Obra de Conrad Wise Chapman (1842-1910), pintor nord-americà (1)
- Recordatori de Samuel Coleridge-Taylor -
En el dia de la commemoració del seu 106è aniversari de decés
Parlem de Pintura...
Conrad Wise Chapman (Washington, 14 de febrer de 1842 - Hampton, 10 de desembre de 1910) va ser un pintor nord-americà. Fill del també pintor John Gadsby Chapman, es va formar inicialment amb el seu pare a Roma. Va ser allà on a l'entorn del 1855 va iniciar la seva carrera amb una sèrie de pintures de paisatges italians. El 1861 va tornar als Estats Units on va participar activament en la Guerra Civil formant part de la Confederate Army. Durant aquests anys de guerra no va deixar de pintar realitzant diverses obres de caràcter bèl·lic. Al finalitzar la contesa, va viatjar a Mèxic on va realitzar diverses vistes les quals el van consagrar com un dels millors pintors de paisatges del seu temps. Els darrers anys va viure a cavall d'Europa i Amèrica exposant, el 1898, a Nova York. Finalment es va instal·lar i retirar a Hampton, ciutat on va morir el desembre de 1910.
Parlem de Música...
Samuel Coleridge-Taylor (London, 15 d'agost de 1875 - Croydon, 1 de setembre de 1912) va ser un director, professor i compositor anglès. Fill d'un físic originari de Sierra Leone, es va formar en violí amb Joseph Beckwith a Croydon. El 1890 va entrar al Royal College of Music de Londres on va continuar rebent formació en violí i on a partir del 1892 va començar a rebre classes de composició de Stanford. Allà hi va romandre fins el 1897, sent el lloc on va estrenar les seves primeres composicions. El setembre de 1898 va estrenar al Three Choirs Festival de Gloucester, i amb gran èxit, la seva Ballade Op.4 per a orquestra. Motivat per aquest èxit, va representar la que es convertiria en la seva millor obra, la cantata Hiawatha's Wedding Feast (1898) la qual es va representar posteriorment en diverses ciutats europees així com als Estats Units. A partir d'aleshores, i potser superat per aquest èxit prematur, va continuar escrivint música si bé mai més va assolir la mateixa popularitat. A partir del 1903 va començar a treballar com a professor de composició del Trinity College of Music i a partir del 1910 de la Guildhall School of Music. També durant aquells anys va visitar esporàdicament els Estats Units país en què es va familiaritzar amb la música d'altres autors negres. Els darrers anys va viure a Croydon, ciutat on va morir el setembre de 1912.
Vocal secular:
25 Dream Lovers (operatic romance, 1, P.L. Dunbar), 4 solo vv, 4vv, Croydon, Public Hall, 16 Dec 1898
26 The Gitanos (cantata-operetta, E. Oxenford), S, 2 Mez, 2 A, 3 female vv, pf, London, 1898 (1898)
47/1 Herod (incid music, S. Phillips), 1900, US-Bp*, pf suite (1901): Processional, Breeze-Scene, Dance, Finale
49 Ulysses (incid music, Phillips), 1901–2, 2 songs, partsong, scena for vn, pf, pubd
62 Nero (incid music, Phillips), 1906, US-Bp*, part pubd (1909): Prelude, 2 Entr'actes (unpubd) Intermezzo, Eastern Dance, Finale
70 Faust (incid music, Phillips), 1908, US-Bp*, part pubd (1911–25): Dance of the Witches, The 4 Visions, Dance and Chant, 1 song
