dilluns, 14 de novembre del 2016

KELLY, Frederick Septimus (1881-1916) - Violin Sonata "Gallipoli" (1915)

Vasily Surikov - Girl portrait

- Recordatori de Frederick Septimus Kelly -
En el dia de la commemoració del seu 100è aniversari de decés

Parlem de Pintura...

Vasili Ivánovich Súrikov [Василий Иванович Суриков] (Krasnoiarsk, 24 de gener de 1848 - Moscou, 19 de març de 1916) va ser un pintor rus. L'any 1869 va entrar a estudiar a l'Acadèmia Imperial de les Arts de Sant Petersburg sota la supervisió de Pável Chistyakov i a on hi va romandre tres anys. El 1877 es va traslladar a Moscou on va pintar alguns frescs de la Catedral del Crist Salvador. El 1878 es va casar amb Yelizavete Avgustovne Share (1858-1888), néta del desembrista Pyotr Svistunov. L'any 1881 es va unir al moviment Peredvízhniki i des del 1893 va ser membre de ple dret de l'Acadèmia de Belles Arts de Sant Petersburg. Com a pintor va destacar per les seves obres de gran format i de dibuix precís i realista sobre temes històrics relacionats amb Rússia. Va morir a Moscou el març de 1916 sent considerat, juntament amb Ilya Repin, com un dels pintors russos més famosos del segle XIX.

Parlem de Música...

Frederick Septimus Kelly (Sydney, 29 de maig de 1881 - Beaucourt-sur-Ancre, 13 de novembre de 1916) va ser un pianista i compositor australià. Es va formar al Grammar School de Sydney (1891-92), a l'Eton College (1893-99) i al Balliol College d'Oxford (1900-03). A Anglaterra va participar activament en la vida musical però també en la vida esportiva sent fins i tot guanyador d'una medalla d'or en la regata olímpica del 1908. En aquells anys va estudiar a l'Hoch Konservatorium de Frankfurt amb Ernst Engesser i Iwan Knorr. Després de graduar-se el 1908, va viatjar a Sydney on va realitzar les seves primeres aparicions com a pianista. Poc després va tornar a Londres on també va debutar com a pianista. Com a president de la Classical Concert Society (1912-14), es va especialitzar ràpidament vers la música de cambra realitzant interpretacions acompanyat de Donald Tovey, Jelly d'Arányi i Pau Casals. El 1914 es va unir a Royal Naval Division, on va ascendir a tinent comandant, i va participar activament en la Primera Guerra Mundial. Dos anys més tard, el novembre de 1916, va morir abatut en el transcurs de la Batalla del Somme.


(selective list)

Vocal secular:

45 songs, 1v, pf, 1899–1915, incl. 2 Songs (W. Shakespeare, J. Todhunter), op.1, 1901–3;
6 Songs (P.B. Shelley and others), op.6, 1909–13


Scherzo, c, 1905;
Suite, E , 1905–8;
Serenade, e, op.7, fl/vn, hn, str, 1911, arr. fl, pf, 1914;
Elegy, str, hp, 1915–16

Sonata, d, vn, pf, 1901;
Str Trio, b, op.8, 1910–11;
Sonata, G, vn, pf, 1915–16

In May, 1895;
Irish Air with Variations, 1898;
Theme, Variations and Fugue, op.5, 2 pf, 1905–13;
Waltz–Pageant, op.2a, 4 hands, 1905–12, op.2b, solo, 1911–13;
Allegro de concert, op.3, 1907–13;
A Cycle of Lyrics, op.4, 1907–10;
12 Studies, op.9, 1908–15;
Rule Britannia (Arne, arr. Kelly), 2 pf, 1910;
Sonata, t, 1910–14; Jig, 1912;
Polka, 1912–15;
24 Monographs, 1912-15

2 preludes, 1914–15

Font: En català: Frederick Septimus Kelly (1881-1916) En castellano: No disponible In english: Frederick Septimus Kelly (1881-1916) - Altres: Frederick Septimus Kelly (1881-1916)

Parlem en veu pròpia o en veu d'altri...

Frederick Kelly's Violin Sonata in G is the centre-piece of the programme. It has been given the subtitle Gallipoli where he was posted in 1915, a year before his death on the Somme. The work was written for the violinist Jelly d'Aranyi with whom Kelly had given recitals pre-War. Marshall-Luck hears remembrance of times past in the work - others might simply hear music of a rather conservative stance. Certainly, it is remarkable that any Art of worth could be formed in the environment of total War but Marshall-Luck quotes Leonard Borwick, a pianist and friend of Kelly, who said; "It is not the discomfort of the trenches that bears most hardly upon him ... with high explosive and gas shells dropping all around ... what 'gave him no peace' was an ... overmastering concern that his utterance might not lack one perfecting touch or last fine shade of expression." This says to me that the drive to write the work is an internal one to create something of beauty and worth - regardless of the immediate environment. That this is a worthy and serious work is not in doubt but I struggle to hear in it the quality and individuality that oozes from the Bax in every bar. Do not forget Bax was two years younger than Kelly but in 1915 he was in one of the great floods of his inspiration with a level of genius that leaves Kelly in the shade. The death of any person in war is a tragic loss but I do wonder if the tragedy here is what dictates the music being recorded rather than it having any exceptional worth in its own right. Kelly's Sonata is in the standard three movements with rather extended opening and middle movements over-balancing the terse, but most interesting, Finale - based on a Ground. Marshall-Luck writes persuasively and passionately about the level of invention and intent in the music and I can hear what he means but this leaves me relatively unmoved. The musical influences sound more Germanic than British - certainly no trace of the folksong revival here and perhaps not wholly surprising given his post-graduate training in Frankfurt. In purely objective terms I find it hard to believe that if Kelly had survived, given the stature and genius of the generation of composers into which he was born, his reputation would have been other than as a minor composer.

Nick Barnard (source/font: aquí)

Gaudiu i compartiu! 

Informació addicional... 

INTERPRETS: Rupert Marshall-Luck (violin); Matthew Rickard (piano)
AMAZON: Dream Shadows
CPDL: No disponible
SPOTIFY: Dream Shadows

Tant si us ha agradat, com si no, opineu, és lliure i fàcil!

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