Obra de George Lawrence Bulleid (1858-1933), pintor anglès.
- Recordatori de Charles Wood -
En el dia de la celebració del seu 150è aniversari de naixement
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George Lawrence Bulleid (Glastonbury, 1858 - 1933) va ser un pintor anglès. Fill d’advocat, es va integrar de ben petit al negoci familiar però el 1881 es va matricular a l’escola d’art de Marylebone i de Londres on va estudiar amb George Simpson. Format en art clàssic, ben aviat es va decantar per temàtica antiga amb especial èmfasi en figures en un fons d’estructures arquitectòniques. El 1889 es va unir a la Royal Water Colour Society. Poc després va tornar al seu poble natal on va obrir un taller i on el seu estil va evolucionar del neo-classicisme al prerafaelisme emergent de l’època si bé la seva temàtica es va mantenir fidel a la dels seus orígens. Més tard va explorar també el retrat i les natures mortes de flors en clara inspiració del mestres holandesos del segle XVII. Va treballar principalment en aquarel·la i va exposar regularment a les diferents acadèmies angleses. Va morir la tardor de 1933.
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Charles Wood (Armagh, 15 de juny de 1866 - Cambridge, 12 de juliol de 1926) va ser un compositor i professor irlandès. Es va formar com a corista a la Catedral d’Armagh on també va rebre formació a la seva escola. A partir del 1880 va rebre classes d’harmonia i contrapunt de l’organista T.O. Marks i va rebre l’estímul del seu germà gran i músic William Wood (1859-1895) per tal que es dediqués professionalment a la música. El 1883 va estudiar amb Parry i Stanford rebent poc després un premi al Selwyn College de Cambridge. El 1888 va ser nomenat professor d’harmonia de la Royal College of Music i el 1889 triat lector en harmonia i contrapunt a Caius. A Cambridge va ser premiat amb diverses condecoracions i va ser assistent de Stanford com a director de la Cambridge University Musical Society (1888-1894). En reconeixement a la seva contribució a la vida musical del seu país, el 1904 va rebre un doctorat honorari de la Universitat de Leeds i més tard de la Universitat d’Oxford. El 1924 va ser nomenat professor de música de Cambridge en substitució del seu mestre Stanford, mort aquell any. No obstant, poc després va morir a Cambridge.
(selective list)
Vocal secular:
Ion (incid music, Euripides), 1890;
Iphigenia in Tauris (incid music, Euripides), 1894;
A Scene from Pickwick (chbr op), 1921;
The Family Party (chbr op), 1923
Solo songs:
The Splendour Falls (A. Tennyson), 1886;
Up-hill (C. Rossetti), 1886, also with orch;
Goldthred's Song (W. Scott), 1886;
They are All Gone into the World of Light (H. Vaughan), 1888;
Lament of an Irish Mother (F.D. Hemans), 1890;
The Windflower (H. Boulton), 1890;
Darest Thou Now, O Soul (W. Whitman);
By the Bivouac's Fitful Flame (Whitman), 1897;
O Captain! My Captain (Whitman), 1898;
Ethiopia Saluting the Colours (Whitman), 1898, also with orch
Folksong arrs.:
Irish Folk Songs (A.P. Graves) (1897);
Irish County Songs, vols. i–iii (A.P. Graves and P.J. McCall) (1914–28);
Anglo-Irish Folk-Songs, vol. i (1931), collab. P. Gregory;
many folksong arrs. for mixed voices
Many part-songs, madrigals, unison songs
Vocal religiosa:
SATB and organ unless otherwise stated
St Mark Passion, Tr, T, Bar, B, SATB, org, 1920
Mass, F, SATB, org, 1922