72 Thelma (grand op, 3), 1907–9, unpubd
74 The Forest of Wild Thyme (incid music, A. Noyes), 1910, part pubd: Scenes from an Imaginary Ballet, 3 Dream Dances, Intermezzo, Songs and partsongs, Christmas Overture
79 Othello (incid music, W. Shakespeare), 1910–11, US-Bp*, orch suite (1909): Dance, Children's Intermezzo, Funeral March, The Willow Song, Military March
— St Agnes Eve (incid music), 1912, partial pf score ed. A. Lotter (1922): 3 Tableaux
— The Clown and the Columbine (melodrama after H.C. Andersen), reciter, vn, vc, pf, unpubd
Choral and vocal:
all with orchestra
some also published with piano accompaniment
7 Zara's Ear-Rings (Lockhart), rhapsody, solo v, 1895, unpubd
30 Scenes from ‘The Song of Hiawatha’ (cant., H.W. Longfellow): 1 Hiawatha's Wedding Feast, T, 4vv, London, RCM, 11 Nov 1898, US-Bp; 2 The Death of Minnehaha, S, Bar, 4vv, Hanley, 26 Oct 1899; 3 Overture, Norwich, 6 Oct 1899; 4 Hiawatha's Departure, S, T, Bar, 4vv, London, Albert Hall, 22 March 1900 [no. 1 incl. Onaway! awake, beloved; no.4 incl. Spring had come and Hiawatha's Vision: all 3 pubd separately]
42 The Soul's Expression (E.B. Browning), 4 sonnets, A, Hereford, 13 Sept 1900: The Soul's Expression, Tears, Grief, Comfort
43 The Blind Girl of Castél-Cuillé (cant., Longfellow), S, Bar, 4vv, Leeds, 9 Oct 1901, vs (1901)
48 Meg Blane (R. Buchanan), rhapsody, Mez, 4vv, Sheffield, 3 Oct 1902, vs (1902), incl. epilogue Lord hearken to me
53 The Atonement (sacred cant., A. Parsons), S, Mez, A, T, Bar, 4vv, Hereford, 10 Sept 1903, vs (1903)
54 5 Choral Ballads (Longfellow), Bar, 4vv, Norwich, 25 Oct 1905, vs (Leipzig, 1904): Beside the ungathered rice he lay, She dwells by great Kenhawa's side, Loud he sang the psalm of David, The Quadroon Girl, In dark fens of dismal swamp
61 Kubla Khan (S.T. Coleridge), rhapsody, Mez, 4vv, QH, 1906, vs (1905)
65 Endymion's Dream (cant., C.R.B. Barrett), S, T, 4vv, Brighton, 4 Feb 1910, vs (1910)
68 ‘Bon-Bon’ Suite (cant., T. Moore), Bar, 4vv, vs (1909): The Magic Mirror, The Fairy Boat, To Rosa, Love and Hymen, The Watchman, Say, what shall we dance?
76 A Tale of Old Japan (cant., A. Noyes), S, A, T, Bar, 4vv, QH, 6 Dec 1911, vs (1911)
81 2 Songs, 1v: Waiting; Red o' the Dawn (Noyes) (1920)
Songs, partsongs, choruses:
1 voice, piano unless otherwise stated
12 [5] Southern Love Songs (1896): My Love, Tears, Minguillo, If thou art sleeping maiden, Oh! my lonely pillow
15 Land of the Sun, partsong, 4vv (1897)
17 [7] African Romances (P.L. Dunbar) (1897): An African Love Song, A Prayer, A Starry Night, Dawn, Ballad, Over the Hills, How shall I woo thee?
19/2 [6] Little Songs for Little Folks (1898): Sea-Shells, A Rest by the Way, A Battle in the Snow, A Parting Wish, A Sweet Little Doll, Baby Land
21 2 Partsongs, 3 female vv (?1898): We strew these opiate flowers, How they so softly rest
24 In Memoriam, 3 rhapsodies, low v (1898): Earth fades! heaven breaks on me (R. Browning), Substitution (E. Browning), Weep not, beloved friends (Chiabrera, trans.)
