Obra d'Arthur Streeton (1867-1943), pintor australià (1)
- Recordatori de Gaetano Donizetti -
En el dia de la commemoració del seu 166è aniversari de decés
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Sir Arthur Ernest Streeton (Geelong, 8 d'abril de 1867 - Olinda, 1 de setembre de 1943) va ser un pintor paisatgista australià. Va estudiar dibuix a Melbourne on va coincidir amb el pintor Tom Roberts, que acabava de tornar d'Europa entusiasmat amb el nou estil impressionista. El 1885, juntament amb Frederic McCubbin i Louis Abrahams, Streeton i Roberts van establir el grup d'artistes de Box Hill. La primera exposició del grup, Exposició d'impressions de 9x5, celebrada el 1889, va consistir en unes pintures basades en taques realitzades amb rapidesa sobre les tapes d'unes caixes de cigars que mesuraven 20x13 cm., subministrades per Louis Abrahams gràcies al negoci d'importació de cigars del seu pare. Streeton va realitzar 40 de les 183 pintures que es van exhibir. Va aconseguir el reconeixement amb El rierol llisca plàcidament (1890), adquirida per la galeria d'art de Nova Gal·les del Sud. Aquest èxit el va portar a Sydney, on va pintar molts quadres del port i del districte del riu Hawkesbury, incloent el famós La força transparent del migdia porpra (1896). El 1898, després de l'èxit de l'exposició de Melbourne, es va traslladar a Anglaterra durant un període de set anys i va realitzar una exposició a la Royal Academy of Arts de Londres. Al seu retorn a Austràlia va celebrar una altra aclamada exposició a Melbourne però va haver de tornar a Europa el 1908. Quan va esclatar la Primer Guerra Mundial es va unir al cos mèdic de l'exèrcit. Va morir a Olinda el setembre de 1943.
Font: En català: No disponible - En castellano: Arthur Streeton (1867-1943) - In english: Arthur Streeton (1867-1943) - Altres: Arthur Streeton (1867-1943)
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Font: En català: Gaetano Donizetti (1797-1848) - En castellano: Gaetano Donizetti (1797-1848) - In english: Gaetano Donizetti (1797-1848) - Altres: Gaetano Donizetti (1797-1848)
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Gaudiu i compartiu!
Informació addicional...
AMAZON: DONIZETTI, G.: Flute Quartets Nos. 6, 7, 9, and 16 (Kodaly Quartet)
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ResponEliminaDear Pau
ResponEliminaWith this Flute Quartets you made me a big joy.
Donizetti is my favorite composer and this after 30 years devoted to music. So I came along a lot of beautiful music in this time, many composers and many world famous pieces of music.And still if I had to make a choice of composer to take to an exile island, it's Donizetti I would take. There is a special vibe in his music that rarely any other composer reached IN THIS WAY. There might be bigger names and bigger works to the world, but in my musical world Donizetti is top of the Olymp. For a couple of years now no new works of him emerged, but now your Flute Quartets. Of course I knew the original String Quartets, but these arrangements are quite different.
THANK you so much for remembering his anniversary, you were the only one of the blogs who did!!
Thank you very much Jan!
EliminaActually, I really love the music by Donizetti, especially his instrumental music. Flute quartets are a rarity on his repertory. This arrangement is really curious and interesting. On future, I will continue sharing his instrumental music as well as his songs.
Besides, i would like to write about him in relation to his minor sacred music. It exists but its performances aren't good.
That sounds like a plan! I have read on your introduction you mention about the Requiem for Zingarelli, do you know of any recording of it? All those I came across were recordings of that one for Bellini.....When I looked in my book of his biography there are mention even 2 more (which had been lost though...)
EliminaThanks again for all what you do to keep us entertained on such a professional and high level!!
Dear Jan,
EliminaIn fact, it exists 2 Requiems by Donizetti. I read on "Grove’s dictionary of music and musicians" and here:
However as you say, it doesn't exist on CD or score edition. Why... I don't know, maybe it was lost.
Thank you so much!!
Very nice and really rare, Thanks!
ResponEliminaDe res, salut!
EliminaPlease throw off the link
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