphasizing the dramatic and expressive elements in the texts and allowing a freer formal development. Apart from his lifelong preoccupation with song, Heise was increasingly involved in composition for the stage from the late 1860s. During his last years he wrote, in addition to some incidental and ballet music for the Royal Theatre, the Singspiel Paschaens datter (‘The Pasha’s Daughter’) and the tragic opera Drot og marsk (‘King and Marshal’). The latter work, his masterpiece and the most significant Danish opera of the century, stands at the crossroads between the older national Singspiel and newer trends in music drama, and shows the influence not only of Weber and Marschner but also of Meyerbeer and Verdi.

GROVE MUSIC ONLINE (source/font: aquí)


Peter Heise (1830-1879) was born in Copenhagen where he studied locally before attending the Leipzig Conservatory. Heise was of the generation for whom Mendelssohn and Schumann were the guiding lights. He was also influenced by his fellow countryman, Niels Gade. He did not find Wagner and the tonal ideas of the New German School to his taste. Upon his return to Copenhagen, he made a name for himself as a song writer although he composed in most genres. His opera Drot og Marsk (King & Marshall) was widely regarded the finest Danish opera of the 19th century. Although his instrumental works are almost uniformly excellent, because of the tremendous popularity of his songs, they were overlooked. Among his chamber music works are 6 string quartets, a piano trio, this piano quintet, and a number of instrumental sonatas. After hearing Brahms' Piano Quintet, which he did not find to his taste, Heise decided that he could write a piano quintet which was just as good or better. Whether he did this is a matter of personal opinion but there is no denying that this piano quintet, which dates from 1869, is a superb work which did not deserve to lie in oblivion for 140 years. The opening movement, Lento a piacere-Allegro energico, after a brief slow, formal introduction, which ends with a piano flourish, literally takes off in a burst of energy. The lovely theme is full of optimism and good spirits. This is follows by an attractive and lyrical second section, which in turn is followed by an appealing third section. The music is simply brimming with ideas. The lovely second movement, Larghetto, has an undeniable vocal quality. The strings alone introduce the finely wrought main theme which is of a highly romantic nature. The piano enters bring a heightened sense of drama. A lively scherzo, Intermezzo, vivace ma non troppo presto, follows. The music has an airy Italian quality to it. The finale, Lento con expressione-Allegro molto, begins with a slow, mildly sad introduction. The main part of the movement bustles forward and is in the grand manner.

EDITIONSILVERTRUST (source/font: aquí)

Gaudiu i compartiu! 

Informació addicional... 

INTERPRETS: Amalie Malling (piano); Anton Kontra (violin); Boris Samsing (violin); Peter Fabricius (viola); Morten Zeuthen (cello)
DACAPO: HEISE, P. - Chamber music
SPOTIFY: HEISE, P. - Chamber music

Tant si us ha agradat, com si no, opineu, és lliure i fàcil!

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