29 3 Songs (W. Wordsworth, R. Burns) (?1898): Lucy, Mary, Jessy
37 6 Songs (1899): You'll love me yet, Canoe Song, A blood-red ring hung round the moon, Sweet evenings come and go love, As the moon's soft splendour, Elëanore
45 6 American Lyrics, low v (E.W. Wilcox, J.G. Whittier, W. Whitman) (1903): O thou mine other stronger part, O praise me not, Her love, The dark eye has left us, O ship that saileth, Beat beat drums
50 3 Song-poems (T. Moore) (1905): Dreaming for Ever, The Young Indian Maid, Beauty and Song
57 6 Sorrow Songs (C. Rossetti), 1904: Oh what comes over the sea, When I am dead my dearest, Oh roses for the flush of youth, She sat and sang alway, Unmindful of the roses, Too late for love
67 3 Partsongs, 4vv (1905): All my stars forsake me, Dead on the Sierras, The Fair of Almachara
69 Sea Drift (T.B. Aldrich), choral rhapsody, 8vv, 1908
— 5 Fairy Ballads (K. Easmon) (1909): Sweet Baby Butterfly, Alone with Mother, Big Lady Moon, The Stars, Fairy Roses
— [5] Songs of Sun and Shade (M. Radclyffe-Hall) (1911): You lay so still in the sunshine, Thou hast bewitched me beloved, The Rainbow Child, Thou art risen my beloved, This is the island of gardens
— 2 Songs (C. Rossetti, S. Naidu), 1v, pf/orch (1909)
— 2 Songs (E.R. Stephenson, F. Hart) (1916)
— 3 Songs of Heine
c20 partsongs pubd separately
over 40 songs pubd separately and MS
Vocal religiosa:
— TeD, 4vv, org, 1890
— 8 anthems: Break forth into joy (1892), By the waters of Babylon (1899), In thee, O Lord (1891), Lift up your heads (1892), Now late on the Sabbath day (1901), O ye that love the Lord (1892), The Lord is my strength (1892), What hast thou given me (1905)
18 Morning and Evening Service, F (1899)
many also arranged for piano or violin, piano
4 Ballade, d, vn (1895)
8 Sym., a, London, St James's Hall, 6 March 1896, unpubd
14 Legende, from Conzertstück, vn (1897)
22 4 Characteristic Waltzes (1899): Valse bohémienne, Valse rustique, Valse de la reine, Valse mauresque
33 Ballade, a, Gloucester, 14 Sept 1898 (1899)
39 Romance, G, vn, ?1899
40 Solemn Prelude, Worcester, 13 Sept 1899
41/1 [4] Scenes from an Everyday Romance, suite, QH, 24 May 1900: e, G, b, e
44 Idyll, Gloucester, 11 Sept 1901
46 Toussaint l'ouverture, QH, 26 Oct 1901
47/2 Hemo Dance, scherzo, 1902
51 Ethiopia Saluting the Colours, march, pf 4 hands score (1902)
52 Four Noveletten, str, tambourine, triangle (1903): A, C, a, D
63 Symphonic Variations on an African Air, QH, 14 June 1906 (1906)
— Fantasiestück, A, vc, New Brighton, 7 July 1907, unpubd
— A Lovely Little Dream, str, hmn, ?1909
75 The Bamboula, rhapsodic dance, Norfolk, CT, 2 June 1910 (1911)
77 Petite suite de concert (1911): La caprice de Nanette, Demande et reponse, Un sonnet d'amour, La tarantel'e fretillante
80 Vn Conc., g, Norfolk, CT, June 1912, pf score ed. W.J. Read (1912)
82/1 Hiawatha (ballet), 1912, arr. and orchd P.E. Fletcher, London, 19 May 1924: The Wooing, The Marriage Feast, Bird Scene, Conjurer's Scene, The Departure, Reunion