Spring's Summons (A.P. Graves), S, T, Bar, SATB, orch, 1885;
Song of Welcome (Sir F. Cook), SATB, vn, hp, org, RCM 1887;
Psalm 104, S, A, T, B, Bar, SATB, org, orch, 1886–7;
Unto Thee Will I Cry, S, SATB, org, str, 1889;
Ode to the West Wind (P.B. Shelley), T, SATB, orch, 1890;
Music: an Ode (A.C. Swinburne), S, SATB, orch, 1892–3;
The White Island (R. Herrick), S, A, T, B, SATBSATB, orch, 1894;
On Time (J. Milton), SATB, orch, 1897–8, 1898;
Dirge for Two Veterans (W. Whitman), B, SATB, orch, 1900–01, 1901 (1901);
The Song of the Tempest (W. Scott), S, SATB, orch, 1902;
A Ballad of Dundee (W.E. Aytoun), B, SATB, orch; ?1904;
Eden Spirits (E.B. Browning), female vv, pf, ?1915
Be Thou Exalted, 1882;
O Lord, Rebuke Me Not, 1885;
Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow, SATBSATB, 1886;
O God of Hosts, the Mighty Lord, SSAATTBB, 1886;
Through the Day Thy Love has Spared Us, SATB, 1886;
O Rex gloriae, SATB, 1889;
Try Me, O God, ?1890;
Precamini felicitatem, 1890;
I Will Arise, ?1893–4;
Heaven, 1898;
Oculi omnium, SATB, 1905;
I Will Call Upon God, ATB, 1905;
Glorious and Powerful God, 1910;
Never Weather Beaten Sail, 1910;
Great Lord of Lords, ATBATB, ?1912;
O Thou, the Central Orb, ?1914–15;
Summer Ended, 1917;
Expectans expectavi, 1919, also with orch;
Haec dies, SSATBB, 1919;
Hail Gladdening Light, SATBSATB (1919);
Glory and Honour and Laud, SSAATTBB (1925);
Tis the Day of Resurrection, SATBSATB (1927);
How Dazzling Fair (1929); Father All Holy, SATBSATB (1929);
O King Most High, SATBSATB (1932);
Once He Came in Blessing, SATBSATB (1935)
Other church music:
Many settings of the Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis;
Mag and Nunc settings:
E (1891);
D (1898);
c (1900);
F (1908);
Tones VI, V, ?1910–11;
G (1911);
E (1913);
A (1915);
F ‘Collegium Regale’, SATBSATB, 1915;
E (Sternhold and Hopkins metrical version), 1918;
G, SATBSATB, 1915;
Nunc (Lat., Eng.), B , SSATBB, 1916;
Nunc (Lat., Eng.), a, SSATTB, 1916;
Tones IV, I (1923);
E (1927);
Founded on melodies of Pss civ and cxxxlv (Genevan psalter) (1927)
Communion Service Settings:
Phrygian mode (1923);
c, SATB (1927);
F ‘Missa Sancta Patricii’ (Ionian mode), 1922
TeD, Bs, Jub Deo and Nicene Creed settings;
hymn tunes, carol arrangements
Pf Conc., F, 1885–6;
Much Ado about Nothing, ov., 1889;
Iphigenia in Tauris, suite, ?1894;
Patrick Sarsfield: Sym. Variations on an Irish Air, 1899
Str qts:
d, 1885;
E ‘The Highgate’, 1892–3;
a, 1911–12;
E ‘The Harrogate’, 1912;
F, 1914–15;
D, ?1915–16;
Variations on an Irish Folk Song, str qt, ?1917;
numerous individual qt movts
Other chbr:
Sonata, G, vn, pf, 1886;
Sonata, A, vn, pf, n.d.;
Septet, c, cl, bn, hn, str, 1889;
Quintet, F, fl, ob, cl, hn, bn, 1891
Various movts for pf trio, vn and pf, vc and pf
Works for pf, org
(selective list)
Vocal secular:
Ion (incid music, Euripides), 1890;
Iphigenia in Tauris (incid music, Euripides), 1894;
A Scene from Pickwick (chbr op), 1921;
The Family Party (chbr op), 1923
Solo songs:
The Splendour Falls (A. Tennyson), 1886;
Up-hill (C. Rossetti), 1886, also with orch;
Goldthred's Song (W. Scott), 1886;
They are All Gone into the World of Light (H. Vaughan), 1888;
Lament of an Irish Mother (F.D. Hemans), 1890;
The Windflower (H. Boulton), 1890;
Darest Thou Now, O Soul (W. Whitman);
By the Bivouac's Fitful Flame (Whitman), 1897;
O Captain! My Captain (Whitman), 1898;
