dissabte, 7 de març del 2015

HADYN, Johann Michael (1737-1806) - Te Deum in C Major MH 415

(Cap de setmana de descans)

Cap de setmana de festa grossa pels enamorats (jo el primer) de Johann Michael Haydn. El motiu, la recuperació, per primera vegada a Espanya des de la seva estrena el 3 d'agost del 1801, de la solemne i monumental Missa de Santa Teresa (que en aquest espai ja havíem recuperat precisament el dia de Santa Teresa del 2012). Per tots aquells afortunats que en podran gaudir, a la Catedral-Magistral de los Santos Niños d'Alcalá de Henares a les 21:00, desitjar-los una feliç vetllada. I pels qui no, encara tindran una segona oportunitat de gaudir-ne el proper 28 de març al Teatre Bulevar de Torrelodones. Bona excusa, per tant, per a recuperar al Michael Haydn més festiu, aquell a qui els seus contemporanis consideraven com el més gran mestre de música clàssica religiosa. En aquest sentit només cal observar les similituds entre el famós Rèquiem de Mozart de 1791 amb el de Michael Haydn escrit el 1771, és a dir, 20 anys abans. D'aquesta obra, potser la més important del seu repertori ja en parlarem, mentrestant celebrarem la inesperada visita d'Haydn a Espanya amb un dels cinc Te Deum que va compondre, concretament, el Te Deum en Do major MH 415 publicat i interpretat per primera vegada a Salzburg el 30 de gener de 1786. Una obra que resumeix, a la perfecció, el seu estil musical. Estructurat en quatre moviments, és probablement el seu Te Deum més important en longitud i possiblement un dels més eminentment festius. L'èxit musical d'Haydn es va basar, a grans trets, en tres punts clau: simplicitat tècnica, coneixement intel·ligent de la instrumentació i de les veus i una sorprenent i descarada habilitat per a escriure melodies atractives. De la barreja resultant en neix el seu estil musical religiós tant particularment singular que, per ara, seguirà sent únic!

Gaudiu i compartiu!

Informació addicional...

Johann Michael Haydn (1737-1806)

Tant si us ha agradat, com si no, opineu, és lliure i fàcil!

5 comentaris:

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  2. ... YaY!!! Another trinket by Michael!!! :D

    Been enjoying your recent selection immensely, a warm Thank You! for sharing!

    ... And for your webpage, a little something in return :D maestro Michele, drawn by Stölzel in 1797:


    (Haydn's proportions may not have been the easiest to draw - but he comes closest.)

    Same as here: http://www.musicologie.org/Biographies/h/haydn_johann_michel.jpg

    ~ ~ ~ Vivat!!!!!! <3

    1. Hello Vivat!!!

      Thank you so much for the Michael Haydn portraits! I have some Haydn paintings and engravings but yours is new for me! Michael Haydn is, in my opinion, one the best sacred composers ever! So, I will try to research and publish all about him! I am happy you be a Haydn fan like me!


    2. :D :D :D Hello Pau! We have a huuuge *Heart-to-Heart* here!!! First composition I heard was, of course, the Requiem ~ and it just went on from there, like an avalanche! What a discovery, work and opus of this composer! Salzburg is definitely rectifying the situation of late, many concerts of old masters have been performed and recorded (most recently MH Quintets by the Salzburger Haydn-Quintet and Vol. II of the Complete MH Wind Concertos by Salzburg Hofmusik!) ... And now, best of all, I CAN HELP you with the research! At least a little, if you so wish ~ for I have ... THE BOOKS! Four, to be precise (there's a couple more though), and all in German ... But rich with information and pictures and photos! And interesting trivia! Oh man, did you know that his house was demolished so that they could build a cable-car to the castle?! And that Michael had a lovely girlfriend in Vienna?! :D Also, a fair share of CDs which are pure TREASURE and numerous copies of his scores, in his hand or in transcription! :D Pau, if you wish to contact me and exchange pretty much truckloads(!!!) of info about Michael - please send me a note via ** http://lugkar2.deviantart.com/ **
      (that's the icon in upper right corner - I don't have a blog here and don't know how else to communicate more privately. DA registration is completely free (it's a really good and famous webpage for all sorts of artists) and we can go to regular emails from there. Will be around more often and check the notes every couple of days, so if you are interested in anything-Michael (or obviously about music in general) - please be sure I'll answer swiftly! (... And if not - please answer me here; don't worry, I can take a *no!* for an answer. ;) ))

      Glad to have met you,
      cheers to you
      and to all enthusiasts!!!!


    3. Hello !!! Thank you so much for info!!

      I will try to contact you by http://lugkar2.deviantart.com/ or just you could send me an email to (clavicordi@yahoo.es). I have a lot of music by Michael Haydn, my favourite composer forever!

      I will be really happy if you send me all about Haydn (books, music, etc) ... But specially, I am looking for the Missa Hispanica (Missa a due cori) score! Even all religion scores about him will be welcome for me!

      Don't hesitate to write me whenever you wish!

      Kind regards!