82/2 Minnehaha, suite: Laughing Water, The Pursuit, Love Song, The Homecoming
— From the Prairie, rhapsody, Norfolk, CT, 1914
1 Pf Qnt, g, c1893, unpubd
— Cl Sonata, f, c1893, unpubd
2 Nonet, f, pf, vn, va, vc, db, ob, cl, hn, bn, 1893, unpubd
3 Suite de [4] pièces, vn, pf/org, 1893: Pastorale, Cavatina, Barcarolle, Contemplation
— Pf Trio, e, 1893, unpubd
— Sonata, c, pf, ?1893
5 [5] Fantasiestücke, str qt, 1895 (1922): Prelude, Serenade, Humoreske, Minuet, Dance
9 2 Romantic Pieces, vn, pf, ?1895: Lament, Merrymaking
10 Cl Qnt, f (Leipzig, 1895)
13 Str Qt, d, 1896, unpubd
16 [3] Hiawathan Sketches, vn, pf, 1896: A Tale, A Song, A Dance
19 2 Moorish Tone-Pictures, pf (1897): Andalla, Zarifa
19/1 2 Oriental Waltzes, pf (1905)
20 Gipsy Suite, 4 pieces, vn, pf (1897): Lament and Tambourine, A Gipsy Song, A Gipsy Dance, Waltz
23 Valse Caprice, vn, pf (1898)
28 Vn Sonata, d, ?1898, ed. A. Sammons (1917)
31 Humoresques, pf, 1897: D, g, A
— 3 Short Pieces, org (1898): Melody, Elegy, Arietta
35 African Suite, pf (1898): 1 Introduction, 2 A Negro Love Song, 3 A Valse, 4 Dance nègre [no.4 originally for pf, str qt]
38 3 Silhouettes, pf, 1897: Valse, Tambourine, Lament
41/2 Nourmahal's Song and Dance, pf (1900)
55 Moorish Dance, pf (1904)
56 [3] Cameos, pf (1904): F, d, G
58 4 African Dances, vn, pf (1904): g, F, A, d
59/1 24 Negro Melodies, pf (Boston, MA, 1905), transcr.: 1 At the dawn of day, 2 The stones are very hard, 3 Take Nabandji, 4 They will not lend me a child, 5 Song of Conquest, 6 Warrior's Song, 7 Oloba, 8 The Bamboula, 9 The angels changed my name, 10 Deep River, 11 Didn't my Lord deliver Daniel?, 12 Don't be weary, traveller, 13 Going up, 14 I'm troubled in mind, 15 I was way down a-yonder, 16 Let us cheer the weary traveller, 17 Many thousand gone, 18 My Lord delivered Daniel, 19 Oh, he raise a poor Lazarus, 20 Pilgrim's Song, 21 Run, Mary, run, 22 Sometimes I feel like a motherless child, 23 Steal away, 24 Wade in the water
59/2 Romance, vn, pf (1904)
64 [4] Scènes de ballet, pf (1906): C, A, A , B
66 [5] Forest Scenes, pf (1907): The lone forest maiden, The phantom lover arrives, The phantom tells his tale of longing, Erstwhile they ride – the forest maiden acknowledges her love, Now proudly they journey together toward the great city
— Papillon, pf (1908)
71 Three-fours, Valse Suite, pf (1909): a, A , g, D, E , c
73 Ballade, c, vn, pf, Leeds, 29 Oct 1907
— Variations on an Original Theme, vc, Croydon, 30 Nov 1907, unpubd
— 2 Impromptus, pf (1911): A, b
78 3 Impromptus, org (1913): F, C, a
— Variations, b, vc, pf (1918)
— Interlude, org
Samuel Coleridge-Taylor (c.1905) (2)
Vocal secular:
25 Dream Lovers (operatic romance, 1, P.L. Dunbar), 4 solo vv, 4vv, Croydon, Public Hall, 16 Dec 1898
26 The Gitanos (cantata-operetta, E. Oxenford), S, 2 Mez, 2 A, 3 female vv, pf, London, 1898 (1898)
47/1 Herod (incid music, S. Phillips), 1900, US-Bp*, pf suite (1901): Processional, Breeze-Scene, Dance, Finale
