diumenge, 3 de desembre del 2017

SHEPPARD, John (c.1515-1558) - Missa ‘Cantate’

Marten de Vos - The Last Supper
Obra de Marten de Vos (c.1532-1603), pintor flamenc (1)

Parlem de Pintura...

Marten de Vos (Antwerpen, 1532 - Antwerpen, 4 de desembre de 1603) va ser un pintor flamenc. Fill del pintor Pieter de Vos, es creu es va formar amb el seu pare. Es coneix que va realitzar un viatge a Itàlia en els anys centrals del segle XVI, visitant Roma, Florència i Venècia, on segons algunes fonts va estudiar amb Tintoretto. El 1558, i de tornada a Anvers, va entrar al Gremi de Sant Lluc. A partir d'aleshores va treballar per a nombrosos patrons, entre ells pel duc Guillem de Brunswick-Lüneburg, per a qui va realitzar un gran nombre d'obres per a la capella del seu castell a Celle, pel duc de Mecklenburg-Shwering, per a qui va realitzar escenes d'animals, i pel mercader calvinista Gilly Houftman, que va ser durant molt temps el seu mecenes principal. En vida va gaudir de l'èxit, comparable a l'assolit per pintors com Ambrosius Francken I i Frans Francken I. Marten de Vos va morir a Anvers el desembre de 1603.

Parlem de Música...

John Sheppard [Shepherd] (c.1515 - desembre de 1558) a ser un compositor anglès. Es desconeix gran part de la seva vida sent la primera referència de 1543, any que va treballar com a Informator choristarum al Magdalen College d'Oxford. Es creu que a l'entorn de 1550 va entrar a la Capella Reial on hi va romandre, probablement, fins el 1558. El 1554 va sol·licitar, sense èxit, el grau de Doctor en Música per a la Universitat d'Oxford. Com a compositor, va ser notablement prolífic en música religiosa la qual es desconeix la seva cronologia i data de composició. John Sheppard va morir en una ciutat desconeguda el desembre de 1558.


Vocal secular:

O happy dames, 4vv, Lpro S.P.1 (Henry VIII) vol.246

Vocal religiosa:

incomplete but restorable by addition of plainchant
Latin masses, mass sections, magnificat settings:
Mass ‘Be not afraide’, 4vv, S
Missa ‘Cantate’, 6vv, S
Mass ‘The Western Wynde’, 4vv, S
The Frences Masse, 4vv, S
Playnsong masse for a mene, 4vv, S
Magnificat [primi toni], 4vv, GB-Lbl Add.17802–5 (c.f. chant)
Magnificat [septimi toni], 6vv, inc., Lbl Add.11586, 18936–9, 31390, 32377, Ob Mus.Sch.E.423, Och Mus.45, Mus.984–8 (c.f. faburden, ed. in EECM, iv, 1968, p.136)

