dilluns, 4 de març del 2019

MALZAT, Ignaz (1757-1804) - Sinfonia concertante in C

Carl Ludwig Hackert - Vue de Lausanne (1796)
Obra de Carl Ludwig Hackert (1740-1796), pintor alemany (1)

- Recordatori d'Ignaz Malzat -
En el dia de la celebració del seu 262è aniversari de naixement

Parlem de Pintura...

Carl Ludwig Hackert (Prenzlau, 1740 - Morges, 10 de gener de 1796) va ser un pintor alemany. Fill del també pintor Philipp Hackert (?-1786), es va formar inicialment amb el seu pare. A partir d'aleshores el seu rastre es va perdre fins el 1772, any que es va instal·lar a Roma en companyia del seu germà i pintor d'èxit Jacob Felip Hackert. Allà es va especialitzar en pintura de paisatges i ben aviat es va traslladar a Suïssa, país on va viure a Ginebra i on va col·laborar amb la família Linck en la realització de diverses vistes urbanes de les ciutats suïsses. Com a pintor, va ser hereu de la tradició neoclàssica familiar destacant pel realisme del dibuix i la calidesa cromàtica. Els darrers anys es va establir a Lausanne des d'on va fugir després de la invasió francesa, no obstant, va morir assassinat a Morges el gener de 1796.

Parlem de Música...

Ignaz (Adamus Ignatius Franciscus de Paula Josephus) Malzat [Malzahn, Malzard, Maltzath, Maltzbach]  (Wien, 4 de març de 1757 - Passau, 20 de març de 1804) va ser un oboista i compositor austríac. Fill del violinista i compositor Josef Malzat i germà del compositor Johann Michael Malzat, es va formar inicialment amb el seu pare. Poc després, es va traslladar a Salzburg on va rebre formació de Michael Haydn i on a partir del 1774 va treballar com a músic al servei de l'arquebisbat de la ciutat. També en aquella època va viatjar a França, Itàlia i Suïssa assolint, el 1778, un càrrec d'oboista a Bozen. El 1788 va constar com a instrumentista i compositor al servei del príncep arquebisbe de Passau, ciutat on ja hi va romandre la resta de la seva vida. Com a compositor, va ser autor de simfonies, concerts, obra de cambra i algunes peces religioses. Ignaz Malzat va morir a Passau el març de 1804.

Informació addicional... 

INTERPRETS: Clara Dent (oboe); Bence Bogányi (fagot); Monika Grabowska (violine); Orchester der Akademie St. Blasius; Karlheinz Siessl
TIROLER: Solokonzerte und Sinfonien
IMSLP: No disponible
CPDL: No disponible
SPOTIFY: No disponible

Tant si us ha agradat, com si no, opineu, és lliure i fàcil!

8 comentaris:

  1. Wonderful discoveries, but how can we download them?

  2. Hi Mich, I think somebody took the blog over from Pau and doesnt bother to reply on comments.
    I also asked the same question some time back and was also ignored. There has been a change in the way the blog was, so no more download links. For reasons unknown to me this notification was done in form of a comment within a post, but not visible for later visitors. Why comments also get ignored, I can't tell you...

    1. Dears ATL Jan & Mich,

      No more download options available in this blog. However, if you wish further info please leave a comment with your e-mail and I will inform you... ;-)


  3. Can I please have your email address?

  4. Dear Anonim! I don't understand why you don't reply...or wanna leave your email address here for us to contact you. Why do you ask us then to leave our e-mails here?? A pity the blog management became so strange. Do you know when Pau comes back again??

    1. Your only INTEREST here is to GET FREE MUSIC, isn't it? Not more. This blog won't provide more free music again. If you wish free music, your was is so easy. Purchase it or just listen, freely, on iTunes, Spotify, Amazon Prime, Youtube...
      People only comment here when links are not available. This blog has a lot of research work in his shoulders! No money received ever!
      And yes, I am PAU!

  5. No Pau it's me. I am that Jan who has sent you the Sterkel Piano Concerto. I bought it, ripped it and send it free to you, when YOU asked me for it remember?! No need to insult me. I discussed Donizetti with you, I downloaded maybe 10 or so discs from you in the past and every time I thanked you for it. Where is my mistake?

    1. Dear Jan,

      Anyway, I didn't insult you and apologizes for my hard words. But I am really tired of people who only write me to require for links. My blog was created as a musical encyclopedia not as a free download music center.

      Sincerely, I didn't remember you because I received a lot of feedback lately. And the only feedback I received is just to inquire me where is the links nowadays.

      I spent a lot of money to purchase CDs whose I oportunitely shared here. Only few people appreciate the HUGE work that I spent in my last years (since 2011 and more of 2200 entries) to create and enjoy free music.

      So I am really tired and I am thinking to deactivate my blog forever.

      Believe me, I have a lot of treasures whose I could share here but probably they will remain neglected forever!

      I hope you understand my reasoning.