49 Ulysses (incid music, Phillips), 1901–2, 2 songs, partsong, scena for vn, pf, pubd
62 Nero (incid music, Phillips), 1906, US-Bp*, part pubd (1909): Prelude, 2 Entr'actes (unpubd) Intermezzo, Eastern Dance, Finale
70 Faust (incid music, Phillips), 1908, US-Bp*, part pubd (1911–25): Dance of the Witches, The 4 Visions, Dance and Chant, 1 song
72 Thelma (grand op, 3), 1907–9, unpubd
74 The Forest of Wild Thyme (incid music, A. Noyes), 1910, part pubd: Scenes from an Imaginary Ballet, 3 Dream Dances, Intermezzo, Songs and partsongs, Christmas Overture
79 Othello (incid music, W. Shakespeare), 1910–11, US-Bp*, orch suite (1909): Dance, Children's Intermezzo, Funeral March, The Willow Song, Military March
— St Agnes Eve (incid music), 1912, partial pf score ed. A. Lotter (1922): 3 Tableaux
— The Clown and the Columbine (melodrama after H.C. Andersen), reciter, vn, vc, pf, unpubd
Choral and vocal:
all with orchestra
some also published with piano accompaniment
7 Zara's Ear-Rings (Lockhart), rhapsody, solo v, 1895, unpubd
30 Scenes from ‘The Song of Hiawatha’ (cant., H.W. Longfellow): 1 Hiawatha's Wedding Feast, T, 4vv, London, RCM, 11 Nov 1898, US-Bp; 2 The Death of Minnehaha, S, Bar, 4vv, Hanley, 26 Oct 1899; 3 Overture, Norwich, 6 Oct 1899; 4 Hiawatha's Departure, S, T, Bar, 4vv, London, Albert Hall, 22 March 1900 [no. 1 incl. Onaway! awake, beloved; no.4 incl. Spring had come and Hiawatha's Vision: all 3 pubd separately]
42 The Soul's Expression (E.B. Browning), 4 sonnets, A, Hereford, 13 Sept 1900: The Soul's Expression, Tears, Grief, Comfort
43 The Blind Girl of Castél-Cuillé (cant., Longfellow), S, Bar, 4vv, Leeds, 9 Oct 1901, vs (1901)
48 Meg Blane (R. Buchanan), rhapsody, Mez, 4vv, Sheffield, 3 Oct 1902, vs (1902), incl. epilogue Lord hearken to me
53 The Atonement (sacred cant., A. Parsons), S, Mez, A, T, Bar, 4vv, Hereford, 10 Sept 1903, vs (1903)
54 5 Choral Ballads (Longfellow), Bar, 4vv, Norwich, 25 Oct 1905, vs (Leipzig, 1904): Beside the ungathered rice he lay, She dwells by great Kenhawa's side, Loud he sang the psalm of David, The Quadroon Girl, In dark fens of dismal swamp
61 Kubla Khan (S.T. Coleridge), rhapsody, Mez, 4vv, QH, 1906, vs (1905)
65 Endymion's Dream (cant., C.R.B. Barrett), S, T, 4vv, Brighton, 4 Feb 1910, vs (1910)
68 ‘Bon-Bon’ Suite (cant., T. Moore), Bar, 4vv, vs (1909): The Magic Mirror, The Fairy Boat, To Rosa, Love and Hymen, The Watchman, Say, what shall we dance?
76 A Tale of Old Japan (cant., A. Noyes), S, A, T, Bar, 4vv, QH, 6 Dec 1911, vs (1911)
81 2 Songs, 1v: Waiting; Red o' the Dawn (Noyes) (1920)
Songs, partsongs, choruses:
1 voice, piano unless otherwise stated
12 [5] Southern Love Songs (1896): My Love, Tears, Minguillo, If thou art sleeping maiden, Oh! my lonely pillow
15 Land of the Sun, partsong, 4vv (1897)
17 [7] African Romances (P.L. Dunbar) (1897): An African Love Song, A Prayer, A Starry Night, Dawn, Ballad, Over the Hills, How shall I woo thee?