Adesto Sancta Trinitas (no.1), 6vv, inc., GB-Och Mus.979–83 (hymn for 1st Vespers, Trinity)
Adesto Sancta Trinitas (no.2), 6vv, inc., Och Mus.979–83 (hymn for 1st Vespers, Trinity)
Aeterne Rex altissime, 5vv, Ob Tenbury 341–4 (attrib. Tallis), Och Mus.979–83 (hymn for 1st and 2nd Vespers, Ascension and Octave)
Alleluia, Confitemini Domino, 4vv (Vigils of Resurrection and Pentecost), C
Alleluia, In exitu Israel, 4vv, Lbl Add.17802–5 (ps for Vespers of Resurrection, procession to font; first 7 of 14 verses by Sheppard, others by [?Thomas] Byrd, Mundy)
Alleluia, Laudate pueri, 4vv, Lbl Add.17802–5 (ps for Vespers of Resurrection, procession to font)
Alleluia, Ora pro nobis, 4vv (re for Lady Mass, Tuesdays), C
Alleluia, Per te Dei genetrix, 4vv (re for Lady Mass, Mondays, only Eastertide), C
Alleluia, Veni electa, 4vv (re for Lady Mass, Thursdays), C
Alleluia, Virtutes caeli, 4vv (re for Lady Mass, Wednesdays), C
A solis ortus cardine, ?8vv, inc., Och Mus.979–83 (hymn for Lauds, Nativity, Circumcision, etc.; only 6 voices extant)
Audivi vocem de caelo, 4vv (8th re for Matins, All Saints), C; also ed. in Cw, lxxxiv (1960)
Ave maris stella, 6vv, inc., Och Mus.979–83 (hymn for Vespers, Annunciation, etc.)
Beata nobis gaudia, 7vv, inc., Och Mus.979–83 (hymn for 2nd Vespers, Pentecost)
Beati omnes, 5vv (Ps cxxviii), Och Mus.979–83
Christe redemptor omnium, conserva, 5vv, inc., Och Mus.979–83 (hymn for Lauds, All Saints)
Christi virgo dilectissima, 6vv, inc. (9th re for Matins, Annunciation), C
Confitebor tibi, 5vv, Och Mus.979–83 (canticle of Isaiah; not Vulgate version)
Deus misereatur, 5vv (Ps lxvii), Ckc 316, Lbl Add.17792–6, Add.32377, Och Mus.979–83; US-NYp Drexel 4180–85
†Deus tuorum militum (no.1), 5vv, GB-Och Mus.979–83 (hymn for Common of Martyrs)
Deus tuorum militum (no.2), 5vv, Ob Tenbury 341–4 (attrib. Tallis), Och Mus.979–83 (hymn for Common of Martyrs)
†Dum transisset Sabbatum (no.1), 6vv (3rd re for Matins, Resurrection), C
Dum transisset Sabbatum (no.2), 6vv (3rd re for Matins, Resurrection), C
Esto Pater, 3vv, Lcm 2035 (votive ant)
Filiae Jerusalem venite, 6vv (re for 1st Vespers, 3rd re for Matins, Nativity of a martyr confessor), C
Gaude gaude gaude Maria virgo, 6vv (re and prosa for 2nd Vespers, Purification), C
Gaude Virgo Christipera, 6vv, inc., Lbl R.M.24.d.2, Ob Mus.Sch.E.423, Tenbury 807–11 (Marian ant)
Gaudete caelicole omnes, 4vv, Lbl Add.17802–5 (ant to Christ and the Virgin)
Haec dies quam fecit Dominus, 6vv (grad for Vespers, Resurrection), C
Hodie nobis caelorum Rex, 4vv (1st re for Matins, Nativity), C; also ed. in Cw, lxxxiv (1960)
Hostis Herodes impie, 6vv, inc., Och Mus.979–83 (hymn for 1st and 2nd Vesper, Epiphany)
Iam Christus astra ascenderat, 6vv, inc., Och Mus.979–83 (hymn for 1st Vespers, Pentecost)
Igitur, O Jesu bone, 3vv, Lbl Add.4900, Add.29246, Lcm 2035 (votive ant)
Illustrissima omnium, 3vv, Lbl Add.29246, R.M.24.d.2, Lcm 2035 (votive ant)
†Impetum fecerunt unanimes, 5vv (3rd re for Matins, St Stephen), C
Inclina Domine (Ps lxxxvi.1–5), 5vv, Ckc 316, CF D/DP.Z.6/1, Lbl, Ob Mus.Sch.E.1–5
Inclina Domine (Ps lxxxvi.1–2), 3vv, Lbl R.M.24.d.2
In manus tuas Domine (no.1), 3vv (re for Compline, Passion Sunday to Maundy Thursday), C (as no.III)
In manus tuas Domine (no.2), 4vv (re for Compline, Passion Sunday to Maundy Thursday), C (as no.I); also ed. in Cw, lxxxiv (1960)
In manus tuas Domine (no.3), 4vv (re for Compline, Passion Sunday and Maundy Thursday), C (as no.II)
In pace in idipsum, 4vv (re for compline, Quadragesima to Passion Sunday), C; also ed. in Cw, lxxxiv (1960)
Iudica me Deus (Ps xliii), 5vv, Ckc 316, Och Mus.979–83
Jesu salvator seculi, redemptis, 5vv, inc., Och Mus.979–83 (hymn for 1st Vespers, All Saints)
Jesu salvator seculi, verbum, 6vv, inc., Och Mus.979–83 (Hymn for Compline, Low Sunday to Ascension)
Justi in perpetuum vivent, 5vv, inc. (re for 1st Vespers, many Confessors, outside Eastertide), C
Kyrie eleison, 6vv, Lbl Add.30480–84 (2nd Vespers, Resurrection)
Laudem dicite Deo nostro, 5vv (re for 1st Vespers, All Saints), C
Laudes Deo dicam, 2vv, Och Mus.6 (from troped Lesson, Mass ‘in gallicantu’)
Libera nos, salva nos, Magnus Dominus, 7vv, Lbl Add.47844, Och Mus.979–83, US-NYp Drexel 4180–85 (6th ant for Matins, Trinity)
Libera nos, salva nos, Magnus Dominus, 7vv, GB-Ob Tenbury 389, Och Mus.979–83, US-NYp Drexel 4180–85 (6th ant for Matins, Trinity)
Martyr Dei qui unicum, 6vv, inc., GB-Och Mus.979–83 (hymn for Vespers, One Martyr)
Media vita … Nunc dimittis, 6vv, inc., Och Mus.979–83 (ant for Saturdays, Sundays, 9-lesson feasts, 2 weeks before Passion Sunday)
Non conturbetur cor vestrum (no.1), 6vv, inc. (re for 1st Vespers, Ascension), C
†Non conturbetur cor vestrum (no.2), 6vv (re for 1st Vespers, Ascension), C
Pater noster, 5vv, CF D/DP.Z.6/1, Lbl 22597, Add.31390 (‘Owr father’)
†Reges Tharsis et insulae, 6vv (re for 1st Vespers, 3rd re for Matins, Epiphany), C; also ed. in Cw, lxxxiv (1960)
Sacris solemniis iuncta sit gaudia, 8vv, inc., Och Mus.979–83 (hymn for 1st Vespers, Corpus Christi)
†Salvator mundi Domine, 6vv, Och Mus.979–83 (hymn for Compline, Nativity to Octave of Epiphany, etc.)
Salve festa dies … evo qua Deus infernum vicit, 4vv, Lbl Add.17802–5 (prosa for procession at Mass of Resurrection)
Sancte Dei preciose, 5vv, inc., Och Mus.979–83 (hymn for Lauds, Vespers, St Stephen)
Singularis privilegii, 3vv, Lbl Add.29246, Add.34726, Lcm 2035, Ob Tenbury 341–4 (votive ant)
†Spiritus Sanctus procedens, 5vv (3rd re for Matins, Pentecost), C
†Spiritus Sanctus procedens, 6vv (3rd re for Matins, Pentecost), C
†Te Deum, laudamus, 6vv, Och Mus.979–83 (hymn for Sundays and feasts outside Advent and Lent)
†Verbum caro factum est, 6vv, Och Mus.979–83 (9th re for Matins, Nativity), C
Voce mea ad Dominum (Ps cxlii), inc., Ckc 316 (single voice with Latin title but Eng. text; See I cried unto the Lord)