Ethiopia Saluting the Colours (Whitman), 1898, also with orch
Folksong arrs.:
Irish Folk Songs (A.P. Graves) (1897);
Irish County Songs, vols. i–iii (A.P. Graves and P.J. McCall) (1914–28);
Anglo-Irish Folk-Songs, vol. i (1931), collab. P. Gregory;
many folksong arrs. for mixed voices
Many part-songs, madrigals, unison songs
Vocal religiosa:
SATB and organ unless otherwise stated
St Mark Passion, Tr, T, Bar, B, SATB, org, 1920
Mass, F, SATB, org, 1922
Spring's Summons (A.P. Graves), S, T, Bar, SATB, orch, 1885;
Song of Welcome (Sir F. Cook), SATB, vn, hp, org, RCM 1887;
Psalm 104, S, A, T, B, Bar, SATB, org, orch, 1886–7;
Unto Thee Will I Cry, S, SATB, org, str, 1889;
Ode to the West Wind (P.B. Shelley), T, SATB, orch, 1890;
Music: an Ode (A.C. Swinburne), S, SATB, orch, 1892–3;
The White Island (R. Herrick), S, A, T, B, SATBSATB, orch, 1894;
On Time (J. Milton), SATB, orch, 1897–8, 1898;
Dirge for Two Veterans (W. Whitman), B, SATB, orch, 1900–01, 1901 (1901);
The Song of the Tempest (W. Scott), S, SATB, orch, 1902;
A Ballad of Dundee (W.E. Aytoun), B, SATB, orch; ?1904;
Eden Spirits (E.B. Browning), female vv, pf, ?1915
Be Thou Exalted, 1882;
O Lord, Rebuke Me Not, 1885;
Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow, SATBSATB, 1886;
O God of Hosts, the Mighty Lord, SSAATTBB, 1886;
Through the Day Thy Love has Spared Us, SATB, 1886;
O Rex gloriae, SATB, 1889;
Try Me, O God, ?1890;
Precamini felicitatem, 1890;
I Will Arise, ?1893–4;
Heaven, 1898;
Oculi omnium, SATB, 1905;
I Will Call Upon God, ATB, 1905;
Glorious and Powerful God, 1910;
Never Weather Beaten Sail, 1910;
Great Lord of Lords, ATBATB, ?1912;
O Thou, the Central Orb, ?1914–15;
Summer Ended, 1917;
Expectans expectavi, 1919, also with orch;
Haec dies, SSATBB, 1919;
Hail Gladdening Light, SATBSATB (1919);
Glory and Honour and Laud, SSAATTBB (1925);
Tis the Day of Resurrection, SATBSATB (1927);
How Dazzling Fair (1929); Father All Holy, SATBSATB (1929);
O King Most High, SATBSATB (1932);
Once He Came in Blessing, SATBSATB (1935)
Other church music:
Many settings of the Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis;
Mag and Nunc settings:
E (1891);
D (1898);
c (1900);
F (1908);
Tones VI, V, ?1910–11;
G (1911);
E (1913);
A (1915);
F ‘Collegium Regale’, SATBSATB, 1915;
E (Sternhold and Hopkins metrical version), 1918;
G, SATBSATB, 1915;
Nunc (Lat., Eng.), B , SSATBB, 1916;
Nunc (Lat., Eng.), a, SSATTB, 1916;
Tones IV, I (1923);
E (1927);
Founded on melodies of Pss civ and cxxxlv (Genevan psalter) (1927)
Communion Service Settings:
Phrygian mode (1923);
c, SATB (1927);
F ‘Missa Sancta Patricii’ (Ionian mode), 1922
TeD, Bs, Jub Deo and Nicene Creed settings;
hymn tunes, carol arrangements
Pf Conc., F, 1885–6;
Much Ado about Nothing, ov., 1889;
Iphigenia in Tauris, suite, ?1894;
Patrick Sarsfield: Sym. Variations on an Irish Air, 1899
Str qts:
d, 1885;
E ‘The Highgate’, 1892–3;
a, 1911–12;
E ‘The Harrogate’, 1912;
F, 1914–15;
D, ?1915–16;
Variations on an Irish Folk Song, str qt, ?1917;
numerous individual qt movts
Other chbr:
Sonata, G, vn, pf, 1886;
Sonata, A, vn, pf, n.d.;
Septet, c, cl, bn, hn, str, 1889;
Quintet, F, fl, ob, cl, hn, bn, 1891
Various movts for pf trio, vn and pf, vc and pf
Works for pf, org
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AMAZON: Wood - The Anthems Vol.1
IMSLP: Charles Wood (1866-1926)
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