19/2 [6] Little Songs for Little Folks (1898): Sea-Shells, A Rest by the Way, A Battle in the Snow, A Parting Wish, A Sweet Little Doll, Baby Land
21 2 Partsongs, 3 female vv (?1898): We strew these opiate flowers, How they so softly rest
24 In Memoriam, 3 rhapsodies, low v (1898): Earth fades! heaven breaks on me (R. Browning), Substitution (E. Browning), Weep not, beloved friends (Chiabrera, trans.)
29 3 Songs (W. Wordsworth, R. Burns) (?1898): Lucy, Mary, Jessy
37 6 Songs (1899): You'll love me yet, Canoe Song, A blood-red ring hung round the moon, Sweet evenings come and go love, As the moon's soft splendour, Elëanore
45 6 American Lyrics, low v (E.W. Wilcox, J.G. Whittier, W. Whitman) (1903): O thou mine other stronger part, O praise me not, Her love, The dark eye has left us, O ship that saileth, Beat beat drums
50 3 Song-poems (T. Moore) (1905): Dreaming for Ever, The Young Indian Maid, Beauty and Song
57 6 Sorrow Songs (C. Rossetti), 1904: Oh what comes over the sea, When I am dead my dearest, Oh roses for the flush of youth, She sat and sang alway, Unmindful of the roses, Too late for love
67 3 Partsongs, 4vv (1905): All my stars forsake me, Dead on the Sierras, The Fair of Almachara
69 Sea Drift (T.B. Aldrich), choral rhapsody, 8vv, 1908
— 5 Fairy Ballads (K. Easmon) (1909): Sweet Baby Butterfly, Alone with Mother, Big Lady Moon, The Stars, Fairy Roses
— [5] Songs of Sun and Shade (M. Radclyffe-Hall) (1911): You lay so still in the sunshine, Thou hast bewitched me beloved, The Rainbow Child, Thou art risen my beloved, This is the island of gardens
— 2 Songs (C. Rossetti, S. Naidu), 1v, pf/orch (1909)
— 2 Songs (E.R. Stephenson, F. Hart) (1916)
— 3 Songs of Heine
c20 partsongs pubd separately
over 40 songs pubd separately and MS
Vocal religiosa:
— TeD, 4vv, org, 1890
— 8 anthems: Break forth into joy (1892), By the waters of Babylon (1899), In thee, O Lord (1891), Lift up your heads (1892), Now late on the Sabbath day (1901), O ye that love the Lord (1892), The Lord is my strength (1892), What hast thou given me (1905)
18 Morning and Evening Service, F (1899)
many also arranged for piano or violin, piano
4 Ballade, d, vn (1895)
8 Sym., a, London, St James's Hall, 6 March 1896, unpubd
14 Legende, from Conzertstück, vn (1897)
22 4 Characteristic Waltzes (1899): Valse bohémienne, Valse rustique, Valse de la reine, Valse mauresque
33 Ballade, a, Gloucester, 14 Sept 1898 (1899)
39 Romance, G, vn, ?1899
40 Solemn Prelude, Worcester, 13 Sept 1899
41/1 [4] Scenes from an Everyday Romance, suite, QH, 24 May 1900: e, G, b, e
44 Idyll, Gloucester, 11 Sept 1901
46 Toussaint l'ouverture, QH, 26 Oct 1901
47/2 Hemo Dance, scherzo, 1902
51 Ethiopia Saluting the Colours, march, pf 4 hands score (1902)
52 Four Noveletten, str, tambourine, triangle (1903): A, C, a, D
63 Symphonic Variations on an African Air, QH, 14 June 1906 (1906)
— Fantasiestück, A, vc, New Brighton, 7 July 1907, unpubd
— A Lovely Little Dream, str, hmn, ?1909
75 The Bamboula, rhapsodic dance, Norfolk, CT, 2 June 1910 (1911)