English service music:
principal sources only; for full information, see Daniel and Le Huray
Kyrie, Creed (no.1), Offertory (see Lay not up for yourselves), inc., GB-Lbl Add.29289
Creed (no.2), inc., Lbl, Add.29289
Creed (no.3), inc., Lbl Add.29289
Benedictus, inc., Lbl R.M.24.d.2
Deus misereatur, 4vv, Och Mus.6, US-NYp Chirk
Our Father [= Pater noster], 5vv, GB-Lbl Add.31390
First service (Ven, TeD, Bs, Cr, Mag, Nunc), 4vv, inc., Lcm 1045–51, Y M.13/1(S)–13/3(S)
Second service ‘in F fa ut’, (Ven, TeD, Bs, Cr, Mag, Nunc), inc., DRc A5.E4–E11a
Service ‘in e la mi’ (TeD, Mag, Nunc), inc., Lbl Add.29289
Magnificat and Nunc dimittis (for trebles), inc., Ob Tenbury 791

principal sources only; for full information see Daniel and Le Huray
Christ our paschal lamb, 4vv, inc., GB-Ob Mus.Sch.E.420–22
Christ rising again, 4vv, Lbl Add.29289, Add.30480–84
Haste thee O God, 4vv, EL 4 (now in Cu; attrib. Tye), Lbl Harl.7340 (attrib. Thomas Shepherd), Ob Mus.Sch.E.423, Och 6
I cried unto the Lord, inc., Ckc 316 (has Latin title, Voce mea ad Dominum)
I give you a new commandment, 4vv, Cu Peterhouse 485–91 (olim 35–7, 42–5), Lbl Add.30480–84, Ob Mus.Sch.E.420–22, US-NYp Drexel 4180–85
Lay not up for yourselves, inc., GB-Lbl Add.29289 (communion off)
Let my complaint, inc., Lbl Add.29289, SHR 356 Mus.1
Lord, how are they increased, 6vv, inc., Ob Mus.Sch.E.423
Of all strange news, inc., Ckc 316, SHR 356 Mus.2 (verse anthem)
O Lord of Hosts, 4vv, 15638 (attrib. Sheppard), Lbl Add.15166 (attrib. Tye), Lbl Add.29289 (attrib. Tye), Ob Mus.Sch.E.420–22 (anon.) (?not by Sheppard)
O sing unto the Lord, inc., Ob Tenbury 791
Rejoice in the Lord always, 4vv, Lbl Add.29289, US-NYp Drexel 4180–85 (attrib. Strogers)
Steven first after Christ, 3vv, GB-Lbl R.M.24.d.2
Submit yourselves to one another, 4vv, 156026, Ob Mus.Sch.E.420–22, US-NYp Drexel 4180–85
What comfort at thy death, 3vv, GB-Lbl R.M.24.d.2
41 psalm tunes, Lbl Add.15166

Informació addicional... 

INTERPRETS: Clerkes of Oxenford; David Wulstan (conductor, 1937-2017)
AMAZON: SHEPPARD, J. - Mass Cantate
CPDL: No disponible
SPOTIFY: SHEPPARD, J. - Mass Cantate

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