77 Petite suite de concert (1911): La caprice de Nanette, Demande et reponse, Un sonnet d'amour, La tarantel'e fretillante
80 Vn Conc., g, Norfolk, CT, June 1912, pf score ed. W.J. Read (1912)
82/1 Hiawatha (ballet), 1912, arr. and orchd P.E. Fletcher, London, 19 May 1924: The Wooing, The Marriage Feast, Bird Scene, Conjurer's Scene, The Departure, Reunion
82/2 Minnehaha, suite: Laughing Water, The Pursuit, Love Song, The Homecoming
— From the Prairie, rhapsody, Norfolk, CT, 1914
1 Pf Qnt, g, c1893, unpubd
— Cl Sonata, f, c1893, unpubd
2 Nonet, f, pf, vn, va, vc, db, ob, cl, hn, bn, 1893, unpubd
3 Suite de [4] pièces, vn, pf/org, 1893: Pastorale, Cavatina, Barcarolle, Contemplation
— Pf Trio, e, 1893, unpubd
— Sonata, c, pf, ?1893
5 [5] Fantasiestücke, str qt, 1895 (1922): Prelude, Serenade, Humoreske, Minuet, Dance
9 2 Romantic Pieces, vn, pf, ?1895: Lament, Merrymaking
10 Cl Qnt, f (Leipzig, 1895)
13 Str Qt, d, 1896, unpubd
16 [3] Hiawathan Sketches, vn, pf, 1896: A Tale, A Song, A Dance
19 2 Moorish Tone-Pictures, pf (1897): Andalla, Zarifa
19/1 2 Oriental Waltzes, pf (1905)
20 Gipsy Suite, 4 pieces, vn, pf (1897): Lament and Tambourine, A Gipsy Song, A Gipsy Dance, Waltz
23 Valse Caprice, vn, pf (1898)
28 Vn Sonata, d, ?1898, ed. A. Sammons (1917)
31 Humoresques, pf, 1897: D, g, A
— 3 Short Pieces, org (1898): Melody, Elegy, Arietta
35 African Suite, pf (1898): 1 Introduction, 2 A Negro Love Song, 3 A Valse, 4 Dance nègre [no.4 originally for pf, str qt]
38 3 Silhouettes, pf, 1897: Valse, Tambourine, Lament
41/2 Nourmahal's Song and Dance, pf (1900)
55 Moorish Dance, pf (1904)
56 [3] Cameos, pf (1904): F, d, G
58 4 African Dances, vn, pf (1904): g, F, A, d
59/1 24 Negro Melodies, pf (Boston, MA, 1905), transcr.: 1 At the dawn of day, 2 The stones are very hard, 3 Take Nabandji, 4 They will not lend me a child, 5 Song of Conquest, 6 Warrior's Song, 7 Oloba, 8 The Bamboula, 9 The angels changed my name, 10 Deep River, 11 Didn't my Lord deliver Daniel?, 12 Don't be weary, traveller, 13 Going up, 14 I'm troubled in mind, 15 I was way down a-yonder, 16 Let us cheer the weary traveller, 17 Many thousand gone, 18 My Lord delivered Daniel, 19 Oh, he raise a poor Lazarus, 20 Pilgrim's Song, 21 Run, Mary, run, 22 Sometimes I feel like a motherless child, 23 Steal away, 24 Wade in the water
59/2 Romance, vn, pf (1904)
64 [4] Scènes de ballet, pf (1906): C, A, A , B
66 [5] Forest Scenes, pf (1907): The lone forest maiden, The phantom lover arrives, The phantom tells his tale of longing, Erstwhile they ride – the forest maiden acknowledges her love, Now proudly they journey together toward the great city
— Papillon, pf (1908)
71 Three-fours, Valse Suite, pf (1909): a, A , g, D, E , c
73 Ballade, c, vn, pf, Leeds, 29 Oct 1907
— Variations on an Original Theme, vc, Croydon, 30 Nov 1907, unpubd
— 2 Impromptus, pf (1911): A, b
78 3 Impromptus, org (1913): F, C, a
— Variations, b, vc, pf (1918)
— Interlude, org
Informació addicional...
NAXOS: COLERIDGE-TAYLOR, S. - Hiawatha Overture & Petite Suite
SPOTIFY: COLERIDGE-TAYLOR, S. - Hiawatha Overture & Petite Suite

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